Most loathsome!
(too old to reply)
Neil Bates
2007-01-22 01:44:30 UTC
Again I say, and to a wider audience:
Don't miss http://buffalobeast.com/113/50_most_loathsome_2006.htm.
It is almost literally a scream. A bit rough on some of the targets,
but they cover the entire spectrum.
"Written by Allan Uthman & Ian Murphy
with contributions from Jacob Drum & Josh Bunting
Illustrations by Ian Murphy"
They *are* positively brilliant, E-prime be damned, and don't get a gnat's
worth of credit for it out there, AFAIK.
Rev. 11D Meow!
2007-01-22 02:01:32 UTC
Post by Neil Bates
Don't miss
It is almost literally a scream. A bit rough on some of the
but they cover the entire spectrum.
"Written by Allan Uthman & Ian Murphy
with contributions from Jacob Drum & Josh Bunting
Illustrations by Ian Murphy"
They *are* positively brilliant, E-prime be damned, and don't
get a gnat's
worth of credit for it out there, AFAIK.
Is it posted on YouTube also?
Neil Bates
2007-01-22 02:15:25 UTC
Post by Rev. 11D Meow!
Don't miss http://buffalobeast.com/113/50_most_loathsome_2006.htm.
It is almost literally a scream. A bit rough on some of the targets,
but they cover the entire spectrum.
"Written by Allan Uthman & Ian Murphy
with contributions from Jacob Drum & Josh Bunting
Illustrations by Ian Murphy"
They *are* positively brilliant, E-prime be damned, and don't get a gnat's
worth of credit for it out there, AFAIK.
Is it posted on YouTube also?
No, but a YouTube version would be awesome ...

Hey, your 11D is a stringy thingy, no?
Rev. 11D Meow!
2007-01-22 02:35:35 UTC
Post by Neil Bates
Post by Rev. 11D Meow!
Post by Neil Bates
Don't miss
It is almost literally a scream. A bit rough on some of the
but they cover the entire spectrum.
"Written by Allan Uthman & Ian Murphy
with contributions from Jacob Drum & Josh Bunting
Illustrations by Ian Murphy"
They *are* positively brilliant, E-prime be damned, and
don't get a gnat's
worth of credit for it out there, AFAIK.
Is it posted on YouTube also?
No, but a YouTube version would be awesome ...
Hey, your 11D is a stringy thingy, no?
berzactly, yes... meow purrrr

I'll read the article you post and see.
been looking for a script for a YouTube topless post. ;-)

Who do I need to speak with
to get permission to video the thing, eh?
