Why is Scott McClellan hated in Canada? And why is he so funny?
(too old to reply)
Shannon Jacobs
2006-01-20 23:57:07 UTC
[As usual, from an actual discussion forum elsewhere:]

I was watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. According to his fake news
coverage, the current election campaign in Canada is very dirty, four
debates notwithstanding. Considering that one of the candidates is a
minor-league Bushevik 'conservative', that is no surprise. However, part of
the report said that accusing your opponent of being too supportive of Dubya
was now a form of negative campaigning. Possibly true, but it's still hard
to believe that Dubya could have failed *THAT* badly. How miserably do you
have to fail in order to get *CANADA* to hate you?

However, given the source, I have to wonder if it was a joke. Can anyone say
a bit more on the topic? The most recent post in this thread was actually
pretty old...

From a different angle, this led me to thinking of a poll I'd like to see.
It would feature questions like this:

Who has more credibility, Daily Show comedian Jon Stewart, or presidential
spokesman Scott McClellan?

For a random statement, which of them is more likely to be making a true

Which of them is more informative?

Punchline question: Do you think Scott McClellan has any future in comedy?
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.

Trolls fed to "The vile spewers of mindless blather thread" and/or ploinked.
Primal Oooze
2006-01-21 01:09:19 UTC
Post by Shannon Jacobs
[As usual, from an actual discussion forum elsewhere:]
Who has more credibility, Daily Show comedian Jon Stewart, or presidential
spokesman Scott McClellan?
For a random statement, which of them is more likely to be making a true
Which of them is more informative?
Punchline question: Do you think Scott McClellan has any future in comedy?
I get all of my true insight into political machinations from Stewart. He is a God send.

Isn't Scott McClellan that Neo-con, talking monkey, that's endlessly spinning Bush administration failures?
Howie suck.com
2006-01-24 15:02:23 UTC
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 01:09:19 GMT, "Primal Oooze"
Post by Primal Oooze
I get all of my true insight into political machinations from Stewart. He is a God send.
Goes to show what kind of a fool you really are ;-)
"Liberals, socialists and marxists - the triad of stupidity."
Idiots like you make it soooo easy.
Primal Oooze
2006-01-24 15:59:12 UTC
Post by Howie suck.com
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 01:09:19 GMT, "Primal Oooze"
Post by Primal Oooze
I get all of my true insight into political machinations from Stewart. He is a God send.
Goes to show what kind of a fool you really are ;-)
"Liberals, socialists and marxists - the triad of stupidity."
Idiots like you make it soooo easy.
People who, (in an attempt to find feelings of security and control they can't seem to find any other way) have to label others as
subscribers to limited and antiquated belief systems, only serve to enforce suspicions of their own limitations.
Howie suck.com
2006-01-25 22:05:32 UTC
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:59:12 GMT, "Primal Oooze"
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by Howie suck.com
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 01:09:19 GMT, "Primal Oooze"
Post by Primal Oooze
I get all of my true insight into political machinations from Stewart. He is a God send.
Goes to show what kind of a fool you really are ;-)
"Liberals, socialists and marxists - the triad of stupidity."
Idiots like you make it soooo easy.
People who, (in an attempt to find feelings of security and control they can't seem to find any other way) have to label others as
subscribers to limited and antiquated belief systems, only serve to enforce suspicions of their own limitations.
Guess that's why you are a loser.
Thanks for clearing that up.
"Eliminate ignorance - educate the liberals."
Primal Oooze
2006-01-25 22:39:09 UTC
Post by Howie suck.com
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:59:12 GMT, "Primal Oooze"
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by Howie suck.com
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 01:09:19 GMT, "Primal Oooze"
Post by Primal Oooze
I get all of my true insight into political machinations from Stewart. He is a God send.
Goes to show what kind of a fool you really are ;-)
"Liberals, socialists and marxists - the triad of stupidity."
Idiots like you make it soooo easy.
People who, (in an attempt to find feelings of security and control they can't seem to find any other way) have to label others
Post by Howie suck.com
Post by Primal Oooze
subscribers to limited and antiquated belief systems, only serve to enforce suspicions of their own limitations.
Guess that's why you are a loser.
Thanks for clearing that up.
"Eliminate ignorance - educate the liberals."
Wow. You actually stink.

I mean when I read your post I could literally smell it stink!

Talk about a new twist to the cliché " stinkin' thinkin' "

Shannon Jacobs
2006-01-26 12:30:08 UTC
Primal Oooze wrote:
<older troll stuff snipped>
Post by Primal Oooze
Wow. You actually stink.
I mean when I read your post I could literally smell it stink!
Talk about a new twist to the clich$B!&(B" stinkin' thinkin' "
So why are you playing with the troll? Do you actually expect to accomplish
anything there? Looks like you've been dragged into the gutter quite

Just to remind you, below is the topical discussion that the troll didn't
want to consider. I've added a link to the video I was referring to:


One more thing before the original topic: Does anyone have a live contact
for the Daily Show website? For a fairly major website, they really are
pretty with various broken links and stuff.

[As usual, from an actual discussion forum elsewhere:]

I was watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. According to his fake news
coverage, the current election campaign in Canada is very dirty, four
debates notwithstanding. Considering that one of the candidates is a
minor-league Bushevik 'conservative', that is no surprise. However, part of
the report said that accusing your opponent of being too supportive of Dubya
was now a form of negative campaigning. Possibly true, but it's still hard
to believe that Dubya could have failed THAT badly. How miserably do you
have to fail in order to get CANADA to hate you?

However, given the source, I have to wonder if it was a joke. Can anyone say
a bit more on the topic? The most recent post in this thread was actually
pretty old...

From a different angle, this led me to thinking of a poll I'd like to see.
It would feature questions like this:

Who has more credibility, Daily Show comedian Jon Stewart, or presidential
spokesman Scott McClellan?

For a random statement, which of them is more likely to be making a true

Which of them is more informative?

Punchline question: Do you think Scott McClellan has any future in comedy?
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.

Trolls fed to "The vile spewers of mindless blather thread" and/or
Primal Oooze
2006-01-26 17:56:59 UTC
Post by Shannon Jacobs
<older troll stuff snipped>
Post by Primal Oooze
Wow. You actually stink.
I mean when I read your post I could literally smell it stink!
Talk about a new twist to the clich$B!&(B" stinkin' thinkin' "
So why are you playing with the troll? Do you actually expect to accomplish
anything there? Looks like you've been dragged into the gutter quite
Just to remind you, below is the topical discussion that the troll didn't
One more thing before the original topic: Does anyone have a live contact
for the Daily Show website? For a fairly major website, they really are
pretty with various broken links and stuff.
[As usual, from an actual discussion forum elsewhere:]
I was watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. According to his fake news
coverage, the current election campaign in Canada is very dirty, four
debates notwithstanding. Considering that one of the candidates is a
minor-league Bushevik 'conservative', that is no surprise. However, part of
the report said that accusing your opponent of being too supportive of Dubya
was now a form of negative campaigning. Possibly true, but it's still hard
to believe that Dubya could have failed THAT badly. How miserably do you
have to fail in order to get CANADA to hate you?
However, given the source, I have to wonder if it was a joke. Can anyone say
a bit more on the topic? The most recent post in this thread was actually
pretty old...
From a different angle, this led me to thinking of a poll I'd like to see.
Who has more credibility, Daily Show comedian Jon Stewart, or presidential
spokesman Scott McClellan?
For a random statement, which of them is more likely to be making a true
Which of them is more informative?
Punchline question: Do you think Scott McClellan has any future in comedy?
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.
Trolls fed to "The vile spewers of mindless blather thread" and/or ploinked.
And I replied:

"I get all of my true insight into political machinations from Stewart. He is a God send."

So what the fuck's the problem?
If anything, you're sounding like a troll.
If you don't like my posts, don't read them.

How ironic that a Jon Stewart NG poster would try to stifle free speech.

Shouldn't you be over in the Scott McClellan NG?
El Dopa Mean
2006-03-01 10:44:03 UTC
Post by Primal Oooze
"I get all of my true insight into political machinations from Stewart. He is a God send."
So what the fuck's the problem?
If anything, you're sounding like a troll.
They are not talking about your first post. They are talking about the
latter ones.
Post by Primal Oooze
If you don't like my posts, don't read them.
How ironic that a Jon Stewart NG poster would try to stifle free speech.
Why is that ironic? I love how efforts to improve the quality of
discourse is written off as censorship. No one is stopping you from
posting, they are just suggesting that you resist the troll.
Post by Primal Oooze
Shouldn't you be over in the Scott McClellan NG?
If this is the sort of quality answer you can come up with against
criticism, it's no wonder people look at American politics with utter
disdain. If anything critical of you must be a neo-conservative
cheerleader, it's no wonder the so-called "liberals" aren't getting
Is this the dose you've been dreamin' of?
Howie suck.com
2006-01-27 14:28:28 UTC
On Wed, 25 Jan 2006 22:39:09 GMT, "Primal Oooze"
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by Howie suck.com
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:59:12 GMT, "Primal Oooze"
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by Howie suck.com
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 01:09:19 GMT, "Primal Oooze"
Post by Primal Oooze
I get all of my true insight into political machinations from Stewart. He is a God send.
Goes to show what kind of a fool you really are ;-)
"Liberals, socialists and marxists - the triad of stupidity."
Idiots like you make it soooo easy.
People who, (in an attempt to find feelings of security and control they can't seem to find any other way) have to label others
Post by Howie suck.com
Post by Primal Oooze
subscribers to limited and antiquated belief systems, only serve to enforce suspicions of their own limitations.
Guess that's why you are a loser.
Thanks for clearing that up.
"Eliminate ignorance - educate the liberals."
Wow. You actually stink.
And this coming from a loser like you
that goes by 'primeooze."
Pick your prize up at the door, nimrod ;-)
Primal Oooze
2006-01-27 18:19:55 UTC
Post by Howie suck.com
And this coming from a loser like you
that goes by 'primeooze."
Pick your prize up at the door, nimrod ;-)
Actually the nick 'primeooze' comes from my belief that human life on earth hasn't evolved much ( if any ) past the stage back when
it was some bacteria in a pool of ancient primordial sludge.

Take a good look around at this fucked up planet and you might agree.
Howie suck.com
2006-01-27 22:31:26 UTC
On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 18:19:55 GMT, "Primal Oooze"
Post by Howie suck.com
Post by Howie suck.com
And this coming from a loser like you
that goes by 'primeooze."
Pick your prize up at the door, nimrod ;-)
Actually the nick 'primeooze' comes from my belief that human life on earth hasn't evolved much ( if any ) past the stage back when
it was some bacteria in a pool of ancient primordial sludge.
Thanks for the science class, but it's nothing new here.
Post by Howie suck.com
Take a good look around at this fucked up planet and you might agree.
Gee, maybe you should leave this world if it upsets you so.
Liberalism has a tendency to dull ones outlook.
Too bad for you...
Primal Oooze
2006-01-28 00:54:08 UTC
Post by Howie suck.com
Gee, maybe you should leave this world if it upsets you so.
Is that legal in neocon land?
Robert Broughton
2006-01-21 16:39:52 UTC
Post by Shannon Jacobs
[As usual, from an actual discussion forum elsewhere:]
I was watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. According to his fake news
coverage, the current election campaign in Canada is very dirty, four
debates notwithstanding. Considering that one of the candidates is a
minor-league Bushevik 'conservative', that is no surprise. However, part
of the report said that accusing your opponent of being too supportive of
Dubya was now a form of negative campaigning. Possibly true, but it's
still hard to believe that Dubya could have failed *THAT* badly. How
miserably do you have to fail in order to get *CANADA* to hate you?
Read this and weep: The World Junior Ice Hockey Championship took place in
Vancouver recently. (Canada won. Yay!) In all of the games the US team
played, the crowd was rooting heavily for the other team. Now, this is to
be expected; the US was one of the teams favoured to win this tournament,
and the crowd was just rooting for the underdogs.

However, for the last couple of games in the tournament, the US team was
booed heavily. For long-term hockey fans, it was deja vu. 25 years ago, the
Soviet Union's hockey team was getting the same reception everywhere they

So, as Shannon put it, "How miserably do you have to fail in order to get
*CANADA* to hate you?" Dubya pulled it off.
Bob Broughton
Vancouver, BC, Canada
"I am talking about impeachment... If (George W. Bush) commits oral sex in
the Oval Office, and I don't care with whom, that will be the straw that
broke the camel's back. Out he goes." - Kurt Vonnegut, Oct. 7, 2005
Steve Murgaski
2006-01-21 18:12:32 UTC
Post by Shannon Jacobs
[As usual, from an actual discussion forum elsewhere:]
Post by Shannon Jacobs
However, part of the report said that accusing your opponent of
being too supportive of Dubya was now a form of negative
campaigning. Possibly true, but it's still hard to believe that
Dubya could have failed *THAT* badly. How miserably do you have to
fail in order to get *CANADA* to hate you?
Actually that's not difficult. I'm afraid there's more than a little
truth in this quote:

" It is a peculiar Canadian trait to be better able to spot
inequality at a distance, especially if facing south, than
close up."
- George Bain -

But that said, Bush has really distinguished himself in the "Hated in
Canada" category. We're afraid of him, generally, and it often comes
out as mockery and rage. Canada doesn't have much of a military. We
rely heavily on international organizations like the UN. When we want
something we negotiate for it, and then hope that other countries will
keep their agreements. There's no other option for us.
Amy Likes Pot!
2006-01-22 03:50:06 UTC
Post by Steve Murgaski
Post by Shannon Jacobs
[As usual, from an actual discussion forum elsewhere:]
Post by Shannon Jacobs
However, part of the report said that accusing your opponent of
being too supportive of Dubya was now a form of negative
campaigning. Possibly true, but it's still hard to believe that
Dubya could have failed *THAT* badly. How miserably do you have to
fail in order to get *CANADA* to hate you?
Actually that's not difficult. I'm afraid there's more than a little
" It is a peculiar Canadian trait to be better able to spot
inequality at a distance, especially if facing south, than
close up."
- George Bain -
But that said, Bush has really distinguished himself in the "Hated in
Canada" category. We're afraid of him, generally, and it often comes
out as mockery and rage. Canada doesn't have much of a military. We
rely heavily on international organizations like the UN. When we want
something we negotiate for it, and then hope that other countries will
keep their agreements. There's no other option for us.
Well, we in the US are afraid of Bush, as well. But I would think that
Canada would have a lot to worry about, in the way of invasion - Canada has
oil, doesn't it???
2006-01-22 07:36:21 UTC
x-no-archive: yes

There's quite a lot of oil here, yes. It wasn't profitable to extract
most of it until just recently. But now that oil prices are way up,
that's changed.

Canada has a lot of fresh water, too, which might be a dangerous issue
someday soon.

The thing I wonder about, on the question of invading Canada, is
whether there are nuclear weapons here. Officially there aren't. But
there are a lot of nuclear reactors, and no shortage of scientists.
2006-01-26 18:02:10 UTC
Post by Shannon Jacobs
[As usual, from an actual discussion forum elsewhere:]
I was watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. According to his fake
news coverage, the current election campaign in Canada is very dirty,
four debates notwithstanding. Considering that one of the candidates
is a minor-league Bushevik 'conservative', that is no surprise.
However, part of the report said that accusing your opponent of being
too supportive of Dubya was now a form of negative campaigning.
Possibly true, but it's still hard to believe that Dubya could have
failed *THAT* badly. How miserably do you have to fail in order to
get *CANADA* to hate you?
However, given the source, I have to wonder if it was a joke. Can
anyone say a bit more on the topic? The most recent post in this
thread was actually pretty old...
From a different angle, this led me to thinking of a poll I'd like to
Who has more credibility, Daily Show comedian Jon Stewart, or
presidential spokesman Scott McClellan?
An excellent question!
A question rthat should have been explored before!

Who has more credibility, Daily Show comedian Jon Stewart, or presidential
spokesman Scott McClellan?

Ans: Jon Stewert...by a wide margin!