[O'Reilly Factor] Jon Stewart vs. Fox News, Part 87
(too old to reply)
2010-05-05 23:02:13 UTC
By Bill O'Reilly

As you may know, Jon Stewart, who hosts "The Daily Show" on the Comedy
channel, has emerged as the devoted critic of Fox News. And this is no
small matter in the liberal media.

"The Daily Show's" a key component of left-wing television because Mr.
Stewart is a smart guy who has big-time credibility with younger
Americans. What he says is cool; it's hip. He is in the know. So Jon's a
big time player in the current media war we're seeing in America.

Now as "Talking Points" has said before, I like Stewart. He's the second
most talented guy on cable TV. But there is no question that Jon
Stewart's a committed liberal. He lives in Tribeca for crying out loud.

Although to be fair, he has mocked far-left loons on occasion. But I
think I noticed a tear in his eye when he did it.

Apparently Stewart's main beef with FNC that we are hypocritical, that
we slant the news to make the Obama administration look bad, and we
generalize all day long about the American left. Enter Bernie Goldberg,
a frequent Stewart target. Bernie says the comedian himself is the one
embracing hypocrisy.


BERNIE GOLDBERG, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Clearly you want to be a social
commentator, more than just a comedian. And if you want to be a good
one, you better find some guts. How about those black columnists who
play the race card and generalize about Tea Party people being racists?
Why don't you go after them by name, and do it with the same passion and
gusto that you use when you're going after Fox people?


Well, after hearing that, Mr. Stewart devoted 11 minutes of his show
last night to mocking Bernie, me and Fox News in general.


JON STEWART, HOST, "THE DAILY SHOW": Look, I'm sorry I told you to go
(EXPLETIVE) yourself last week and that other time like six months ago I
told to you go (EXPLETIVE) yourself. I know that I criticize you and Fox
News a lot, but only because you're truly a terrible, cynical,
disingenuous news organization.

Oh, wait, you know what? No, that's the wrong approach. That's the wrong
approach. That's not — I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to be
confrontational. I'm going to take a minute to talk directly to Bernie
Goldberg. Baby, I don't want to fight, baby.


Sure he does. Sure he wants to fight. A brawl with FNC gives Stewart and
his 600 writers great material, just like it gives me, the sole writer
on "The Factor," great material.

But there are two serious points here. First, why are there no
conservative comedians with their own TV programs? The success of the
Fox News Channel shows there's a huge audience for non-liberal
presentations. And second, I'm now convinced that Jon Stewart likes us.
He really likes us. Sally Field told me that.

And it makes sense. A guy like Jon would be bored out of his mind
watching CNN or NBC News. He'd bang his head against the wall listening
to that predictable stuff.

But here, here, we have all kinds of views, all kinds of debates, and
we're not boring. That's why Jon Stewart loves us, and, yes, needs us,
especially Bernie Goldberg.

And that's "The Memo."
It is simply breathtaking to watch the glee and abandon with which
the liberal media and the Angry Left have been attempting to turn
our military victory in Iraq into a second Vietnam quagmire. Too bad
for them, it's failing.
2010-05-06 00:34:34 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
By Bill O'Reilly
As you may know, Jon Stewart, who hosts "The Daily Show" on the Comedy
channel, has emerged as the devoted critic of Fox News.
What does "the devoted critic of Fox News" mean? There are a million
devoted critics of Fox News.
Ken from Chicago
2010-05-06 09:19:26 UTC
Post by trotsky
Post by Ubiquitous
By Bill O'Reilly
As you may know, Jon Stewart, who hosts "The Daily Show" on the Comedy
channel, has emerged as the devoted critic of Fox News.
What does "the devoted critic of Fox News" mean? There are a million
devoted critics of Fox News.
Didn't Olbermann call dibs on that gig?

-- Ken from Chicago
2010-05-06 00:43:25 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
But there are two serious points here. First, why are there no
conservative comedians with their own TV programs?
They're all on Fox?
Post by Ubiquitous
But here, here, we have all kinds of views, all kinds of debates,
Yeah Bill. I liked that one you had with Al Franken. You know what a
debate is, don't you Bill? That's a venue where you don't control the
mike or the studio.
James Dale Guckert
2010-05-06 19:27:02 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
First, why are there no
conservative comedians with their own TV programs?
Fox News tried once.

Wow, was that unfunny.
2010-05-07 14:52:33 UTC
Post by James Dale Guckert
Post by Ubiquitous
First, why are there no
conservative comedians with their own TV programs?
Fox News tried once.
Wow, was that unfunny.
Their biggest flaw...which few cons get...is they take themselves far too
seriously. Which misses the mark of humor by a wide margin. They can never
be funny until they learn how to laugh at themselves too.

If you observe ANY successful comedians, they always mock themselves as well
as their targets. Stewart, Colbert, Letterman, Kimmel...I don't care who
you pick...they all know how to laugh at themselves. The righties seldom
get that. There are a few...but none that have a show. Why would Faux News
try getting into the comedy business anyway...when they have already
perfected it in their "normal" programming. They just don't know it.

Could someone dash off a memo maybe?
