Reid pushing corporatist amnesty
(too old to reply)
2010-04-15 07:56:03 UTC
Reid is kowtowing to corporate interests again by trying to push
through an amnesty, he claims to be very close. Passing an amnesty
will encourage yet more illegal immigration, which will push down real
wages and working conditions because of the increased demand for jobs.
This is why so many agribusiness and other business and corporate
interests want amnesty.

It's vital to contact the Senate to oppose this. The Senators can be
found via http://senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
, and you can fax for free via http://www.numbersusa.com/content/action.html
guy be700
2010-04-15 13:05:24 UTC
Post by grotto_man
Reid is kowtowing to corporate interests again by trying to push
through an amnesty, he claims to be very close. Passing an amnesty
will encourage yet more illegal immigration, which will push down real
wages and working conditions because of the increased demand for jobs.
This is why so many agribusiness and other business and corporate
interests want amnesty.
It's vital to contact the Senate to oppose this. The Senators can be
found viahttp://senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
, and you can fax for free viahttp://www.numbersusa.com/content/action.html
Senator harry Reid is following in the footsteps of the conservatives'
icon, President Ronald Reagan. Recall that he decided to end the
problem of illegal aliens by legalizing them. Problem solved.
Apparently the conservatives and their piper, Limbaugh, forgot that
part of Reagan's myth. Both groups of the political system are
tratiors to the ideals of America and are just flunkies and panderers
for the wealthy.
2010-04-18 02:02:17 UTC
Post by grotto_man
Reid is kowtowing to corporate interests again by trying to push
through an amnesty, he claims to be very close. Passing an amnesty
will encourage yet more illegal immigration, which will push down real
wages and working conditions because of the increased demand for jobs.
This is why so many agribusiness and other business and corporate
interests want amnesty.
No they don't. Amnesty would force them to pay living wages to their
employees. You don't want that (because you want brown people's
children to suffer and die), and your GOP cult leaders don't want it
Arizona Willie
2010-04-18 04:48:51 UTC
Post by Phlip
Post by grotto_man
Reid is kowtowing to corporate interests again by trying to push
through an amnesty, he claims to be very close. Passing an amnesty
will encourage yet more illegal immigration, which will push down real
wages and working conditions because of the increased demand for jobs.
This is why so many agribusiness and other business and corporate
interests want amnesty.
No they don't. Amnesty would force them to pay living wages to their
employees. You don't want that (because you want brown people's
children to suffer and die), and your GOP cult leaders don't want it
Employers DO want amnesty the way it is being set up. The illegal has to
have a SPONSOR, an employer willing to stand up for him.

But the illegal is STILL not a citizen and not necessarily covered by the
laws which apply to citizens.

And, if the illegal complains about wages or working conditions the
employer can fire him and the illegal has to leave the country or go back
to standing on the corner again.

What employers DON'T want is for illegals to get CITIZENSHIP. Then they
WOULD be covered by our wage and safety laws and they COULD complain and
the employer couldn't fire them as easily.

So far all AMNESTY proposals have required the worker be sponsored by an
employer which effectively makes them slaves.

EVERY instance of domestic terrorism in the U.S.A. was committed by a

No liberal has ever committed an act of domestic terrorism.

MICHIGAN MILITIA ( stopped before they struck without using torture )
2010-04-18 05:57:32 UTC
Post by Arizona Willie
EVERY instance of domestic terrorism in the U.S.A. was committed by a
Including the false-flag ones. Point.
Post by Arizona Willie
No liberal has ever committed an act of domestic terrorism.
Uh, the Bagwan Shree Rajneesh tree-huggers in Oregon, IIRC, tried to
kill people by putting bacteria in a local cafeteria. This is one of
the first known acts of biological terrorism (in the modern world...).

What u are trying to say is left-wing terrorism is much, much less
common. That's because liberals are intelligent and can productively
solve disputes by talking... And liberals are not afraid of their own
