Kansan to see Dr. Sue on February 16
(too old to reply)
2004-02-03 15:38:01 UTC
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox donates sperm
Date: 2/3/2004 8:16 AM Central Standard Time
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox donates sperm
Date: 2/2/2004 9:45 AM Central Standard Time
A few months ago I came to the conclusion that the TV relationship
between Michael J. Fox and Our Lady Heidi Klum on "Spin City" is really
relationship between me, Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes, a.k.a. Kansan1225, and
Archangel Heidi.
I wonder what conclusion you would have come to if you were a "Wheel"
The celestial relationship between Heidi and me was written in the
many thousands of years ago. We were meant to find each other.
Yet you can't explain yourself in any way that makes sense, offer
proof or otherwise reveal anything that is useful to anyone that these
entities have done for anyone. Does that bother you?
Please spell "Entities" with a capital E. Let us be respectful.
The Heidi "Spin City" episodes come from the 1998-99 and 1999-2000
seasons of the series, before I fell in love with the Most Glorious
the Rhineland. That happened in the Spring of 2001.
Started pounding lager three years ago, eh?
I started writing about Heidi in the Newgroups four years ago, in
2000. I kept writing more and more about her and, when I saw her "Tatler"
magazine cover (May 2001 issue),
my reaction to her smile there made me realize that I had fallen in love
her. Since that time my love for her has grown more and more.
Most psychotic stalkers have the same reaction. You obviously think
you know something about her personally. Lucky for you you haven't
tried to contact her. Then it becomes a crime.
I have contacted her. I have written letters to her and she has sent me
back four beautifully autographed photographs on three separate occasions. She
has also, most graciously, let me be the most frequent poster at her official
Web site


at both her English and German Forums. Please visit her Web site and see for
yourself all the different messages of mine that Heidi has allowed to appear
This means that the Entities had planned our affair in detail a long
before the two of us started having feelings for each other.
Those ornery little Entities.
I can tell you this much, the Entities have a great sense of humor.
Considering your delusions are a big joke, I'd agree.
I am having fun, that's for sure.
Tomorrow's "Spin City" re-run deals with Mike Flaherty (played by
This is followed by the episodes "Klumageddon, Part 1" and
Part 2" on Tuesday and Wednesday.
As I have written in the past, the Latin name "Claudia" means
"club-footed", whereas Heidi's family name, "Klum", is related to the
word "Klumpfuss", meaning "club foot".
Related how? They share a syllable?
No. The family name "Klum" is sometimes spelled "Klumm", showing that
is derived from the root "Klump", meaning "lump", or "clod".
Begging the question. Because it has a similar spelling does in no way
prove it is derived. You are working on a false premise as most of
your arguments do. Heidi Klum doesn't know you exist.
Furthermore, I find no reference to Claudia meaning specifically "club
footed". Only that it means "lame".
That's right. "Claudius", or "Claudia", means "lame" in Latin,
"club-footed" to be more specific.
As I have explained, the baby girl that Empress Heidi is expecting
conceived through in vitro fertilization utilizing my sperm and one of
eggs. Heidi has confirmed that our baby will be named Helene and that way
name day will be on May 21, the feast day of the Saints Constantine, the
Christian Emperor, and Helena, his mother, the same name day as for my
That would be the wife who's all behind you Hangin' wit Heidi...
As you might expect, my wife did not like the fact that I have
fathered a
baby with Heidi,
Your wife wants you to have a head operation. Not much could make her
Yesterday Dina finally set an appointment for me to see Dr. Sue on
Monday, February 16. Dr. Sue is going to give me a complete neuropsychological
evaluation. That should be a lot of fun.
but on Saturday, when I told her that the baby will be named
Helene, Dina mellowed out, because now she can see that Heidi respects her.
She probably realized who you were muttering about and knew it was
just more of your insanity.
Dina was pleased with the name Helene for my baby with Heidi, because
that recognizes both Constance "Dina" and Heidi as "Equals to the Apostles",
the appellation of the Saints Constantine and Helena.
Meanwhile, the Entities want to stress the identification between
characters played by Michael J. Fox and myself, Dr. Kaffes, by having Fox
a doctor with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) on the series "Scrubs"
February (CBS, Tuesday evenings).
That's right, you're an admitted head job. Hey Nicky, How many
characters did I type?
I am obsessive-compulsive enough to count how many characters you've
typed, but I am also in control of my obsessions and can guide them as I
That's good. Then you don't need to know that the number of characters
I've typed has symbolic meaning in Heidi Klum's life.
I can't wait, Nicky.
Right now I'm waiting for tonight's "Spin City" episode, where Mike
donates his sperm for Claudia. Here in Houston it will be shown on the WB
See TV might be part of the problem here, Nick.
The Entitities use TV shows, movies, magazines, etc., to send me
messages. You are lucky to have me interpreting these messages for the general

If you watch the "Spin City" re-runs today and tomorrow, "Klumageddon,
Parts 1 and 2", you are bound to perceive some secret messages yourselves, too,
dear readers.
2004-02-04 00:17:01 UTC
Subject: Re: Kansan to see Dr. Sue on February 16
Date: 2/3/2004 1:23 PM Central Standard Time
Post by Kansan1225
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox donates sperm
Date: 2/3/2004 8:16 AM Central Standard Time
Subject: Re: Michael J. Fox donates sperm
Date: 2/2/2004 9:45 AM Central Standard Time
A few months ago I came to the conclusion that the TV relationship
between Michael J. Fox and Our Lady Heidi Klum on "Spin City" is really
relationship between me, Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes, a.k.a. Kansan1225, and
Archangel Heidi.
I wonder what conclusion you would have come to if you were a "Wheel"
The celestial relationship between Heidi and me was written in the
many thousands of years ago. We were meant to find each other.
Yet you can't explain yourself in any way that makes sense, offer
proof or otherwise reveal anything that is useful to anyone that these
entities have done for anyone. Does that bother you?
Please spell "Entities" with a capital E. Let us be respectful.
Nick, I don't believe in the entities. I dont' believe in anything you
have told me. I'm sure you can understand how difficult it is for
someone to show a superfluous level of respect to what they consider
to be the voices in your head.
Post by Kansan1225
The Heidi "Spin City" episodes come from the 1998-99 and 1999-2000
seasons of the series, before I fell in love with the Most Glorious
the Rhineland. That happened in the Spring of 2001.
Started pounding lager three years ago, eh?
I started writing about Heidi in the Newgroups four years ago, in
2000. I kept writing more and more about her and, when I saw her "Tatler"
magazine cover (May 2001 issue),
my reaction to her smile there made me realize that I had fallen in love
her. Since that time my love for her has grown more and more.
Most psychotic stalkers have the same reaction. You obviously think
you know something about her personally. Lucky for you you haven't
tried to contact her. Then it becomes a crime.
I have contacted her. I have written letters to her and she has sent
Post by Kansan1225
back four beautifully autographed photographs on three separate occasions.
Post by Kansan1225
has also, most graciously, let me be the most frequent poster at her
Post by Kansan1225
Web site
You realize she probably isn't hosting and maintaining her own site.
Her Web site was re-launched in its present form in October 2001. Since
that time I have accessed it several times a day, just about every single day.
I can tell you the following: whereas a computer company designed the Web site
and maintains it once in a while, the Web site is mainly monitored by Heidi's
father, Guenther, in Germany, who releases most fan messages in the Forums,
just about every single day. Heidi herself accesses it less frequently,
especially when she is busy, travelling, etc. However, she is the one who
releases "controversial" fan messages in the Forums, according to her own good
judgement. Most of my messages there are released by Heidi herself.

Heidi carries a laptop computer with her when she travels on business and
can release fan messages while away from her New York home. She has released
messages of mine while she was in Los Angeles, Germany, London, etc.
Post by Kansan1225
at both her English and German Forums. Please visit her Web site and see
Post by Kansan1225
yourself all the different messages of mine that Heidi has allowed to appear
Heidi isn't the webmaster, Nick. You are being kooky again.
Again, read my above statements. The main person monitoring her Web site
is her father, but Heidi herself is the ultimate authority.
Post by Kansan1225
This means that the Entities had planned our affair in detail a
Post by Kansan1225
before the two of us started having feelings for each other.
Those ornery little Entities.
I can tell you this much, the Entities have a great sense of humor.
Considering your delusions are a big joke, I'd agree.
I am having fun, that's for sure.
That's all that counts really.
Post by Kansan1225
Tomorrow's "Spin City" re-run deals with Mike Flaherty (played by
This is followed by the episodes "Klumageddon, Part 1" and
Part 2" on Tuesday and Wednesday.
As I have written in the past, the Latin name "Claudia" means
"club-footed", whereas Heidi's family name, "Klum", is related to the
word "Klumpfuss", meaning "club foot".
Related how? They share a syllable?
No. The family name "Klum" is sometimes spelled "Klumm", showing
Post by Kansan1225
is derived from the root "Klump", meaning "lump", or "clod".
Begging the question. Because it has a similar spelling does in no way
prove it is derived. You are working on a false premise as most of
your arguments do. Heidi Klum doesn't know you exist.
Furthermore, I find no reference to Claudia meaning specifically "club
footed". Only that it means "lame".
That's right. "Claudius", or "Claudia", means "lame" in Latin,
"club-footed" to be more specific.
I do not believe you unless you can show the proof.
The most famous person in history to have the name "Claudius" was the
Roman Emperor, the subject of the well-known book "I, Claudius" by Robert
Graves. The book was later made into a great TV series in the 1970s. Emperor
Claudius was given his name because he was club-footed:

Post by Kansan1225
As I have explained, the baby girl that Empress Heidi is expecting
conceived through in vitro fertilization utilizing my sperm and one of
eggs. Heidi has confirmed that our baby will be named Helene and that
Post by Kansan1225
name day will be on May 21, the feast day of the Saints Constantine, the
Christian Emperor, and Helena, his mother, the same name day as for my
Post by Kansan1225
That would be the wife who's all behind you Hangin' wit Heidi...
As you might expect, my wife did not like the fact that I have
fathered a
baby with Heidi,
Your wife wants you to have a head operation. Not much could make her
Yesterday Dina finally set an appointment for me to see Dr. Sue on
Monday, February 16. Dr. Sue is going to give me a complete
Post by Kansan1225
evaluation. That should be a lot of fun.
Post by Kansan1225
but on Saturday, when I told her that the baby will be named
Helene, Dina mellowed out, because now she can see that Heidi respects
Post by Kansan1225
She probably realized who you were muttering about and knew it was
just more of your insanity.
Dina was pleased with the name Helene for my baby with Heidi, because
that recognizes both Constance "Dina" and Heidi as "Equals to the Apostles",
the appellation of the Saints Constantine and Helena.
She should give you crayons and let you draw her a picture of your new
Post by Kansan1225
Meanwhile, the Entities want to stress the identification between
characters played by Michael J. Fox and myself, Dr. Kaffes, by having
Post by Kansan1225
a doctor with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) on the series "Scrubs"
February (CBS, Tuesday evenings).
That's right, you're an admitted head job. Hey Nicky, How many
characters did I type?
I am obsessive-compulsive enough to count how many characters you've
typed, but I am also in control of my obsessions and can guide them as I
That's good. Then you don't need to know that the number of characters
I've typed has symbolic meaning in Heidi Klum's life.
I can't wait, Nicky.
Right now I'm waiting for tonight's "Spin City" episode, where Mike
donates his sperm for Claudia. Here in Houston it will be shown on the WB
See TV might be part of the problem here, Nick.
The Entitities use TV shows, movies, magazines, etc., to send me
messages. You are lucky to have me interpreting these messages for the
Post by Kansan1225
Well, it's entertaining.
Post by Kansan1225
If you watch the "Spin City" re-runs today and tomorrow, "Klumageddon,
Parts 1 and 2", you are bound to perceive some secret messages yourselves,
Post by Kansan1225
dear readers.
It's better when you tell us. Please include the other interested
groups in your next response. If an audience is what you want, you can
certainly have one.
Bye, Nick!
Oh, I will tell you. This is part of my Mission.
