Kansan1225: Delusions of grandeur
(too old to reply)
2004-01-08 13:10:27 UTC
Subject: Fox - Michael J. set for TV Return
Date: 1/7/2004 1:07 AM Central Standard Time
Michael J. Fox Set for TV Return
Ailing actor Michael J. Fox is set for a return to TV - as a surgeon.
The Back To The Future star, who was forced to give up his role in hit
sitcom Spin City after he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, will play
a surgeon in two February episodes of hit show Scrubs.
Fox's doctor character suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder. The
episodes featuring the actor begin this week.
Copyright World Entertainment News Network
From Sunny Oz, Rick :)
Proud Keeper of the talented & beautiful Halle Berry.
In late August 2003 Michael J. Fox released some DVDs featuring his
favorite "Spin City" episodes, including some with Our Lady Heidi Klum. During
that same time Empress Heidi was visiting Poland.

This was the Entities' way of making me realize that "Michael J." is a
reference to "Mikolaj", the Polish version of "Nicholas", my name.

You see, the TV romance between Heidi and Fox, originally broadcast in
1998 and 1999, foreshadowed the real life love affair between Heidi and me:

*** On "Spin City" Heidi makes the first step and asks out Michael on a
date. In real life, too, Heidi made the first step and contacted me in
private. I have not written about that little item in the Newsgroups yet.

*** Heidi is much taller than Michael; in a similar manner, Heidi is
much, much more famous than me.

*** Heidi broke up with Michael temporarily, because he had revealed
their secret relationship. Heidi broke up with me, too, temporarily one year
ago, from October 16 to December 9, 2002, because I had bragged in the
Newsgroups about my relationship with her.

Today and tomorrow the "Spin City" re-runs are the first two Heidi
episodes, titled "Dead dog talking" and "There's something about Heidi". David
Letterman appears as the dog and Conan O'Brien, too, as a Central Park worker.

One year ago today Heidi wrote her third and most recent letter to me.
She had it mailed and postmarked in New York City on January 9, 2003. The
letter contained a treasured autograph, the fourth of five autographs she has
given to me, and a very important secret message, that I have not disclosed in
the Newsgroups yet.

Over the last few months I have written about this analogy between
Michael J. Fox and myself. Now the Entities confirm it in a very public manner
by having Fox play a doctor with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) on
"Scrubs". I think it is obvious to all of you, dear readers, that I, Dr.
Kaffes, exhibit obsessive-compulsive behavior, too.

By the way, my wife Dina has contacted a psychiatrist here in Houston and
is about to make an appointment for me. I will go and see this mental health
professional and discuss:

*** My "delusions of grandeur": I believe that I am a Prophet.

*** My "delusions of reference": I think that the HBO series
"Carnivale" is all about Heidi and me:


I think that the "Carnivale" characters Brother Justin and Ben Hawkins
represent me, whereas Heidi is represented by the character Sofie. I also
think that the coffeeshop owner, who impregnated Sofie, symbolizes me, too.

*** My obsession with Ms. Heidi Klum: Over the past two and a half
years I live and breathe for Archangel Heidi. I can hardly sit at my desk to
type these lines, squeezing between piles of magazines with her covers and
binders containing printouts of my Newsgroup wisdom.

*** My compulsive communing with the Goddess: I commune with her on the
celestial plane at least five times a week.

I wonder if my psychiatrist will spell "religious excitation" correctly.

Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes, aka Kansan1225
2004-01-08 13:52:01 UTC
Subject: Re: Kansan1225: Delusions of grandeur
Date: 1/8/2004 7:28 AM Central Standard Time
Keeper of Bruce Willis
Yes, I have a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Chemical Engineering from
Caltech (1982). Ph.D.s can have mental health problems, too.

By the way, JAH, I liked your appearance on ABC's "Primetime" with Diane
Sawyer and Patricia Cornwell on December 11, 2003, discussing Bjork's stalker.
2004-01-08 17:37:02 UTC
Subject: Re: Kansan1225: Delusions of grandeur
Date: 1/8/2004 8:28 AM Central Standard Time
Post by NickKaffes
One year ago today Heidi wrote her third and most recent letter to
Post by NickKaffes
She had it mailed and postmarked in New York City on January 9, 2003. The
letter contained a treasured autograph, the fourth of five autographs she
Post by NickKaffes
given to me, and a very important secret message, that I have not
disclosed in
Post by NickKaffes
the Newsgroups yet.
"Best wishes, Heidi."
This secret message clearly indicates Heidi's corroboration that she is a
creation of aliens and a 21st-century holy virgin of planet Earth who longs
for Kansan's sperm. Anybody who can't see that just isn't looking hard
Well, the autograph's dedication reads:

To Nick
Hugs + Kisses
Heidi Klum
(heart sign)

That is her standard dedication to English-speaking fans. To
German-speaking fans she writes "Alles Liebe", i.e., "All Love".

However, the secret message was something else. I have promised Heidi
not to disclose it and will not do so, unless she lets me know otherwise.
2004-01-08 18:37:23 UTC
Subject: Re: Kansan1225: Delusions of grandeur
Date: 1/8/2004 11:55 AM Central Standard Time
Post by NickKaffes
By the way, my wife Dina has contacted a psychiatrist here in Houston
Post by NickKaffes
is about to make an appointment for me. I will go and see this mental
You really ought to take this act on the road, Nick. It's a shame to
waste such talent in a newsgroup.
BTW - How come there were no numbers in that post ?
(Remove DOH-SPAM to email)
There are some numbers and, most importantly, many dates in that post,
but the Entities have asked me not discuss them in public right now.

As far as taking my act on the road, the Entities have planned many, many
more chapters in the intertwined sagas of the Twin Prophets Heidi Klum and Nick

Meanwhile, everyone should be patient, including the two of us Prophets.