Appeasing the terrorists! Let's give them San Francisco!
(too old to reply)
Shannon Jacobs
2005-11-13 03:20:50 UTC
(From a comment sent to Fox News:)

I've long suspected that O'Reilly is insane, but his latest outburst
directed against San Francisco still managed to surprise me. The natural
extension of his "thinking" is to auction off "protection" to the people who
are most politically supportive of O'Reilly's personal political agenda.

I'm really curious. At what point would O'Reilly do or say something that's
just too crazy? Why haven't you fired him for this outrage? Let me guess:
It's okay to attack San Francisco because it's full of queers and anyway,
the entire state voted for Gore and Kerry. Hey, maybe the homosexuals are a
little bit nutty, but that's *NOTHING* compared to O'Reilly's brand of
full-blown insanity.

By the way, just in case you're curious, I don't watch Fox News. I don't
visit your website (except for the occasional blind click). Nevertheless, I
feel I'm rather familiar with your content. For example, your articles are
often mentioned in Google News, where even the headlines and first few words
reveal your strong biases. Fox News frequently appears in parodies such as
little snippets on such shows as Jon Stewart's Daily Show. Many other
sources, especially on the Internet, frequently describe amazing propaganda
and even obvious tripe (such as O'Reilly's latest outburst) that is
attributed to your "news organization".

If you have any suggestions as to what I could do to harm your business, I'd
appreciate hearing them, because you consistently and aggressively harm the
public's interests, and you deserve to be harmed in return. However, I
really can't imagine anything. The fundamental problem is that the only real
business asset of a news organization is integrity and credibility. It's not
that you have zero. It's rather that you are completely negative on every
scale of merit for public service. In that regard, O'Reilly's latest insane
outburst is simply par for Fox News.
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.

Trolls fed to "The vile spewers of mindless blather thread" and/or ploinked.
Trolling for Columbine
2005-11-13 03:34:43 UTC
Post by Shannon Jacobs
(From a comment sent to Fox News:)
I've long suspected that O'Reilly is insane, but his latest outburst
directed against San Francisco still managed to surprise me. The natural
extension of his "thinking" is to auction off "protection" to the people who
are most politically supportive of O'Reilly's personal political agenda.
The fact you even listen to, and more, that you POST what Bill O'reilly
says tells everyone who reads your drivel how spiteful and spinful you are.

O'Reilly is an idiot. You're in excellent company.
Debra Albright
2006-01-17 03:59:23 UTC
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want to ruin
their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News is to have the
Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their consumer base. There
are too many people in this country that think that they are trying to
protect them from the hellish future of a nice gay couple moving next door
and having a wedding reception, and having Biblical writings not considered
documented fact.
Post by Shannon Jacobs
(From a comment sent to Fox News:)
I've long suspected that O'Reilly is insane, but his latest outburst
directed against San Francisco still managed to surprise me. The natural
extension of his "thinking" is to auction off "protection" to the people
who are most politically supportive of O'Reilly's personal political
I'm really curious. At what point would O'Reilly do or say something
that's just too crazy? Why haven't you fired him for this outrage? Let me
guess: It's okay to attack San Francisco because it's full of queers and
anyway, the entire state voted for Gore and Kerry. Hey, maybe the
homosexuals are a little bit nutty, but that's *NOTHING* compared to
O'Reilly's brand of full-blown insanity.
By the way, just in case you're curious, I don't watch Fox News. I don't
visit your website (except for the occasional blind click). Nevertheless,
I feel I'm rather familiar with your content. For example, your articles
are often mentioned in Google News, where even the headlines and first few
words reveal your strong biases. Fox News frequently appears in parodies
such as little snippets on such shows as Jon Stewart's Daily Show. Many
other sources, especially on the Internet, frequently describe amazing
propaganda and even obvious tripe (such as O'Reilly's latest outburst)
that is attributed to your "news organization".
If you have any suggestions as to what I could do to harm your business,
I'd appreciate hearing them, because you consistently and aggressively
harm the public's interests, and you deserve to be harmed in return.
However, I really can't imagine anything. The fundamental problem is that
the only real business asset of a news organization is integrity and
credibility. It's not that you have zero. It's rather that you are
completely negative on every scale of merit for public service. In that
regard, O'Reilly's latest insane outburst is simply par for Fox News.
The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying shaving cream or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.
Trolls fed to "The vile spewers of mindless blather thread" and/or ploinked.
Kilgore Trout
2006-01-17 04:57:57 UTC
Post by Debra Albright
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want
to ruin their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News
is to have the Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their
consumer base.
I think we should plan a Sunday morning where we can all visit our local
fundamentalist church, and while everyone is inside for services we scatter
a bunch of clothing around on the sidewalk. Then when the fundies come out
we tell 'em the Rapture just happened and they must have not been chosen.
Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death!"
Modern Republicans: "Take my liberty, I'm scared to death!"
Rev. 11D Meow!
2006-01-17 06:03:11 UTC
Post by Kilgore Trout
Post by Debra Albright
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want
to ruin their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News
is to have the Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their
consumer base.
I think we should plan a Sunday morning where we can all visit our local
fundamentalist church, and while everyone is inside for services we scatter
a bunch of clothing around on the sidewalk. Then when the fundies come out
we tell 'em the Rapture just happened and they must have not been chosen.
Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death!"
Modern Republicans: "Take my liberty, I'm scared to death!"
James A. Donald
2006-01-19 04:35:30 UTC
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 21:59:23 -0600, "Debra Albright"
Post by Debra Albright
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want
to ruin their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News
is to have the Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their
consumer base. There are too many people in this country that think
that they are trying to protect them from the hellish future of a
nice gay couple moving next door and having a wedding reception, and
having Biblical writings not considered documented fact.
The proposition that Fox news is some kind of right wing propaganda
mill is just too silly. They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust their
rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer is a
christian, and opposed to gay marriage. In addition, the Pope is
Catholic, and bears shit in the woods.

James A. Donald
Primal Oooze
2006-01-20 17:01:14 UTC
Post by James A. Donald
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 21:59:23 -0600, "Debra Albright"
Post by Debra Albright
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want
to ruin their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News
is to have the Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their
consumer base. There are too many people in this country that think
that they are trying to protect them from the hellish future of a
nice gay couple moving next door and having a wedding reception, and
having Biblical writings not considered documented fact.
The proposition that Fox news is some kind of right wing propaganda
mill is just too silly. They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust their
rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer is a
christian, and opposed to gay marriage. In addition, the Pope is
Catholic, and bears shit in the woods.
James A. Donald
Does Fox pay you to spew tha bullshit as if it was the truth?
Dan Clore
2006-01-20 19:49:05 UTC
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by James A. Donald
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 21:59:23 -0600, "Debra Albright"
Post by Debra Albright
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want
to ruin their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News
is to have the Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their
consumer base. There are too many people in this country that think
that they are trying to protect them from the hellish future of a
nice gay couple moving next door and having a wedding reception, and
having Biblical writings not considered documented fact.
The proposition that Fox news is some kind of right wing propaganda
mill is just too silly. They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust their
rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer is a
christian, and opposed to gay marriage. In addition, the Pope is
Catholic, and bears shit in the woods.
Does Fox pay you to spew tha bullshit as if it was the truth?
For fun, discover some of the views of the "median viewer":


The "median viewer" seems to hold a number of rather odd
views, such as that a school performing a Christmas play
called _The Little Trees' Christmas Present" in their
Christmas pageant proves that there's a war on Christmas and
that you can't even say the name "Christmas" due to
political correctness (I wish David Letterman had checked
sites like Media Matters before O'Reilly pulled this crap on
his show; while Letterman could easily spot O'Reilly's crap
for what it is, it would have been hilarious to see him
actually refute asinine falsehoods like this).
Dan Clore

My collected fiction, _The Unspeakable and Others_:
Lord Weÿrdgliffe & Necronomicon Page:
News & Views for Anarchists & Activists:

Strange pleasures are known to him who flaunts the
immarcescible purple of poetry before the color-blind.
-- Clark Ashton Smith, "Epigrams and Apothegms"
2006-01-20 20:12:13 UTC
Post by Dan Clore
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by James A. Donald
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 21:59:23 -0600, "Debra Albright"
Post by Debra Albright
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want
to ruin their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News
is to have the Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their
consumer base. There are too many people in this country that think
that they are trying to protect them from the hellish future of a
nice gay couple moving next door and having a wedding reception, and
having Biblical writings not considered documented fact.
The proposition that Fox news is some kind of right wing propaganda
mill is just too silly. They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust their
rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer is a
christian, and opposed to gay marriage. In addition, the Pope is
Catholic, and bears shit in the woods.
Does Fox pay you to spew tha bullshit as if it was the truth?
The "median viewer" seems to hold a number of rather odd
views, such as that a school performing a Christmas play
called _The Little Trees' Christmas Present" in their
Christmas pageant proves that there's a war on Christmas and
that you can't even say the name "Christmas" due to
political correctness (I wish David Letterman had checked
sites like Media Matters before O'Reilly pulled this crap on
his show; while Letterman could easily spot O'Reilly's crap
for what it is, it would have been hilarious to see him
actually refute asinine falsehoods like this).
But just pretending James' falsehoods are true for a second, is it
really the job of the "news" to just tell the "median viewer" that
whatever a focus group says they want to hear is true?
2006-01-21 03:50:17 UTC
Post by j***@hotmail.com
Post by Dan Clore
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by James A. Donald
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 21:59:23 -0600, "Debra Albright"
Post by Debra Albright
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want
to ruin their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News
is to have the Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their
consumer base. There are too many people in this country that think
that they are trying to protect them from the hellish future of a
nice gay couple moving next door and having a wedding reception, and
having Biblical writings not considered documented fact.
The proposition that Fox news is some kind of right wing propaganda
mill is just too silly. They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust their
rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer is a
christian, and opposed to gay marriage. In addition, the Pope is
Catholic, and bears shit in the woods.
Does Fox pay you to spew tha bullshit as if it was the truth?
The "median viewer" seems to hold a number of rather odd
views, such as that a school performing a Christmas play
called _The Little Trees' Christmas Present" in their
Christmas pageant proves that there's a war on Christmas and
that you can't even say the name "Christmas" due to
political correctness (I wish David Letterman had checked
sites like Media Matters before O'Reilly pulled this crap on
his show; while Letterman could easily spot O'Reilly's crap
for what it is, it would have been hilarious to see him
actually refute asinine falsehoods like this).
But just pretending James' falsehoods are true for a second, is it
really the job of the "news" to just tell the "median viewer" that
whatever a focus group says they want to hear is true?
Thank you for your admission. You are admitting that left-leaning news
sources are just telling their left-wing readership what the left-wing
target audience wants to hear is true.
Rev. 11D Meow!
2006-01-21 04:04:10 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by j***@hotmail.com
Post by Dan Clore
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by James A. Donald
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 21:59:23 -0600, "Debra Albright"
Post by Debra Albright
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want
to ruin their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News
is to have the Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their
consumer base. There are too many people in this country that think
that they are trying to protect them from the hellish future of a
nice gay couple moving next door and having a wedding reception, and
having Biblical writings not considered documented fact.
The proposition that Fox news is some kind of right wing propaganda
mill is just too silly. They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust their
rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer is a
christian, and opposed to gay marriage. In addition, the Pope is
Catholic, and bears shit in the woods.
Does Fox pay you to spew tha bullshit as if it was the truth?
The "median viewer" seems to hold a number of rather odd
views, such as that a school performing a Christmas play
called _The Little Trees' Christmas Present" in their
Christmas pageant proves that there's a war on Christmas and
that you can't even say the name "Christmas" due to
political correctness (I wish David Letterman had checked
sites like Media Matters before O'Reilly pulled this crap on
his show; while Letterman could easily spot O'Reilly's crap
for what it is, it would have been hilarious to see him
actually refute asinine falsehoods like this).
But just pretending James' falsehoods are true for a second, is it
really the job of the "news" to just tell the "median viewer" that
whatever a focus group says they want to hear is true?
Thank you for your admission. You are admitting that left-leaning news
sources are just telling their left-wing readership what the left-wing
target audience wants to hear is true.
2006-01-21 07:36:59 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by j***@hotmail.com
Post by Dan Clore
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by James A. Donald
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 21:59:23 -0600, "Debra Albright"
Post by Debra Albright
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want
to ruin their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News
is to have the Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their
consumer base. There are too many people in this country that think
that they are trying to protect them from the hellish future of a
nice gay couple moving next door and having a wedding reception, and
having Biblical writings not considered documented fact.
The proposition that Fox news is some kind of right wing propaganda
mill is just too silly. They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust their
rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer is a
christian, and opposed to gay marriage. In addition, the Pope is
Catholic, and bears shit in the woods.
Does Fox pay you to spew tha bullshit as if it was the truth?
The "median viewer" seems to hold a number of rather odd
views, such as that a school performing a Christmas play
called _The Little Trees' Christmas Present" in their
Christmas pageant proves that there's a war on Christmas and
that you can't even say the name "Christmas" due to
political correctness (I wish David Letterman had checked
sites like Media Matters before O'Reilly pulled this crap on
his show; while Letterman could easily spot O'Reilly's crap
for what it is, it would have been hilarious to see him
actually refute asinine falsehoods like this).
But just pretending James' falsehoods are true for a second, is it
really the job of the "news" to just tell the "median viewer" that
whatever a focus group says they want to hear is true?
Thank you for your admission. You are admitting that left-leaning news
sources are just telling their left-wing readership what the left-wing
target audience wants to hear is true.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing. Must be another one of my "fallacies".
Rev. 11D Meow!
2006-01-21 07:50:08 UTC
Oh, the shark, has, pretty teeth, dear....and he shows them, pearly white
Just a jackknife, has macheath, yeah.....and he keeps it, out of sight
When the shark bites, with his teeth, dear....scarlet billows start to
Fancy gloves, though, wears macheath, yeah..so there's not a trace, hmmmm of

On the sidewalk...sunday morning, ...lies a body oozin' life
Someone's sneakin' 'round the corner...is the someone, mack the knife?

From a tugboat.... by the river..... a cement bag's, droopin' down
Yeah, the cement's just for the weight, dear...bet you mack, he's back in
Looky here louie miller, disappeared dear...after drawing, out his cash
And macheath spends, like a sailor...did our boy do, somethin' rash?

Sukey tawdry, jenny diver..lotte lenya, sweet lucy brown
Oh, the line forms on the right, dears.....now that macky's back in town

"take it satch"

john smith - nom de guerre
2006-01-22 12:57:58 UTC
Post by j***@hotmail.com
Post by Dan Clore
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by James A. Donald
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 21:59:23 -0600, "Debra Albright"
Post by Debra Albright
Shannon, you are pretty much wasting your time telling them you want
to ruin their business. The only way you can do anything to Fox News
is to have the Rapture actually happen and then they will lose their
consumer base. There are too many people in this country that think
that they are trying to protect them from the hellish future of a
nice gay couple moving next door and having a wedding reception, and
having Biblical writings not considered documented fact.
The proposition that Fox news is some kind of right wing propaganda
mill is just too silly. They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust their
rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer is a
christian, and opposed to gay marriage. In addition, the Pope is
Catholic, and bears shit in the woods.
Does Fox pay you to spew tha bullshit as if it was the truth?
The "median viewer" seems to hold a number of rather odd
views, such as that a school performing a Christmas play
called _The Little Trees' Christmas Present" in their
Christmas pageant proves that there's a war on Christmas and
that you can't even say the name "Christmas" due to
political correctness (I wish David Letterman had checked
sites like Media Matters before O'Reilly pulled this crap on
his show; while Letterman could easily spot O'Reilly's crap
for what it is, it would have been hilarious to see him
actually refute asinine falsehoods like this).
But just pretending James' falsehoods are true for a second, is it
really the job of the "news" to just tell the "median viewer" that
whatever a focus group says they want to hear is true?
The mortality rate statistics mark an undeniable improvement in the
health of the world, but they do not easily identify capitalism as the
cause or catalyst. -- Gabrielle Rapagnetta
2006-01-20 18:17:50 UTC
I don't understand why the right wing fundamentalists are so against
gay marraige. Adulterers are allowed to marry. Murderers, rapists,
secularists, are allowed to marry. Child abusers, people who kill their
parents, and extortionists are allowed to marry. You can smear
political opponents, accept bribes, belong to a corrupt political party
and you are still allowed to marry. You can even manufactor
intelligence and lie us into a war and you are still allowed to marry.

Are the Christian fundamentalists telling us that homosexuality is
worse than all of those. There are hundreds of sins listed in the
bible. Last I looked, heterosexuality didn't even get voted one of the
top ten.
Jesus loves you even if you vote Republican.
James A. Donald
2006-01-21 02:43:13 UTC
Post by j***@yahoo.com
I don't understand why the right wing fundamentalists are so against
gay marraige.
An assertion which implies that the great majority of americans are
"right wing fundamentalists"

They may well be wrong, but they are not right wing, nor
fundamentalists, and neither is Fox News.

For my own position on this issue, see http://blog.jim.com/?postid=10
"Delegalize marriage"

James A. Donald
Primal Oooze
2006-01-21 06:28:21 UTC
Post by James A. Donald
Post by j***@yahoo.com
I don't understand why the right wing fundamentalists are so against
gay marraige.
An assertion which implies that the great majority of americans are
"right wing fundamentalists"
They may well be wrong, but they are not right wing, nor
fundamentalists, and neither is Fox News.
For my own position on this issue, see http://blog.jim.com/?postid=10
"Delegalize marriage"
I read your blog and checked the blog (dated April 05, 2005) from which you pulled your "statistics."
It consisted of nonworking links to an alleged Gallup pole that allegedly queried a whopping "466 adults"
on if ""same-sex "marriages" should be recognized by the law as valid and come with the same rights as traditional marriages,"
maybe worded that way, maybe not, it doesn't say.
Hardly a definitive verdict.

By your own hypothesis, fox caters to right wing and tells them what they want to hear:
"They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust their
rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer is a
Christian, and opposed to gay marriage."

I don't see where ***@yahoo.com asserted that the great majority of Americans are
"right wing fundamentalists."

But if you think they aren't, then, why? Do you have reputable link/poll/statistics to prove that?

One would have to establish a workable definition of "fundamentalist" to begin with.
That could be anyone who interprets Scriptures literally as opposed to metaphorically.

Christians that believe that the Old Testament tells them that homosexuality is a sin, and that homosexuals are abominations, and
will never make it to the kingdom of God, could be considered fundamentalists.

Are there many other Americans that, for what ever reasons, don't believe in equal rights for gays and lesbians?
Rev. 11D Meow!
2006-01-21 06:32:45 UTC
Jimmy crack corn (Blue tail fly)

When I was young I used to wait
On master and hand him his plate
Pass him the bottle when he got dry
And brush away the blue-tail fly

Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
My master's gone away

When he would ride in the afternoon
I'd follow him with my hickory broom
The pony being rather shy
When bitten by the blue-tail fly

Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
My master's gone away

One day he rode around the farm
Flies so numerous that they did swarm
One chanced to bite him on the thigh
The devil take the blue-tail fly

Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
My master's gone away

Well the pony jumped, he start, he pitch
He threw my master in the ditch
He died and the jury wondered why
The verdict was the blue-tail fly

Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
My master's gone away

Now he lies beneath the 'simmon tree
His epitaph is there to see
"Beneath this stone I'm forced to lie
The victim of the blue-tail fly"
Primal Oooze
2006-01-21 07:27:11 UTC
Post by Rev. 11D Meow!
Jimmy crack corn (Blue tail fly)
When I was young I used to wait
On master and hand him his plate
Pass him the bottle when he got dry
And brush away the blue-tail fly
Well come on all you big strong men
Uncle Sam needs your helping hand
Got himself in a terrible jam
Way over yonder in Iraq land
Put down your books and pick up a gun
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun

And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Iraq land
And it's five, six, seven, open up the Pearly Gates
Well there ain't no time to wonder why, whoopie we're all gonna die

Now come on Wall Street don't be slow
Well man this war is a go-go
There is plenty of money to be made
Supplying the army with the tools of the trade
Just hope and pray they drop the bomb
Drop it on Iraq land

And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Iraq land
And it's five, six, seven, open up the Pearly Gates
Well there ain't no time to wonder why, whoopie we're all gonna die

Now come on mothers through out the land
Pack your boys off to Iraq land
Come on fathers don't hesitate
Send your sons off before it's too late
Be the first one on your block
To have your boy come home in a box

And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Iraq land
And it's five, six, seven, open up the Pearly Gates
Well there ain't no time to wonder why, whoopie we're all gonna die
Rev. 11D Meow!
2006-01-21 07:43:43 UTC
Post by Primal Oooze
Post by Rev. 11D Meow!
Jimmy crack corn (Blue tail fly)
When I was young I used to wait
On master and hand him his plate
Pass him the bottle when he got dry
And brush away the blue-tail fly
Well come on all you big strong men
Uncle Sam needs your helping hand
Got himself in a terrible jam
Way over yonder in Iraq land
Put down your books and pick up a gun
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun
And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Iraq land
And it's five, six, seven, open up the Pearly Gates
Well there ain't no time to wonder why, whoopie we're all gonna die
Now come on Wall Street don't be slow
Well man this war is a go-go
There is plenty of money to be made
Supplying the army with the tools of the trade
Just hope and pray they drop the bomb
Drop it on Iraq land
And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Iraq land
And it's five, six, seven, open up the Pearly Gates
Well there ain't no time to wonder why, whoopie we're all gonna die
Now come on mothers through out the land
Pack your boys off to Iraq land
Come on fathers don't hesitate
Send your sons off before it's too late
Be the first one on your block
To have your boy come home in a box
And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Iraq land
And it's five, six, seven, open up the Pearly Gates
Well there ain't no time to wonder why, whoopie we're all gonna die

2006-01-21 23:41:49 UTC
Post by Primal Oooze
By your own hypothesis, fox caters to right wing and tells them what
they want to hear: "They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust
their rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer
is a Christian, and opposed to gay marriage."
The median viewer is not right wing, by the ordinary definition of
right wing. He is centrist, due to the fact that he in the center, as
best Fox's pollsters and image shapers can find the center.

The proposition that a position that was scarcely thinkable or
speakable not so long ago is "right wing" is silly.

James A. Donald
Primal Oooze
2006-01-22 06:45:34 UTC
Post by j***@echeque.com
Post by Primal Oooze
By your own hypothesis, fox caters to right wing and tells them what
they want to hear: "They take focus groups and polls to determine
what the average television news viewer thinks, and then adjust
their rhetoric to agree with the median viewer. The median viewer
is a Christian, and opposed to gay marriage."
The median viewer is not right wing, by the ordinary definition of
right wing. He is centrist, due to the fact that he in the center, as
best Fox's pollsters and image shapers can find the center.
The proposition that a position that was scarcely thinkable or
speakable not so long ago is "right wing" is silly.
If you want me to understand what the hell you're talking about you're going to have to learn to speak English.
Or just forget it.
You're not going to make me believe that Fox News isn't right wing propaganda, no matter how convoluted you get.
2006-01-21 03:46:33 UTC
Post by j***@yahoo.com
I don't understand why the right wing fundamentalists are so against
gay marraige. Adulterers are allowed to marry. Murderers, rapists,
secularists, are allowed to marry. Child abusers, people who kill their
parents, and extortionists are allowed to marry. You can smear
political opponents, accept bribes, belong to a corrupt political party
and you are still allowed to marry. You can even manufactor
intelligence and lie us into a war and you are still allowed to marry.
Are the Christian fundamentalists telling us that homosexuality is
worse than all of those. There are hundreds of sins listed in the
bible. Last I looked, heterosexuality didn't even get voted one of the
top ten.
Actually, homosexuals are allowed to marry, same as adulterers,
rapists, secularists, and child abusers. All of these people are
allowed to marry - a member of the opposite sex.
Rev. 11D Meow!
2006-01-21 04:03:57 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by j***@yahoo.com
I don't understand why the right wing fundamentalists are so against
gay marraige. Adulterers are allowed to marry. Murderers, rapists,
secularists, are allowed to marry. Child abusers, people who kill their
parents, and extortionists are allowed to marry. You can smear
political opponents, accept bribes, belong to a corrupt political party
and you are still allowed to marry. You can even manufactor
intelligence and lie us into a war and you are still allowed to marry.
Are the Christian fundamentalists telling us that homosexuality is
worse than all of those. There are hundreds of sins listed in the
bible. Last I looked, heterosexuality didn't even get voted one of the
top ten.
Actually, homosexuals are allowed to marry, same as adulterers,
rapists, secularists, and child abusers. All of these people are
allowed to marry - a member of the opposite sex.