What does Kansan look like?
(too old to reply)
2004-03-01 13:56:50 UTC
Subject: Re: Our loyal subject Leonid
Date: 2/29/2004 3:35 PM Central Standard Time
same age as me and looks about as emaciated as I do now at my final,
weight of 157 lbs (I am 5' 11"). That was the weight I had when I
from high school and it contains the coordinates of Heidi's hometown,
157: E. 7 Meridian and N. 51 Parallel
EAT some gyros & baklava, Kans!!
Hugs of concern,
(-)> *peep* (-)> *peep* (-)> *muckmouth*
Thank you for your concern, Janice. I am on the Cheryl Tiegs, Heidi
Klum, Dina Kaffes diet. Cheryl taught me to keep slim by not eating after 4
pm, Heidi is my reason for staying slim, and my wife Dina cooks the most
delicious fare imaginable. The good thing about my diet is that I can eat
everything, as long as I don't eat too much. This includes gyros, of course,
and Dina's sweet baklava.

The creators of the new James Bond videogame "Everything or Nothing" have
succeeded in showing my body type through that of actor Willem Dafoe, who plays
"Nikolai Diavolo", my alter ego. However, my face does not look much like that
of Dafoe's. I look more like Elvis Presley, or singer John Mayer, or British
actor Roger Moore, who used to play James Bond, prior to Pierce Brosnan:

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2004-03-01 21:23:30 UTC
Subject: Re: What does Kansan look like?
Date: 3/1/2004 2:21 PM Central Standard Time
Post by NickKaffes
Subject: Re: Our loyal subject Leonid
Date: 2/29/2004 3:35 PM Central Standard Time
same age as me and looks about as emaciated as I do now at my final,
weight of 157 lbs (I am 5' 11"). That was the weight I had when I
from high school and it contains the coordinates of Heidi's hometown,
157: E. 7 Meridian and N. 51 Parallel
EAT some gyros & baklava, Kans!!
Hugs of concern,
(-)> *peep* (-)> *peep* (-)> *muckmouth*
Thank you for your concern, Janice. I am on the Cheryl Tiegs, Heidi
Klum, Dina Kaffes diet. Cheryl taught me to keep slim by not eating after
Post by NickKaffes
Wow. What time do you hit the sack?!
I go to bed at 10:30 pm and am usually asleep by 11 pm. I have become
used to not eating dinner. My biggest meal of the day is breakfast.
Post by NickKaffes
Heidi is my reason for staying slim, and my wife Dina cooks the most
delicious fare imaginable. The good thing about my diet is that I can eat
everything, as long as I don't eat too much. This includes gyros, of
Post by NickKaffes
and Dina's sweet baklava.
The creators of the new James Bond videogame "Everything or Nothing" have
succeeded in showing my body type through that of actor Willem Dafoe, who plays
"Nikolai Diavolo", my alter ego. However, my face does not look much like that
of Dafoe's. I look more like Elvis Presley, or singer John Mayer, or
Post by NickKaffes
<wOlf whistle>
Funny, I always imagined you as looking like David Byrne from the Talking
Heads. Despite being Scottish, DB looks like one of them tall,
stately-looking Greeks -- comme "Argyron Stavropoulos" from Polanski's
My hair is dark brown, parted on the left, just like the photograph of
Sir Roger Moore above. My eyes are blue-green.

Janice, do you see the general similarity between Moore, Elvis Presley,


and John Mayer?

Anywho -- speakin' of Scots -- friends, kin & lovers who've seen the
Eurthymics "Who's That Girl?" have ALways said that THIS gal's mug is a
dead-ringer for Miss Annie's in said vid.
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I've never seen it; in fact, I've always thought I looked like MM, circa
(-)> *peep* (-)> *peep* (-)> *muckmouth*
I have always liked Annie Lennox a lot. I don't think she is very
beautful, but she is very pretty, sexy, and very interesting.

Marilyn Monroe (MM), of course, is a Goddess. Her modern avatar is Our
Lady Heidi Klum, whose birthday she shares (June 1).

Brother Nick Kaffes

Monroe Chapter, No. 75
Order of AHEPA
2004-03-01 21:49:48 UTC
Subject: Re: What does Kansan look like?
Date: 3/1/2004 2:30 PM Central Standard Time
Would you consent to a personal interview?
Sure. Please e-mail me at ***@aol.com, if you like, to arrange
the details.

Best regards,

Nick Kaffes, a.k.a. Kansan1225
} The creators of the new James Bond videogame "Everything or Nothing"
} succeeded in showing my body type through that of actor Willem Dafoe, who
} "Nikolai Diavolo", my alter ego. However, my face does not look much like
} of Dafoe's. I look more like Elvis Presley, or singer John Mayer, or