(too old to reply)
Shannon Jacobs
2006-03-16 21:07:52 UTC
Shannon Jacobs wrote:
<old snip>
By the way, if you haven't seen it, you shouldn't miss this Daily Show
piece. It includes Whittington's amazing apology, more on Abu Ghraib,
and some funny Gitmo stuff, too. I think it was re-edited recently to
combine all of it more smoothly.
Self-censorship of the worst sort? This was one of the funniest videos
they've made. So funny I wanted to see it again, only to discover that it's
been removed from their website. They have lots of much older videos, but
this one has apparently gone missing.

Not the first time, by the way. There was an extremely funny video of that
crazy pseudo-Democrat Zell challenging someone to a duel. It also
disappeared a few days after it was first shown on the website.
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.

Trolls fed to "The vile spewers of mindless blather thread" and/or
2006-03-18 19:43:40 UTC
Cheney - Secret Weapon

Shannon Jacobs
2006-03-18 23:25:33 UTC
Post by torresD
Cheney - Secret Weapon
Is there something about that link? Some reason that anyone should click on
it? Or is it just another example of the death of the newsgroups?
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.

Trolls fed to "The vile spewers of mindless blather thread" and/or
2006-03-19 03:18:37 UTC
Shannon Jacobs
2006-03-19 04:27:54 UTC
<link snip>
Do you think someone is interested in a closed dialog with a website? You
must be new around here. Either that, or the website is one of those
technical flytrap sites.

In the increasingly unlikely case you aren't another troll and actually have
something to say, I'll remind you that the current query was in relation to
the excellent Daily Show video "Shot at Redemption", which has disappeared
from the Comedy Central website. The main theme of this particular video was
how Dick Cheney can shoot someone in the face and have the *VICTIM*
apologize in public. It also included some amusing stuff about Abu Ghraib
and Gitmo. Well, insofar as there can be anything amusing in torture and
various other violations of the Geneva Conventions.

Though I don't track things in detail, I have also noted that the very
amusing "Zell on Earth" video was another one that disappeared from the
website. This was from the Republican convention, where Zell offered to kill
someone who was asking him excessively pointed questions. It was an
excellent example of the insanity that grips so many of the more devout

There seem to be two hypotheses. One, the Daily Show website is somehow
influenced by Busheviks and excessively effective videos have a short
lifespan. Slow censorship. The other is that they just can't afford the
bandwidth. It's still censorship, though self-censorship that could be cured
with suitable technology, such as BitTorrent.
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.

Trolls fed to "The vile spewers of mindless blather thread" and/or
Shannon Jacobs
2006-03-21 07:08:26 UTC
[As usual, transplanted from elsewhere. Context was a comment concluding
that Cheney was trying to hide reckless behavior.]

Cheney? Reckless? Sorry, but he doesn't have the guts. The limits of his
intestinal fortitude is the snarl. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if
that was surgically enhanced. Or perhaps even a microstroke.

Slightly possible that he'd had a drink, but no real likelihood that he was
drunk. That's a different kind of hunter, the sociable type. Cheney is just
an amateur butcher.

Slightly more possible that Cheney had some concern about one of the females
having some inappropriate history of involvement with him. That takes less
guts. Just balls, and if chutzpah and audacious lying were in any way
related to the testicles, then Cheney's would be the size of basketballs.
However, if there was anything there, it must have been ancient history, and
nothing that was going to be discovered without an archaeologist. Good thing
Indiana Jones wasn't around, eh?

However, I'm still considering the possibility of a Freudian slip. The
alleged friend is a Republican, yes, but *NOT* in Cheney's camp of extremist
neo-Republican pseudo-conservatives. It's quite possible that they are just
part-time political fellow-travelers-of-convenience and full-time
philosophic adversaries. There's plenty of evidence that Cheney doesn't like
moderate 'traitors', and maybe he's been secretly wishing he could blast one
of them. I'm not a psychologist and I don't really know much about the
mechanisms of Freudian slips, but I'm still wondering.
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.

Trolls fed to "The vile spewers of mindless blather thread" and/or ploinked.