Really funny New Rules
(too old to reply)
Shannon Jacobs
2007-05-28 19:10:33 UTC

The transcript is not available yet, but it will be at the next URL in
a few days. They're kind of slow about it.


Those were great New Rules, especially the part about Jimmy Carter not
sticking to his guns and the truth. The summary of previously sucky
presidents was good, too, and the "smörgåsbord of suck" line.

The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a
war. Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.
2007-05-30 09:12:03 UTC
Post by Shannon Jacobs
The transcript is not available yet, but it will be at the next URL in
a few days. They're kind of slow about it.
Those were great New Rules, especially the part about Jimmy Carter not
sticking to his guns and the truth. The summary of previously sucky
presidents was good, too, and the "smörgåsbord of suck" line.
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a
war. Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.
Now, as for Carter's assertion, I was up all night on Wikipedia doing
an exhaustive study of former presidents. And while other presidents
have sucked in their own individual ways, Bush is like a smorgasbord
of "suck." He -- he combines the corruption of Warren G. Harding, the
war-mongering of James Polk, and the abuse of power of Richard Nixon.

Nixon got in trouble for illegally wiretapping Democratic
headquarters. Bush is illegally wiretapping the entire country!

Nixon opened up relations with the Chinese. Bush let them poison your

Herbert Hoover, who was literally named after a machine that sucks--
sat on his ass through four years of Depression, but he was an actual
engineer. And if someone told him about global warming, he would have
understood it before the penguins caught on fire.

Ulysses S. Grant let his cronies loot the republic, but he won his
Civil War.

Harding...Harding sucked, but he once said, "I am not fit for this
office and never should have been here." So at least he knew he
sucked. He never walked offstage like Bush does after one of his
embarrassing, language-mangling press conferences--with that smirk on
his face like, "Nailed it!" Or maybe that's just the look you get when
you have a showdown with the Democrats, and you win. Like he just did
with Iraq. You don't get to become the worst president ever without a
little help from the other side.

You know, I like Jimmy Carter, but when the -- when the Republican
"fake outrage" machine pretended to be so upset at his remarks, Carter
did what Democrats do, and backed down. He said his words were
careless and misquoted, and the sun was in his eyes, and his hearing
aid went out, and he was molested by a clergyman.

Instead of looking them in the eye and saying, "No, I meant what I
said because it's true! And speaking as the first citizen of Habitat
for Humanity, let me take out my Jimmy Carter toolbox and build you a
house where we can meet, and you can blow me."
Shannon Jacobs
2007-06-03 10:39:16 UTC
Thanks for adding the partial transcript (appearing below). This next link
should be the permanent reference to the full transcript:


It's worth comparing this new one with this classic New Rules from a couple
of years ago:


President Hoover is also prominent in this one. I wish they included video
links with the transcripts on HBO's website. I think his nailed-it delivery
was better for that one, though I don't really see any specific lines that
are as sharp as the ones you selected below.

Dubya's legacy: Domestic laughingstock and international... international...
I'm finding myself at a loss to pick a single word that describes the sheer
magnitude of Dubya's miserable failures as perceived from outside the
States, in what I laughingly think of as "the real world". There are a
number of candidates. Treaty-breaker. Rude arse. Archetype of the asinine
ignoramus. Uniter--but he unites the world *AGAINST* America as he
represents it. I suppose we should be thankful he doesn't count as a
tourist? American tourists already had a shaky reputation...

Sounds like a challenge for Bill Maher? Or has he done some New Rules that
focus on Dubya's international blunders? I don't particularly recall any.
Since that September 2005 New Rules, I've tried to keep up with his New
Rules, but I've probably missed some.
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by Shannon Jacobs
The transcript is not available yet, but it will be at the next URL
in a few days. They're kind of slow about it.
Those were great New Rules, especially the part about Jimmy Carter
not sticking to his guns and the truth. The summary of previously
sucky presidents was good, too, and the "smörgåsbord of suck" line.
Now, as for Carter's assertion, I was up all night on Wikipedia doing
an exhaustive study of former presidents. And while other presidents
have sucked in their own individual ways, Bush is like a smorgasbord
of "suck." He -- he combines the corruption of Warren G. Harding, the
war-mongering of James Polk, and the abuse of power of Richard Nixon.
Nixon got in trouble for illegally wiretapping Democratic
headquarters. Bush is illegally wiretapping the entire country!
Nixon opened up relations with the Chinese. Bush let them poison your
Herbert Hoover, who was literally named after a machine that sucks--
sat on his ass through four years of Depression, but he was an actual
engineer. And if someone told him about global warming, he would have
understood it before the penguins caught on fire.
Ulysses S. Grant let his cronies loot the republic, but he won his
Civil War.
Harding...Harding sucked, but he once said, "I am not fit for this
office and never should have been here." So at least he knew he
sucked. He never walked offstage like Bush does after one of his
embarrassing, language-mangling press conferences--with that smirk on
his face like, "Nailed it!" Or maybe that's just the look you get when
you have a showdown with the Democrats, and you win. Like he just did
with Iraq. You don't get to become the worst president ever without a
little help from the other side.
You know, I like Jimmy Carter, but when the -- when the Republican
"fake outrage" machine pretended to be so upset at his remarks, Carter
did what Democrats do, and backed down. He said his words were
careless and misquoted, and the sun was in his eyes, and his hearing
aid went out, and he was molested by a clergyman.
Instead of looking them in the eye and saying, "No, I meant what I
said because it's true! And speaking as the first citizen of Habitat
for Humanity, let me take out my Jimmy Carter toolbox and build you a
house where we can meet, and you can blow me."
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.
Shannon Jacobs
2007-06-03 10:52:44 UTC
Actually, poking around the Bill Maher stuff at the HBO website a bit more,
I did turn up some more international humor, but still not as rich as I'd
hoped. Just as an example:


On that page, I especially liked this one:

"There's one thing you must never, ever say about the Middle East: 'It can't
get worse.'" - PJ O'Rourke

The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.
