(too old to reply)
2004-02-03 13:21:05 UTC
The "Spin City" re-runs today and tomorrow are "Klumageddon, Parts 1 and
2", starring Our Lady Heidi Klum.

As I have explained before, the character played by Michael J. Fox in
"Spin City" is meant to symbolize me, Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes, a.k.a.

I watch re-runs of the Heidi "Spin City" episodes religiously, because
each time I see them I discover new clues and deeper lebels of meaning. Last
night I watched the episode where Mike donates sperm to impregnate a character
named Claudia. This Claudia has red hair, in a style similar to that of
redhead Heidi Collins, one of CNN's morning anchorwomen.

The family name "Collins" means "descendant of Nicholas (Colin)" and I
have given Heidi Collins the Greek name "Heidoula Nikolaou", i.e., "Little
Heidi, daughter of Nicholas Kaffes and Archangel Heidi Klum".

Meanwhile, Michael J. Fox returns to TV this month on the CBS show
"Scrubs" (Tuesdays, 9:30 pm ET). On "Scrubs" Mike plays a doctor with
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a clear reference to me, Dr. Kaffes, a man
obviously and obsessively "addicted to Klum".
2004-02-03 19:24:12 UTC
Subject: Re: Klumageddon
Date: 2/3/2004 10:42 AM Central Standard Time
Post by Kansan1225
The "Spin City" re-runs today and tomorrow are "Klumageddon, Parts 1
Post by Kansan1225
2", starring Our Lady Heidi Klum.
As I have explained before, the character played by Michael J. Fox
Post by Kansan1225
"Spin City" is meant to symbolize me, Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes, a.k.a.
I watch re-runs of the Heidi "Spin City" episodes religiously,
Post by Kansan1225
each time I see them I discover new clues and deeper lebels of meaning.
Post by Kansan1225
night I watched the episode where Mike donates sperm to impregnate a
Post by Kansan1225
named Claudia. This Claudia has red hair, in a style similar to that of
redhead Heidi Collins, one of CNN's morning anchorwomen.
The family name "Collins" means "descendant of Nicholas (Colin)" and
Post by Kansan1225
have given Heidi Collins the Greek name "Heidoula Nikolaou", i.e., "Little
Heidi, daughter of Nicholas Kaffes and Archangel Heidi Klum".
Meanwhile, Michael J. Fox returns to TV this month on the CBS show
"Scrubs" (Tuesdays, 9:30 pm ET). On "Scrubs" Mike plays a doctor with
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a clear reference to me, Dr. Kaffes,
a man
Post by Kansan1225
obviously and obsessively "addicted to Klum".
<channelling the departed Robert Palmer> "You might as well face it, you're
addicted to Klum!"
Exactly, Ed, and loving every minute of it!

If you remember, dear readers, in the dawn of Friday, September 26, 2003,
the Entities sent me a dream about the actor Robert Duvall.

When I woke up I found out from CNN that singer Robert Palmer had just
passed away.

Get it?

ROBERT Duvall, ROBERT Palmer.

A few days later I found out that the day before my strange dream,
September 25, is the birthday of actress Clea Helen Duvall, who plays "Sofie"
in HBO's "Carnivale":


Get it?

Robert DUVALL, Clea Helen DUVALL.

As I have written, the "Sofie" character represents Heidi Klum in
"Carnivale" and "Sofie" was impregnated by a coffee shop owner: My family name
"Kaffes" means "coffee" in Greek.

As I have written, my older daughter Caterina Cleopatra is symbolically
connected to Heidi, that is why the actress Duvall's first given name is Clea:

Get it?

Caterina CLEOPATRA Kaffes, CLEA Helen Duvall.

Finally, my baby with Heidi is going to be named Helene:

Get it?

Clea HELEN Duvall, HELENE Kaffes Klum.
2004-02-03 21:22:34 UTC
Subject: Re: Klumageddon
Date: 2/3/2004 2:37 PM Central Standard Time
Subject: Re: Klumageddon
Date: 2/3/2004 10:42 AM Central Standard Time
(snippage of stuff)
gee, ed, nick replied to *your* post, but not to mine...(pout)
You know what that means when Kansan and Heidi rule the Earth...
That's right, Ed. Ms. Klum and I will be benevolent Despots. We are not
going to punish anyone who might have castigated us in the past, but we are
surely going to give certain preferences to those, like yourself, Ed, who have
foreseen our coming Glory.
2004-02-04 03:12:59 UTC
Subject: Re: Klumageddon
Date: 2/3/2004 6:08 PM Central Standard Time
Does Heidi know she is going to have your child?
An excellent question.

Yes, of course, she does. So do her parents, Guenther and Erna Klum, her
"boyfriend" Flavio Briatore, and some of her close business associates.

Heidi's situation today is analogous to that of the Virgin Mary when She
was pregnant with Jesus. If the Virgin Mary had gone around Nazareth telling
Her neighbors that Her Baby's Father was God Almighty, people would have
thought She was crazy or blasphemous. She would have been in big trouble
either way.

Instead She offered to them the fiction that the father was Her fiance,
St. Joseph. St. Joseph absolutely knew that he was not the Baby's father and
had wanted to send Mary away, but an Angel came to him in a dream and told him
that the Baby had been conceived through the Holy Spirit. Thereafter, St.
Joseph, too, accepted the fiction and presented himself to his neighbors as the
Baby's father.

Some of the Virgin Mary's relatives, such as St. Elisabeth, the mother of
St. John the Baptist, knew the real Father of Jesus, because the Holy Spirit
had informed them. This truth did not become public knowledge, until many
years later when the Apostles started to preach.

If Heidi were to say in public today that the father of her baby is I,
Houston businessman Dr. Nicholas A. Kaffes, a.k.a. Kansan1225, she would have
to face many difficult questions: why, how, who is Nick Kaffes, etc? Our
coupling is a mystery that can not be comprehended by the general public today.

Therefore, she has adopted the fiction that the father is Flavio
Briatore. He is rich and famous, like her, and a "plausible" father of her
baby, the same way that St. Joseph was a plausible father for Jesus.

When Heidi announced her pregnancy on December 16, 2003, Briatore had
already known about her pregnancy since October, but because he knew for sure
that he was not the father, he disrespected Heidi in public by not being with
her in Hamburg, Germany, for the announcement. Instead, that same day he was
seen in public with another woman, Fiona Swarovski, kissing her on the streets
of Florence, Italy.

At the same time he had instructed his lawyers to demand that Heidi
submit to a DNA test to establish who the father was and, thus, avoid paying
child support.

Things changed by December 22, when he came to Bergisch Gladbach,
Germany, to spend Christmas with Heidi and her parents and accept his role as
the baby's "father". Somehow, the Entities had convinced him by then to assume
the role of a modern-day "St. Joseph".

Heidi reads my messages in the Newsgroups when she has time and knows
that I claim to be her baby's father. Even so, she has not expressed any
discomfort to me about my claims and still allows my messages to the English
and German Forums of her official Web site


to appear there.

Heidi would like the truth about our baby to seep out in this way,
through my messages, but if a member of the public were to ask her now if
Kansan is her baby's father, I am sure she would answer:

"Kansan who?"
