Michael J. Fox imitates Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes
(too old to reply)
2004-02-11 17:32:55 UTC
Last night Michael J. Fox, who symbolized me, Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes,
a.k.a. Kansan1225, in the Empress Heidi Klum episodes of "Spin City", returned
to TV in the NBC series "Scrubs".

On "Scrubs" Michael J. Fox plays a doctor with obsessive-compulsive
disorder (OCD) who keeps saying and writing his own name, "Dr. Kevin Casey".
He will be back next Tuesday, the day after I, Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes, am
scheduled to see my prospective psychiatrist, Dr. Sue, for the first time.

Tonight Michael J. Fox, a.k.a. Dr. Kevin Casey, will appear on the Conan
O'Brien show, exactly 52 weeks after Our Lady Heidi Klum's most recent
appearance with Conan (Wednesday, February12, 2003). Empress Heidi, the
prospective mother of my third daughter, can also be seen on the cover of the
February 2004 issue of the British edition of "ELLE" magazine. Her cover story
starts on p. 52!!!

For more on the celestial relationship between Archangel Heidi and me,
Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes, please visit the German Forum of her official Web site

2004-02-12 05:50:11 UTC
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox imitates Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes
Date: 2/11/2004 2:20 PM Central Standard Time
Post by Kansan1225
Tonight Michael J. Fox, a.k.a. Dr. Kevin Casey, will appear on
the Conan O'Brien show, exactly 52 weeks after Our Lady Heidi Klum's
most recent appearance with Conan (Wednesday, February12, 2003).
Empress Heidi, the prospective mother of my third daughter, can also
be seen on the cover of the February 2004 issue of the British
edition of "ELLE" magazine. Her cover story starts on p. 52!!!
Goodness. As a very occasional visitor, I admit that I'm not up on
the stories around here, but I'm a bit surprised at this "prospective
mother" talk (if not at the "prospective psychiatrist" talk).
Kansan, last I noticed, you had a wife which somehow tolerated your
veneration of a celebrity. But back then, I thought that the
relationship you imagined was more a chaste (or betrothed) knight to
his lady. How's the Missus taking this prospective mother
Jesse F. Hughes
"C is for Cookie. That's good enough for me."
Cookie Monsters
My wife Constance "Dina" did not like it when I told her on December 24
that I had fathered Heidi's baby and that is when she got in touch with Dr.
Sue, the psychiatrist. As a model husband, I accepted my wife's wish and I'll
see Dr. Sue this coming Monday, February 16.

However, when I told Dina on January 31 that Heidi is planning to name
our baby girl Helene, she mellowed out. You see, now Dina and little Helene
will be celebrating their name days on the same day, May 21, the feast day of
the Saints Constantine and Helena.

Baby Helene is due to be born around May, on or about her name day, May
2004-02-12 06:32:21 UTC
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox imitates Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes
Date: 2/11/2004 11:27 PM Central Standard Time
Post by Kansan1225
Tonight Michael J. Fox, a.k.a. Dr. Kevin Casey, will appear on the Conan
O'Brien show, exactly 52 weeks after Our Lady Heidi Klum's most recent
appearance with Conan (Wednesday, February12, 2003). Empress Heidi, the
Sugar, was THIS gal hallucinatin' when I spied Heidi on CONAN during the
show's "Strokes Month" (last Nov.).
Oops! I was wrong. Yes, Heidi's most recent appearance on Conan's show
was on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, when she showed up with her 12-foot, white
and gold Archangel wings from the Victoria's Secret fashion show.

Sorry, Heidi!

The November appearance on Conan is related to her appearance at the
"Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" premiere in Los Angeles (Wednesday, June 18,
2003), when she had a very similar hairstyle on.
It's possible I *was*, 'cuz I was STUNned to see HK looking more like Moi
than like what I remembered her looking like!! (?!) Her hair was uber-pale &
brushed-smooth -- which is THIS gal's usual-coif (current curls
notwithstanding) -- & her duds (a tightish, VOGUEish navy-suit) are sittin'
in the city-side of THIS gal's armoire.
Dang straight!!
Heck, I ~had~ always thought of HK as a brunette or *dirty*-blonde who
dressed in 'talentless German sausage' casing.
Heidi's natural hair color is light brown, but since November 2002 she
has appeared as a platinum blonde.
Curious hugs,
Janice, who felt like scratchin' HK's eyes out when she dressed up as Moi
for Jules.
(-)> *peep* (-)> *peep* (-)> *muckmouth*
I understand how you feel, Janice. Sometimes I feel very jealous when
Heidi appears in public with various men. Luckily, she knows how to take care
of me and smooth my feelings.

It may be that you and Julian Casablancas are celestial soulmates, the
same way that Heidi and I are.

It may be that the Entities did indeed arrange for Heidi to appear like
you on Conan's show, when Jules was there. Heidi would not have been aware of
the Entities' inspiring her to do that.

Also, try and see if various movies and TV shows refer to you and Jules.
It's possible.

In my case, I have found out that the HBO series "Carnivale" is about
Heidi and me, as well as the Heidi "Spin City" episodes.
2004-02-12 13:02:51 UTC
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox imitates Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes
Date: 2/12/2004 2:16 AM Central Standard Time
What's you Doctorate in? And what Uni did you get it from?
I have been awarded the following degrees:

*** Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) by the City College of New York
(CCNY) in February 1975. This degree is "Summa cum Laude", the top academic

*** Master of Science (Chemical Engineering) by the California Institute
of Technology (Caltech, in Pasadena, CA) in June 1976.

*** Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering) by Caltech in June 1982.

*** Master of Business Administration (MBA) by Rutgers, the State
University of New Jersey, in June 1986.

I probably am the most schooled man in Ms. Klum's life.
2004-02-13 05:43:42 UTC
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox imitates Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes
Date: 2/12/2004 8:45 AM Central Standard Time
Post by Kansan1225
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox imitates Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes
Date: 2/12/2004 2:16 AM Central Standard Time
What's you Doctorate in? And what Uni did you get it from?
*** Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) by the City College of New
Post by Kansan1225
(CCNY) in February 1975. This degree is "Summa cum Laude", the top
Post by Kansan1225
*** Master of Science (Chemical Engineering) by the California
Post by Kansan1225
of Technology (Caltech, in Pasadena, CA) in June 1976.
*** Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering) by Caltech in June
Post by Kansan1225
*** Master of Business Administration (MBA) by Rutgers, the State
University of New Jersey, in June 1986.
I probably am the most schooled man in Ms. Klum's life.
Are you sure you have not handled just a few to many chemicals?
I am always very careful when I handle chemicals and, thank God, I have
never had a major mishap in the lab or factory.

One of the strangest "coincidences" surrounding Heidi and me is the

I, who claim to be her symbolic father (as well as the natural father of
her coming baby daughter), am a chemical engineer.

Heidi's natural father, Guenther, is a chemical industry professional,
too. He used to be the production manager for "4711", the world-famous company
that produces authentic Eau de Cologne. He left "4711" in 1996 to be Heidi's
full-time manager. The following link provides some more information about
Guenther Klum:


Guenther was producing aromas for "4711", whereas my specialty is
aromatic chemicals.
2004-02-13 15:16:12 UTC
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox imitates Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes
Date: 2/12/2004 11:11 AM Central Standard Time
Post by Kansan1225
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox imitates Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes
Date: 2/12/2004 2:16 AM Central Standard Time
What's you Doctorate in? And what Uni did you get it from?
*** Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) by the City College of New
Post by Kansan1225
(CCNY) in February 1975. This degree is "Summa cum Laude", the top
Post by Kansan1225
*** Master of Science (Chemical Engineering) by the California
Post by Kansan1225
of Technology (Caltech, in Pasadena, CA) in June 1976.
*** Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering) by Caltech in June
Post by Kansan1225
*** Master of Business Administration (MBA) by Rutgers, the State
University of New Jersey, in June 1986.
I probably am the most schooled man in Ms. Klum's life.
Must have cost quite a bit to study those.
At CCNY I had a full tuition scholarship and my parents in Greece,
Alexander and Caterina Kaffes, used to send me money for my living expenses. I
supplemented my income by working as a tutor.

At Caltech I had full tuition scholarships and research fellowships,
i.e., the university was paying me on a monthly basis for my research on my
doctoral thesis.

I graduated with a Ph.D. without having to take a loan to cover my
expenses as a student.

I attended Rutgers for my MBA in the evening, while working for the
largest prescription drug company in the World. That company paid for my
Rutgers tuition.
