Sophia (Heidi Klum) flooded
(too old to reply)
2003-12-26 16:00:49 UTC
Subject: The extraordinary impregnation of Heidi Klum in "Carnivale"
Date: 12/26/2003 7:02 AM Central Standard Time
Subject: Re: Kansan is 51 today
Date: 12/25/2003 6:17 PM Central Standard Time
Happy Birthday, Kansan, and thank you for the many moments of fine
you have provided for we souls lost on the information super highway.
In a time and a land where many of the inhabitants roam around all consumed
with how they can get over on their fellow man, it is refreshing to find a
interested in the simple act of self expression.
Keep right on adoring your beloved Heidi for that will keep you happy and
far beyond your years.
Thank you very much, George, for your comments. I also wish to thank
e-mail friends who wrote to wish me a happy birthday.
Yesterday my wife Dina and I had dinner at our house with our friends
Kyriakos and Danae. They are from Greece and Cyprus and do not have any
in Houston, just like us. They have two daughters, like us, and we go to
house for Thanksgiving and they come to us for Christmas.
Dina and Danae prepared a birthday cake for me with 5 candles. I asked
them why just 5 and not 51. Is it because I behave like a 5-year-old?
Anyway, here is the latest on Frau Klum and Signore Briatore. Flavio
flew into Cologne's airport in his private jet on Monday afternoon from
He was met with an intimate hug from Heidi. He then declared to the
newspeople that he was happy about "their" baby. (He forgot to mention that
has demanded that Heidi submit to a DNA test to establish the identity of the
baby's father.)
He had many Christmas presents brought off the airplane from London's
"Harrod's" department store, including baby gear. They went to Heidi's
parents' house in nearby Bergisch Gladbach and stayed there Monday night.
Later on, all four of them flew to Taufers, South Tyrol, in northern Italy to
spend Christmas in the snow-covered Alps. They are still there today. Here
Loading Image...
I had thought that Heidi and Flavio might get married on Christmas Day
mimic St. Adelheid and Otto I, who were married on Christmas Day in 951 AD,
no such news has surfaced, as of this moment. (By the way, when Heidi
announced her pregnancy on December 16, the feast day of St. Adelheid, she
stated that her divorce from first husband Ric Pipino has been finalized.
said that she had kept this very significant piece of news hidden from the
As my Christmas gift to the World-wide public that read my Newsgroup
messages, today I reveal the character who symbolizes Heidi in the HBO series
"Carnivale". I had already let some of my e-mail friends and Heidi herself,
course, know this, as soon as the series premiered in September 2003.
As I have written before, I am represented by Ben Hawkins, played by
Stahl, and Brother Justin, played by Clancy BROWN. They represent the light
and dark sides of my personality, respectively. My last name, Kaffes, means
"coffee" in Greek, and also "brown", the color of coffee. Thus, my name,
Kaffes, means NICK BROWN in English.
My wife Dina is represented by Sister Iris, the sister of Brother
"Carnivale" takes place in 1934 and in Episode 2 some of the characters
discuss Babe Ruth's upcoming 700th home run. Babe Ruth hit that home run on
July 13, 1934.
In Episode 4 Sofie loses her virginity to a coffee shop owner.
In Episode 5 some of the characters discuss the murder of Austrian
Dollfuss by the Nazis. The murder took place on July 25, 1934.
These data establish that Sofie (Heidi) had sex with the coffee shop
owner some time in mid-July.
Later on, the Carnivale people wind up in New Mexico, around the time
El Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, i.e., All Souls' Day, November 1.
Sofie throws up then, a reference to morning sickness, caused by pregnancy.
Apparently, Sofie had been impregnated by the coffee shop owner. On
November 13, 2003, Heidi starred in this year's Victoria's Secret fashion
and there was a small "bump" in her tummy, revealing her pregnancy to those
with a keen interest in her. Heidi also wrote in her RTL TV column that this
year she had not trained excessively with David Kirsch to prepare for the VS
show. Apparently, she was afraid that she would lose the baby, if she
exercised too strenuously.
So, who is this coffee shop owner, who impregnated Sofie (Heidi)?
First of all: "coffee" = "kaffes" in Greek, i.e., me, Nick Kaffes.
Second: There is great emphasis in Episode 4 on the exact time when the
coffee shop owner and Sofie (Heidi) meet: He looks at his watch and a wall
I.e., a clear reference to my screen name, Kansan1225, that is based
my birthday, 12/25, December 25.
Before Sofie (Heidi) loses her virginity to the coffee shop owner (me),
they talk to each other at the counter. On the backgound wall, in between
"Great coffee"
I.e., "Nick Kaffes is great".
As I have written before, I symbolically impregnated Heidi during my
visit to Bergisch Gladbach this past Summer. It happened at around 12:10 am
Monday, July 14, 2003. I was in my hotel room and Heidi was at her parents'
house a couple of miles away.
Episode 12, the last episode of Carnivale's first season, opens with
"More coffee?"
I.e., "Is there a little Kaffes brewing in Heidi's tummy?"
I wrote the above message this morning and posted it to various
Newsgroups. When I came to alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox, I saw a
message by a fellow Greek, named Nick, like myself, that the St. Sophia Camp in
San Bernardino, California, was flooded and buried by mudslides yesterday
afternoon, on Christmas Day:


This Camp belongs to St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Los Angeles
(Pico Blvd.).

My wife Dina and I had stayed at the St. Sophia camp several times, when
I was a Ph.D. student at Caltech (1977-1981).

"Sophia" means "Wisdom" in Greek and the Los Angeles Cathedral is
dedicated to the Holy Wisdom of God.

In my message above I had just publicly identified the character Sofie of
HBO's "Carnivale" with Our Lady Heidi Klum. The Entities concurred with my
identification by pointing at Sophia in San Bernardino.

The City of Constantine (Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, Turkey)
is famous for her Cathedral, the Church of Hagia Sophia, the Holy Wisdom of

The last King of Greece is Constantine the 13th and his sister is Queen
Sophia of Spain. Their mother was Queen Frederika of Greece, a German Princess
from Hannover.

I just watched a CNN news report about the mudslide at the St. Sophia
Camp, presided over by anchorwoman Fredricka Whitfield, a clear reference to
Queen Frederika, the mother of King Constantine and Queen Sophia.

CNN, the employer of Fredricka Whitfield, and HBO, that shows the
pregnant Heidi Klum as the pregnant Sofie of "Carnivale", are both subsidiaries
of the same corporation, AOL Time Warner.
2003-12-26 16:38:40 UTC
Subject: Re: Sophia (Heidi Klum) flooded
Date: 12/26/2003 10:10 AM Central Standard Time
I saw a message by a fellow Greek, named Nick, like myself, that the St.
Sophia Camp
in San Bernardino, California, was flooded and buried by mudslides
This Camp belongs to St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Los
(Pico Blvd.).
My wife Dina and I had stayed at the St. Sophia Camp several times,
when I was a Ph.D. student at Caltech (1977-1981).
"Sophia" means "Wisdom" in Greek and the Los Angeles Cathedral is
dedicated to the Holy Wisdom of God.
In my message above I had just publicly identified the character
of HBO's "Carnivale" with Our Lady Heidi Klum. The Entities
concurred identification by pointing at Sophia in San Bernardino.
And the flooding is an *obvious* Freudian symbol of Heidi Klum's
fecundity. It's the Entities' way of telling you she's ready to be
By everyone.
Except you, of course.
No, the Entities inundated the St. Sophia Camp, the same way that my
potent sperm flooded and fertilized Heidi, even though I was in my hotel room
and she was a couple of miles away at her parents' house in Bergisch Gladbach.

Heidi and I symbolize powerful Divinities and if we were to actually
physically meet, this could bring about the End of the Age.
2003-12-26 17:40:27 UTC
Subject: Re: Sophia (Heidi Klum) flooded
Date: 12/26/2003 11:03 AM Central Standard Time
Post by Kansan1225
Subject: Re: Sophia (Heidi Klum) flooded
Date: 12/26/2003 10:10 AM Central Standard Time
I saw a message by a fellow Greek, named Nick, like myself, that the St.
Sophia Camp
in San Bernardino, California, was flooded and buried by mudslides
This Camp belongs to St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Los
(Pico Blvd.).
My wife Dina and I had stayed at the St. Sophia Camp several
Post by Kansan1225
when I was a Ph.D. student at Caltech (1977-1981).
"Sophia" means "Wisdom" in Greek and the Los Angeles Cathedral is
dedicated to the Holy Wisdom of God.
In my message above I had just publicly identified the character
of HBO's "Carnivale" with Our Lady Heidi Klum. The Entities
concurred identification by pointing at Sophia in San Bernardino.
And the flooding is an *obvious* Freudian symbol of Heidi Klum's
fecundity. It's the Entities' way of telling you she's ready to be
By everyone.
Except you, of course.
No, the Entities inundated the St. Sophia Camp, the same way that my
potent sperm flooded and fertilized Heidi, even though I was in my hotel
Post by Kansan1225
and she was a couple of miles away at her parents' house in Bergisch
Post by Kansan1225
Heidi and I symbolize powerful Divinities and if we were to actually
physically meet, this could bring about the End of the Age.
well, if it would stop your inane crossposting and sperm-obsessed
missives, i say let's get you two crazy kids together!
I think that Heidi and I will indeed meet physically at some point in
time, but this will probably take place after the Tribulations predicted in the
Book of Revelation.
2003-12-26 17:59:27 UTC
Subject: Re: Sophia (Heidi Klum) flooded
Date: 12/26/2003 11:41 AM Central Standard Time
Post by Kansan1225
Subject: Re: Sophia (Heidi Klum) flooded
Date: 12/26/2003 11:03 AM Central Standard Time
Post by Kansan1225
Subject: Re: Sophia (Heidi Klum) flooded
Date: 12/26/2003 10:10 AM Central Standard Time
I saw a message by a fellow Greek, named Nick, like myself, that the
Post by Kansan1225
Post by Kansan1225
Sophia Camp
in San Bernardino, California, was flooded and buried by mudslides
This Camp belongs to St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Los
(Pico Blvd.).
My wife Dina and I had stayed at the St. Sophia Camp several
Post by Kansan1225
when I was a Ph.D. student at Caltech (1977-1981).
"Sophia" means "Wisdom" in Greek and the Los Angeles Cathedral
Post by Kansan1225
Post by Kansan1225
dedicated to the Holy Wisdom of God.
In my message above I had just publicly identified the
Post by Kansan1225
Post by Kansan1225
of HBO's "Carnivale" with Our Lady Heidi Klum. The Entities
concurred identification by pointing at Sophia in San Bernardino.
And the flooding is an *obvious* Freudian symbol of Heidi Klum's
fecundity. It's the Entities' way of telling you she's ready to be
By everyone.
Except you, of course.
No, the Entities inundated the St. Sophia Camp, the same way that
Post by Kansan1225
Post by Kansan1225
potent sperm flooded and fertilized Heidi, even though I was in my hotel
Post by Kansan1225
and she was a couple of miles away at her parents' house in Bergisch
Post by Kansan1225
Heidi and I symbolize powerful Divinities and if we were to
Post by Kansan1225
Post by Kansan1225
physically meet, this could bring about the End of the Age.
well, if it would stop your inane crossposting and sperm-obsessed
missives, i say let's get you two crazy kids together!
I think that Heidi and I will indeed meet physically at some point in
time, but this will probably take place after the Tribulations predicted in
Post by Kansan1225
Book of Revelation.
did you realize i was being sarcastic? i wasn't *really* suggesting
that you two would ever be together, you know....
or have i lost my touch as regards *pith* in a post?
Heidi is the most important woman in the World today, a favorite of the
Entities. Her fame and glory grow day by day.

At the same time, the Entities confirm the truth of my messages through
terrible signs, like the flooding of the St. Sophia Camp, and wonderful
miracles, like my long-distance fertilization of Goddess Heidi.

Our future meeting is just a matter of time, as in AOL TIME Warner.