Kansan gives permission to Heidi Klum to marry Briatore
(too old to reply)
2004-01-07 12:32:04 UTC
Heidi, my lady, in May 2003 and later, in August and September, I told
you that ill consequences were likely to come to you because of your
association with FB, especially if you were to marry him.

Over the last few days I have received new messages from the Entities
that these ill consequences will not be very dire and will be survivable, in
any case. Therefore, you can go ahead and marry him, if that suits your own

I am not saying that you should marry him, or that it is a good idea to
marry him. As I told you in September, that old ring he gave you in Portofino
on June 2, 2003, is enough for the symbolism that is supposed to be worked
through the two of you.

Every night I pray for the continuing protection of my wife Dina and our
two daughters, you and our baby, and of the rest of our families, friends, and
colleagues. I will continue to do so and believe that the two of us will
emerge victorious in the end.

Our relationship, my Angel, is primarily celestial, but you chose to
cement it and bring it to the material plane during our night together in
Bergisch Gladbach, just after midnight on Monday, July 14, 2003.

Heidi, my love, I know you will take good care of our baby and my
thoughts are with you always.

All yours,

Nick Kaffes, aka Kansan1225
2004-01-08 01:05:31 UTC
Subject: Re: Kansan gives permission to Heidi Klum to marry Briatore
Date: 1/7/2004 4:46 PM Central Standard Time
Post by Kansan1225
Heidi, my lady, in May 2003 and later, in August and September, I
Post by Kansan1225
you that ill consequences were likely to come to you because of your
association with FB, especially if you were to marry him.
Over the last few days I have received new messages from the
Does this involve an aluminum helmet?
No. The Entities can send messages directly to my brain. The most
obvious examples were the dream I saw concerning actor Robert Duvall in the
dawn of September 26, 2003, and another dream they sent in the dawn of November
5, 2003.

I wrote about the first dream in the Newsgroups at that time. I have not
written about the second dream in the Newsgroups, but described it shortly
thereafter to my wife Dina, our friends Kyriakos and Danae, and Heidi.

At the times I was seeing these two dreams I knew that they were not
dreams of mine, but were being sent to me by an outside source. I knew that,
even though I was sleeping. It was sort of like watching TV.

This sort of beamed dream is a theme of the new HBO show "Carnivale".

The Entities also send me messages through various people I meet, through
their names, birthdays, etc., what they say to me, and so on.

Another way they send me messages is through various public events, such
as the recent marriage and annulment of Britney Spears.

Most of these messages are for my private guidance and my close friends,
not to be disclosed to the wider public.
2004-01-08 01:42:38 UTC
Subject: Re: Kansan gives permission to Heidi Klum to marry Briatore
Date: 1/7/2004 6:53 PM Central Standard Time
On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 22:22:37 +0000, Kevin Anthoney
I post to alt.atheism and other Newsgroups to let people know
Heidi's life and career provide indications of the existence of
Entities beyond our everyday experience. These Entities may be God
and His
Angels, or technologically advanced space aliens.
In either case, the Entities are benevolent and supervise the
of humanity towards a society worthy of becoming a part of the
community of
interstellar civilizations.
He's insane.
The person helping us to become worthy of interstellar
civilizations is a pregnant out of wedlock, over-paid fashion bimbo.
And this is the best advanced space aliens can come up with?
Warlord Steve
The Entities chose both Heidi and me, before the times of our births, to
be Prophets. She is my Pythia and I am her Hierophant. That is, she conducts
a cosmic dance and I interpret the meaning of this dance.

Some of our actions and words may seem strange, silly, or insane to most
people, but the meaning is understood by the unconscious side of the public
mind. The meaning will become intelligible to the conscious mind of the public
in the future.

I serve as Heidi's confidant, aide, and advisor. Over the last two weeks
I have given the public a glimpse of the private communications between the two
of us and made you aware of our secret meeting in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany,
during the night of July 13 to 14, 2003.

The task entrusted to the two of us is the advancement of all humanity,
more than six billion people. It will not happen overnight. Everyone has to
be patient, including the two of us Prophets.
