The 'bushdum' affliction - cause and remedy
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Loving For Life
2004-01-05 20:09:27 UTC
An Advisory to US Troops
A Duty to Disobey All Unlawful Orders


Any being would not want to be deprived the rights to
living, by living to not deny the same rights of others.
(First commandment is a fundamental of understanding
space-time reality, as it pertains to the politics of an
actual sustainable World, indivisible, and eternal.)

To have US exercise denial of rights granted through the
protections of Freedom, asks naturally for reason to
being ones own commitment kept. To leaderlessly faith
in tyrant bush's faulty public judgement to committing
US to indiscriminate murders so he can rob Iraq of all
her riches going nowhere he silently contends as an
illiterate demon liar, exposes Your Mr. bush Jr. as
unfit to preside in Anyone's name. (Walla: Americans
did not elect the monster who openly with 9/11'd
slush-fund-america, finances the oppression of our
families in Uzbekistan, and Wahabbi Saudi Arabia,
unreported by our CNN and CBC as revealing.)

Iraq reconstruction's bottom-line

/ / So there's money; it's just not going around. And
here perhaps lies the solution to the mystery of how the
world's superpower and the world's biggest corporations
can't even begin to put Iraq together again after almost
nine months: The reconstruction is less about
reconstruction than about making the most money
possible. \ \

Instead of allowing US to communicate the truth for
peace and understanding, happiness and prosperity,
Justice and Freedom, the bushites at corporate news
control demand you should not believe in what you
witness, read, or understand as the established actual,
but instead, without reason for, to be victimized to die
suffering through corporate censorship. Not knowing why
murder is actually wrong universally bush fluffs off as
required in Your name to stop Iraq from running public
health care. (You know, Saddam a Secularist puppet, in
the far middle east, willing to improve universal
education through understanding, like a public health
care system practiced in every free nation this world
over, which does not include bushite america where
everyone is an ill-gotten practicing HMO CEO public
check writing casher.) For all you people not in
America, with an enter as you need public health care
initiative, beware, the unbiased american corporate news
machine might irrationally decide to murder millions
with radio-active toxic bombs in your country to 'free'
you from truly caring about your family.

I hate bush with everything I am, or ever will be as Human.

Who will care for your life in corporate america, where,
with a silence of contempt through censorship, rob
themselves as ungodly and criminal degenerates under the
bushite doctrine of enslavement of their species? Know,
that it is NO SECRET, Eason Jordan of CNN knows, (as
too, Robert Habinovitch of CBC does too), about General
Ahmad, and demon bush's 9/11 strategy existing in 'top
secret' Presidential directives, written two days prior
to the event of murdering thousands of Americans, a plan
to blame Laden on as innocent of to secure invasion of
Afghanistan for Enron. (Laden would plead innocent
naturally, the Taliban would vote against persecuting
the innocent until proven otherwise as Clinton learned,
while demon bush and cheney would privately plead to
have our Police work halted, to attempt their getaway.)
Both, Jordan and Habinovitich have refused OUR staff
since the event of reporting the facts for our
judgements, and side instead with not reported reasons
like those given by irrational and dumb evil Walter
Issacson, that CNN is forbidden to PUBLICLY report on
the murder of innocent children by traitor tommy franks,
because, you should remember how many people died in New
York City. (Why not just murder more New Yorkers,
they're closer?) Sure, it's stupid, dumb, and as evil as
it comes, but Walter dictated policy, you as a CNN staff
member had to comply with, or face the consequences of
termination. These bushite censors of our top priority
news interest stories are our enemies as traitors to the
Human cause. Jordan, nor Habinovitch will give no
reasons for publicly denying our police agencies
we can't see them not doing our jobs to protect Your
freedom, while leaving the outstanding investigation
officers left in the bind, on hopes bush'll disappear
them, like they no doubt have plans to get those loose
ends who directly know of their treason against God's
America, and all that is Honorable and Just in our

Kill the demon antiChrist, Your Mr. bush Jr. American
Patriot Soldier, and be loved by all as Saviour.


Where's the NRA on whoring as bush bitches?

American soldier, Your one true loyalty should be to
America, not traitor bush to rob ourselves from.
Remember: bush, he ain't got no public concern worth
mentioning, when it comes to the whereabouts, of more
than half the American tax payers expenses regarding
Iraq's jeopardized security, now being sold off as
planned to the bushmob at what will be, lower than going
values. Namely, your own as measured worthless.

As American Soldier, in unbiased corporate TV america,
your told you're willing to DIE in servitude as a
thieving bushite slave without question, a blind loyalty
and obedience, not to a Just God mind You, or the Battle
Hymn of the Republic, no, but to worship the demon bush
in a destructive cult-like ignorance that does not even
afford Your costly ongoing sacrifice, the luxury, of
telling US why corporate america refuses to
scientifically report on your actual consuming of
MEASURED microscopic radio-active heavy metal TOXIC
waste, that includes plutonium in trust, to 'bushite'
your dumfuk evil comrades you'll kill with especially,
or to being blowed up to smithereens by sexy rummy's
cluster duds. Mr. franks and bush bitch buford blount
State it is of little or no concern to corporate
americans how many bomblets were used, or where they
fell to kill women, children or US Patriots with, for,
the glorious bushmob will take a few extra bills payable
from America to the commi business partners that way for
including You in indiscriminate mass murder, see?, and
none are the wiser. American Patriot Soldier, repeat
after me: "A proud bushite nazi soldier is a dead
bushite nazi soldier halted from harming our innocent
sons and daughters." Or, AGAIN, corporate america's
public refusal to speak up for 'The People' (soldiers
included) paying the almost half of Iraq's monthly bill
going mysteriously vanished in rummy or bush's war crime
pocket... Who gives a toot where it is all going wasted
right bushite?, it's only You or yours who could go as
the innocent in God's favor still being sacrificed next.

Look, as the very old tales tell repeatedly, the lawless
Satan wager, to somehow without knowing how, become
omnipotent ruler as tyrannical dictator of this forsaken
World, leaving US ALL including Johnny, deprived our
rights to justice and freedom, and instead, to the lot
of US, be ACTUALLY put up on a cross to die again
metaphorically for unarrested bush to continue example
with, as an illiterate barbaric enemy of "The Man", just
like, isn't going to happen in this lifetime. I ain't
no fictional character, and as true blooded Patriot,
hate the bush demon war monger during breakfast, lunch,
and supper. And besides, I'd personally kill bush first
before that neither world tried. Trust US, G, or I
single handedly as a man, will triumph over traitor
bush's criminality, as the American cop killing 9/11
perpetrating war profiteering savage he is as
antiChrist, it's just, will you like Talk Radio in
America censors, and rich CNN celebs readily encourage,
silently continue to watch your fellow family murdered
for bush bitch buford blount, and still refuse to voice
objection nor take any action in defense of all that is
Our World truly suffering as Yourself included? I
despise bush like every alive person who would read this

Refuse to speak for Your own freedoms truly pirated by
bush, and you'll likely continue to lose out really like
America currently is. Refuse to help our desperately
pleading God you know being victimized in Your name
truly, and you will bare the consequences of being
forsaken. Maybe even, towards an end you'll declare,
someone else has forsaken you, when it will be only
yourself to blame for not speaking for all those denied
their happy lives through the brutal criminal tirades of
the demon antiChrist, Your Mr. bush Jr.. Again, this
will never change: We had complete co-operation
granting one hundred percent access through Iraq without
delay, prior to bombing any of Iraq's public sector with
toxic waste that contained US People. Every Iraqi child
murdered served no good reason or purpose but to war
God's love, and my good name. And, still today, that
unarrested evil demon tyrant dictator, still chooses to
sacrifice many a soft spoken, slow footed American
Patriot to, so far, too few bushite nazi dumfuk losers.
In addition: We have also learned, Iraq had granted
surrender of Iraqi assets to give to the war criminal
bushmob, if they would forego the needless
indiscriminate murder of easily tens of thousands of
innocent families, (like dropping cluster bombs into our
residential communities), but war criminal rotten
rumsfeld refused because he had already PERSONALLY set
up hundreds of illegitimate targets that would, kill
primarily only innocent people while destroying public
institutions, and bring home a few extra million
American payments, tax free.

What more could Saddam do that he wasn't asked for? I
beg you to kill the demon bush on behalf of our
humanity, and on behalf of the rare American Patriot who
will get rightly confused as, bush bitch buford blount's
thoughtless nazi teen savages. The anitChrist must not
be allowed to survive continuing such heinous war crimes
against our being, and myself as the no longer reluctant
standing eternal King.

Listen to witness, America's corporate news celebs will
mention it is of no concern to You as the unjustly
robbed from and dying for the demon antiChrist in
sacrifice. Look, I as Christ too, would destroy any
cowardly proud bushite nazi teen soldier victimizing my
innocent family irrationally, as most, if not all
able-bodied men of our world would also if forced into a
decision to defend our lives from the likes of a bush
bitch buford blount, or a bomb wherever death squad
running tommy franks heroin pusher, but I'm told through
my faith in the power of myth, the military should have
one or two brave and godly Patriots still idly standing
around, who would willingly chance to uphold their sworn
Oath to protect their country and family, like with the
American Constitution's Bill of Rights, and Justice
everywhere by protecting the falsely accused, as could
be, themselves, they should know now, or soon will be
learning of the other way. A proud nazi bushite savage,
is a dead nazi bushite savage halted from harming our
innocent families irrationally, and low and behold, a
good nazi bushite savage is easily found as an enemy of
ALL Humanity and God, hiding as nazi vermin in the
pirated, bushite military uniform, not true Americans,
but enemies to US all, which includes their selves they
pour toxic waste on, while the bushmob robs their
'smart' family back home, undefended, neglected, and
wounded like Christ was.

Your Mr. bush Jr. is worthless to this world as a
hater of American freedom to not arrest himself and
rotten rummy for murdering US New Yorkers on 9/11.

All I'm looking for in this world, one human enough to
join US equally as a Loyalist to Humanity, and to do
everything we can together to destroy that treasonous
9/11 perpetrator, corporate america's so very deeply
hated and despised this entire Universe over, Your Mr.
bush Jr.. To not bravely kill or immediately arrest the
demon antiChrist along with rumsfeld the rotten, sets
enslaved america tracking further down an old worn path
of History, as enemies of not only the good Iraqi People
bush and bremer whom openly rob from now without apology
while giving out cheap candy, but of US all truly in the
bigger dream without bindings. It's like bush is waging
his demon war with every political body that believe
evidence is a requirement to convince US who is evil, or
criminal, an wallah, as if by some Supreme Will, the Son
of a Just God named Johnny really comes down to our
levels to raise a simple awareness through one hell of
a, big time collecting plate. (Every proud bushite nazi
bagged, I'm willing to pay the good deeder, ten cents

Fear not my friend, the fascist bushite shall be lost by
our universally wreathed good guy plot line. An evil
bushite now irrationally fights against everyone's
freedom for a war criminating ungodly tyrannical evil
power that persecutes the innocent with murder, or
torture to steal our, sworn to uphold eternal values
from. If I don't destroy the demon bush antiChrist in
Our defense with this last breath, someone else will,
and our faith in God will with hope, find a love truly
honored with respect and gratitude for being so
magnificent. Never again, left vulnerable in my name as
undefended to be victimized for a war monger's

Let US get out there and bag US the bush demon for God,
or the Lord, Allah, or just Johnny, instead of
victimizing Catholics, Muslims, Jews, or Atheists, along
with all the rest as a Palestinian truly measured,
encompasess everyone.

The Two Troublemakers

/ / Some of the students had Palestinian passports. When
they asked what they were guilty of, the [bushite nazi savage]
soldiers said, "You are guilty of being Palestinian." \ \

A ungodly bushite nazi teen soldier, as an enemy of
America was quoted to say also to the falsely

/ / "Say that you love Bush and I will give you food," \ \

Not a love for Justice, or the Bill of Rights, but a
love for the American cop killer traitor bush demon
robbing their very own grandparents they demand by
threat of your murder, for US all as Humanity to do
likewise degenerating, sacrificing our World as cowardly
slaves to benefit the ungodly bushmob 'cabal' of
parasites, the enemies of everyone, including that as
God's will.

‘Beyond human imagination'

/ / I told them I wanted a lawyer. They told me I had no
right to a lawyer, because I was not an American citizen. \ \

"International law? I'd better call my lawyer,"

/ / "International law? I'd better call my lawyer," the
American President joked in response to a reporter's
question at the White House. \ \

Again, by denying the rest of US as Humanity Justice,
the bushites need advertise between commercial break
only, "Laden did it", no need to follow the ample
criminal 9/11 leads folks, because the crime they say
wasn't committed by true American values. Go on along
bush, cheney, and rumsfeld say, pay no attention to our
evidentiary findings such as, the American FBI's
documented contention, that bush's business partner,
General Ahmad, funded the 9/11 'mastermind' Atta, or the
CIA's, regarding bush LYING in America's name about
Niger (TREASON), or MSNBC's almost Biblical Revelation,
about the bushmob having a signed and sealed, 'top
secret' war plan to not follow the 9/11 evidence to
secure invasion of Afghanistan for Enron, at
Condoleeza's desk, two days prior to the terrorist act
taking place, of which when confronted, confessed as
fully implemented by the Whitehouse. A 'top secret'
plan to blame Laden on a crime they wouldn't actually
try to arrest for with evidence, a plan arranging that
would find bin in Afghanistan pleading innocence with
the help of bush's partner again, General Ahmad, a crime
of such magnitude, it would 'justify' a war mongers
criminal invasion to thwart Enron's impending CRIMINAL
bankruptcy, THIEVING FROM MOMS AND POPS, to then,
ATTEMPT, to close the surviving, armed with knowledge
for good reason Police investigations. All of this
setting a lowly nazi bushite war criminal, frothing
publicly at more than six billion + of US, to state
without opinion, that We, as Humanity, are no longer
afforded God's GIVEN Human Rights to defend ourselves,
nor is the criminal dictates of the demon antiChrist
accountable to any rules of law. Universal they
publicly quip, as the not-so 'secret' ungodly bushite
doctrine of tyranny as enslavement of all that is
Righteous and Holy in this World, because, hey, there is
no God to speak of... and the King of kings, Son of God
fellow, well.. that's all just ninepence fiction. No,
WE, as all the make believers of this World, will no
longer have ANY legal recourse to defend our own loved
family from being stolen from through a bush bitch
buford blount doing whatever criminally with dumfuk
loyal nazi teen bushites leading to sacrifice for, for
demon bush dictates his corporate american bred bushite
nazi teen leaders, can not be held to a code of conduct,
distinction, or honor. That's the bush world now you'll
except without say. As an American, you're forfeiting
your rights by not saying anything to protect those
falling murdered in evil bush's name. American Talk
Radio is waiting for your call to be hung up on.

All Nations outside of America are a politician's
friend, and nobody is going to vote to incriminate
ourselves for something we would be innocent of. For
bush, Ashcroft, and rumsfeld to contend, humans outside
of bush america's border, are no longer afforded the
rights of being, and bushites can rob our Universe and
there is nothing anybody can do about it, isn't going to
sell well anywhere. The criminals have enough of a time
not getting caught for the things that they do, and
almost no one but the lifeless, would stand silently
with bush while needlessly murdering ourselves as the

See?, when bush bitch buford blount murderers innocent
people, often their surviving friends and family take it
out by killing bushite soldiers that mindlessly follow
bush bitch buford blount's criminal command. And, why
shouldn't we? The unarrested bush bitch buford blount
confesses to murdering thousands of good honest People,
for no objective, but to let the bushmob rob even
further more children from US all. Kill bush for the
love of Jesus, please.

Notice to the World: Literate American Soldiers have
not voiced written objection to my writing,
(us.military.army) but for the exceptionally rare
bushite nazi savage, who sorrily slack, others shouldn't
be allowed to tell the truth about polls, 9/11 criminal
investigations, or bush and rummy getting the Patriots
murdered for pension thieves and heroin pushers to
tyrannically profit at our devolvements. Encouraging US
to continuing in bush's name getting robbed and murdered
irrationally? no rights to defend ourselves from crime
in a court of law they say?, without a God, or any
reason for love of this world whatsoever? The bushites
think that they can first degree murder our world's
women and children, our freedoms as Justice for US all,
and miraculously, as the result, will bring our entire,
dazed and confused World to it's knees as the whore of
Babylon. Indefinitely. (Not like a real Whore mind
you, most crack-addicts, and even some G men, hold
limits on how far they'll go victimizing the innocent to
glorify a blatantly evil and ungodly enemy of all that
is good and righteous in this world.


The CIA, and the FBI are surely in agreement with US, on
this indivisible Justice thing. The quicker bush dies
as unarrested traitor by the hands of a true American
Patriot, the sooner an explanation will be demanded as
forth right and coming.

Again, American soldier, wake up, and kill bush for
sacrificing your friends and family to die as cowards,
too afraid to stand with God in defense of the once
great American flag. My America, is the land of the not
so stupid, and brave enough to kill unarrested bush and
rumsfeld for 9/11 almost immediately, or any other war
criminating enemy of America fighting to not have our
Justice served by nabbing the true 9/11 suspects.

Through a legal lens - the attack and occupation of Iraq

/ / The International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, RATIFIED by both the U.S. and Britain, pulls no
punches on this count: "Any propaganda for war shall be
prohibited by law" (Article 20). \ \

This is what bush needs to be immediately arrested on
for his Niger claims, if you see him not behind bars
awaiting public trial, do the American Police force and
soldiers everywhere a favor, and kill the escaping demon
bush for the love of Your life wills it.

By protecting the demon antiChrist bush for continuing
in Our names to rob from Humanity by breaking American
laws willingly, will now be a public declaration
supporting crime against our betters. I will not stand
motionless while bush and rumsfeld with bremer persecute
school teachers not guilty of criminal offences, while
pirating Iraq's wealth for Dutch-Shell, Worldcom, and
double billers, commi Halliburton, all the while,
feeding American Patriots radio-active toxic waste to
die as losers. Think Patriot.

Arthur MacArthur "Those forty minutes when I defied my
orders, were the keystone of my career." A career that
would lead him to the highest rank in the United States
Army. Saving many lives he did by doing so bravely.

His son later, defying Hoover, smashed thousands of
American WWI vets, who were demanding their promised
checks to save themselves from starvation. Winning he
did, corporate banking's recognition and praise as a
savior of the american way of life, and The People?,
they ate it again when in 1950, at the age of 70,
defying Truman, launched a win sumtin at all costs
attack against China, that quickly during the unreported
stupid needless slaughter of countless American teens,
forced Truman to concede defeat by begging for a
immediate truce with China while firing MacArthur, who
came home to giant demonstrations of love and affection
for sacrificing American lives forgotten to the
accolades of corporate america's unsung hero.

George S. Patton Jnr. "It's no fun to say to a man you
love, go out, go out and get killed, and we have had to
say it, and by God they have gone..."

Johnny Wizard "Let US just get bush instead friend."

For the love of life and countries, kill bush as traitor
to all our Humanity.

Your unbroken eternal Warrior,
as acting Servant and King,

the one and only,
as staring Johnny Wizard,
the true Son of Man

P.S. My reader, I taunt you again: forward these words
of love or hate as if they were of Your own concern.
America I think Will be interested in this public
outrage of the silent majority, an outrage that will
ecplise into an international scandal of such
proportions, it just might win US the newscast with the
facts on Justice ruling our way. ( I am excepting all
reasonable job offers. Hint hint.)


A bushite nazi soldier's motto: Do NOT kill demon bush
for the love of God as true Patriots would, but war your
comrades in arms with toxic cluster bombs to secretly
kill yourselves with later on, including US as the
innocent, our children included, while STEALING, not
going nowhere public Iraqi institutions, including
desperately needing humanitarian aid shipments, starving
the poorest of the poor, all to please and glorify the
pension thieves of our Grandparents, and the heroin
pushers to our school kids.
To my friends in Iraq, don't let corporate american
media divide yourselves from community as equal
participators. An Iraqi, is foremost, a member of our
Humanity, and just like the rest of US, hate the God
betraying anti-American demon antiChrist bush, more than
anything else in the Universe for persecuting the
innocent while killing coppers to steal our assets
undefended without a leader to speak out everywhere for
our living rights included.
Free to be living justly for yourself
truly as caring to know this as everything

What a horrible day as history. We witness the likes of
The happen to be "wealthy" as extremely disturbing
american, Bill Hemmer or Blitzer, or CBC's corporately
managed professional news teams, who would as they have
done, propagandize our communities with intentional
deceit to not cover, the top priority established facts
on our actual murders, and happily watch US fall further
robbed, as Mr. bush Jr. victims, while feigning a just
representation on behalf of our civilization. Look,
phone them yourself. These corporate cultists do not
offer any counter to the facts that stand before US all,
but for to practice censorship against Humanities
interest in nabbing the prime 9/11 suspects. There is
no dispute found with those who are aware of the
evidence that directly implicates bush Jr. And rumsfeld
for our murders on 9/11. But Bill doesn't want to
actually work for the People to protect the interests of
Americans as police officers, such as those directly
involved in the criminal investigations, and instead,
sides to leave yourself in the dark on bush Jr.'s true
nature, as the super evil anti-Christ, actively,
actually, really, no doubt about it, trying to further
destroy the American dream as no longer Our own as
equals committed to freedom through representation.

USATODAY.com - Cluster bombs kill in Iraq

/ / During the war in Iraq, U.S. ground forces dipped into
stockpiles of more than 740 million cluster bomblets, all
with a history of high dud rates. \ \
US Uses Cluster Bombs to Spread Death and Destruction in Iraq
/ / Gruesome pictures and footage of the mutilated
bodies of Iraqi children and other innocents--images
that the Western media has largely refused to
show--reveal the bloody face of the ``liberation'' that
Washington and London have in mind for the Iraqi people.
These methods of warfare are a warning of the reprisals
and repression that will follow any military victory. \ \
"That's just the way life is in Iraq"
/ / "What about the cluster bomb problem?" Blount
answered that "we didn't use that many of them, but
there are evidently some areas where they-- you know,
they've got some-- some areas," and claimed that though
the Air Force may have dropped more, he, as an Army
U.S. Under Fire for Use of Cluster Bombs in Iraq
/ / According to Myers, U.S. warplanes dropped 1,500
cluster bombs in Iraq. \ \
Hundreds of thousands of land mines to kill evil, bad
guy bushite soldiers with. A good bushite soldier, is a
dead bushite soldier, no longer victimizing our God as
innocent families being robbed of freedom and Justice
for the demon antiChrist American cop killer, Our Mr.
bush Jr..
My Silence Cannot Be Bought
Saddam's Arrest Raises Troubling Questions
/ / "So what's the difference?" \ \
Asking of an opinionated, biased human presence as US
censored into silence being the bushite corporate
american nazi menace, "So what's the difference?" bush
What is the difference if the People's President of the
United States intentionally misleads the entire nation
into creating a costly unprovoked war scene to murder
our good friends and family for Generations?, goaded by
unfounded IMMINENT global threats to our dying freedoms
and liberty, lawless bush truly answers to whom again?..
BILLS, that's a difference. Hundreds of billions wasted
for no legitimate justification as a war monger's war
crimes. An irrational war of indiscriminate killing
fought to lower our complete, unrestricted access
without delay we had in Iraq prior, while an evil
bushite nazi teen soldier's life is cast away as
worthless, without any true meaning to speak of. All
People should recognize a LEADERLESS nazi bushite
soldier wars to victimize innocent people STEALING our
lives and values without a thought to question what it
means to be true blue American.
What real honor does a proud bushite soldier possess for
victimizing the innocent with toxic waste they dump on
themselves like with land mines, to die as cowardly nazi
bushite vermins, who try fruitlessly to criminally harm
only our own instead? What real man, wouldn't proudly
destroy a nazi bushite soldier warring their innocent
family I ask all Peoples as the Son of God's Creation to
wake up to this simple reality? There is approximately
six and a half billion of US expected to cower in line
politely with our children as the recognized innocent,
God, that they, as bushite nazi vermins tell US would
irrationally victimize to glorify the antiChrist, as
enemies of America, and the flags of Freedom everywhere.
The nazi bushite soldier, who like under the orders of
buford blount, wars You, me, and God as a bigot weakling
to protect pension thieves and heroin pushers, recently
were quoted to figure, US Humans must not legitimately
contribute to the bush revisions of america's new
"democracy" by complaining over any of our public
policies, here or abroad, for, as an enemy of Humanity,
the bushites confess to instigating first degree murders
against those whom would only argue for better Universal
health care, lower utility costs for ourselves as the
public interests, investments in education, or
attempting to form a just, ruling governmental
representation of causes for our better enjoyments. How
many Patriots does cowardly war criminals, steven
russell or buford blount have to ORDER sacrificed by the
good guys, before a real Soldier's Soldier gets the God
betraying lawless demon bush monster as an enemy to "The
People" as US all included?
Like Iraq's oil-for-food idea, or Iraq's stolen
universal Health care system, as it is so today,
practiced in every developed country this world over,
intelligently, but for not in publicly witnessed as
devalued corporate american interests, as the US as some
sort of massive sell out liquidation sale by gun point.
(Americans pay twice as much per capita as Canadians do
for public health services, and it's not because Canada
doesn't pay doctors that we can freely enter a hospital
and wait like everybody else does, we, like the rest of
Humanity's Democracies, don't see a good reason to
insert a CEO's company of crooks to pocket most the
public health care cash taxed as a billionaire placed
stupidly in our ways to the Emergency Room. Where do
you think Ross Perot took his health care billions from?
Wounded Americans taxed as politically incompetent
that's where. Although, see?, Ross is not all that bad
a chap as chiseler, but, he doesn't have a medical
degree that I know of, and that's the trouble with our
ills of government ineptitude; we're being charged for
things we wouldn't choose to pay instead to someone else
for. Republicans often publicly argue they're inept,
and that's why they must destroy yet another, public
trust for their lobbyist's paid for privilege. [Enron
and Gramm: Californian tax payers shovel billions to
the criminal shysters, and Gramm, gets a measly hundred
grand for not working on behalf of the State losing.])
Destroy a dumfuk war criminating proud bushite soldier
who would irrationally murder Your family like steven
russell suggests you shouldn't speak up for, and all day
long, you'll like have good Karma I swear, and a better
future will surely be had for all by TRULY protecting
Your own family as God's one true love.
Demon bush in another tantrum "But the fact that he is
not there is, means America's a more secure country."
Huh? In the naked bush illusion, Saddam no longer there
means more security, and damn the real world results of
consequence. (Where's the speech writers he'll shrill
for as something Churchillian this time again probably.)
If the demon bushmob murdered 6 billion of US
irrationally but for stealing our profits and denying
Your rights of Freedom through indivisible Justice as
principle, would we therefor, all be more secure for not
arresting or executing the treasonous war mongering
antiChrist bush demon FIRST?, before he commits US to
more needless irrational mass murder, perhaps including
Your own also?, right?, like franks told US, the
leaderless bushite nazi teen forces don't do death
counts, nor will they allow US to either through
unbiased corporate news services, because they not only
lie to America as ungodly traitors, but truly lie to
themselves hiding as cowardly DYING evil nazi dumfuk
bushite savages. The bushites don't want the Patriots
to know how many have already died as the bad guys
feeding themselves depleted plutonium, all for STEALING
Iraq's wealth, freedom and prosperity for the lawless
bushmob 'cabal' to profit at.
Where, I DEMAND, is the stated concern for Our Iraqi
lives the bushites kept telling US they had a concern
for? How difficult would it be to fly in a billion or
two in food and health provisions for everyone paid for,
by made generous Halliburton or WorldCom as examples?
How difficult would it be to arrest bushite nazi
soldiers who commit first degree murders?, like buford
blount openly confesses?, no investigation required
there. How can Peace truly be had in Iraq, if buford
isn't arrested on war crimes, or found dead as heinous
traitor to all and country?
Someone destroy the demon bush for US please, and
tell'em that was just our way to protect God's dying
Family from the war criminal bush's, further ungodly and
evil fascist tyranny, disguised to nobody but through
corporate news censorship on our top priorities. Our
history with the antiChrist demon bush lorder, is well
documented despite my limited coverage, and he must be
royally trounced to protect Our America from further
criminal sacrifices made irrationally under the lunatic.
Kill Our Mr. bush Jr. American Patriot, and be loved
by all as Savior.
All ready,
King Johnny
/ / Huh? Bush said the reason U.S., "along with other nations,"
invaded Iraq was because its brutal vicious dictator would not permit
any weapons inspections(?)\ \
/ / The "democracy" being installed in Iraq is one in which protest is
completely prohibited. Protest for redress of grievances was a major
factor in the founding of America as witnessed in the Declaration of
Independence, but the new form of "democracy" being installed in Iraq
says: "If you protest or assemble for redress of grievances you will
killed." \ \
Medical evacuations from Iraq near 11,000
"To see these guys walking around up there with an arm missing, a leg
missing, that is when it hits you in the face," said Blackwell.
CIA Got Uranium Mention Cut in Oct., Why Bush Used It In Jan. Is
Unclear. This Undermines Bush's Efforts to Blame CIA!
CIA Not About to Take the Fall for White House's Lies - The CIA Told
the White House in March 2002 That the Nigerian Nuclear Documents were
CIA refuses to take the fall: Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False
CIA Says It Cabled Key Data to White House [!!!]
Can Bush Be Both Ignorant and a Liar?
Jessica Lynch's convoy was ordered to make wrong turn
Who's Accountable?
Paul Krugman: "I'll tell you what's outrageous. It's not the fact that
people are criticizing the administration; it's the fact that nobody
is being held accountable for misleading the nation into war."
911 Victim Ellen Mariani Open Letter To Bush
From Johnny Wizard's "Believe"
/ / In other
words, the bush administration has confessed completely
to US, the People, to have absolutely no political
interest in following the primary crime scene evidence
surrounding the murder of thousands of American
citizens. Golly G, I wonder why that might be. \ \
Okay so we'll temporarily forget about 9/11 and the
mult-billions demon bush has stolen in Iraqi
humanitarian aid that would otherwise go towards feeding
the starved for a moment,
Mr. bush murders Jesus
/ / ``He called me at home early in the morning and we
spoke for six hours during which he described the
corpses of women and children and cried over what he had
seen. `I am not a murderer. I did not join the Marine
Corps to kill women and children,' he said. \ \
Don't kill bush for me, do it for Jesus.
Demon bush must not, under any circumstances, be allowed
to survive from his evil onslaught he has criminally
dictated against our God and Humanity as war mongering
monster liar. Unarrested demon bush must die, and he
must die as soon as your human enough to make this moral
stand for the innocent; Your true life's light and our
freedom's right. The demon bushmob has assaulted untold
thousands upon thousands of innocent children for
generations, with the scourge of deadly cancers by
needlessly dumping hazardous waste on our once,
respected as godly Creation, now forsaken as bush's
dereliction of being world war criminal, practicing his
inservitude to Humanity's good will and nature by
exploiting America's lack of a real leader publicly
recognized, he counts on leveraging the total ignorance,
and blind obedience of his sacrificing teen worshipers,
to war the innocent barely labeled, 'near a "suspect"',
but noticed, never wanted for simple questioning, on
like why many men might protect their fundamental right
to rid Iraq of bush's tyrannical shackles, to bring TRUE
accountability, stability and happiness so enshrined by
the values of Justice and Freedom for US all as the
Genesis of God preaches. But you get the same
corporatized TV news picture, bushites are the cowardly
dumfuks of this world, who hate Humans talking specifics
like this, one on one, cause the true America they is
afraid of losing to, is an America who sees as we all
do, bush is an evil nazi war mongering savage as
American cop killer and major Humanity betrayer, hiding
not so well in our flag's public shadow, has even got
the Son of Man as Creator in a great big tizzy about
family obligations, and serving for the interests of God
as truly worth something important to our furthering
existence under the criminal bush demon rules of
A good nazi bushite soldier, is a true coward and
traitor to America's America, ignorant blinded betrayers
who don't protect their desecrated flag by warring bush,
buford blount, Baathist bremer, or commi Halliburton and
Dutch-Shell boardheads bravely as defenders of the
faith, and would be better off humanely put down, than
be willingly allowed to further lawlessly bush-soldier
with reckless mass murder and robbery of the general
Citizenry as continuing to criminally war our friends,
brothers and sisters irrationally, US, those they fully
confess as thousands upon thousands of innocent families
suffering collaterally due to their furthering criminal
conduct., as buford blount carries their day dictating
in sacrificial servitude to the evil antiChrist without
thinking, confessing to committing first degree murders
he does for dictator bush's america to bill all
uselessly armed Americans as for. Dying as enemies of
God and Humanity.
A bushite nazi soldier's motto: Do NOT kill demon bush
for the love of God as true Patriots would, but war your
comrades in arms with toxic cluster bombs to secretly
kill yourselves with later on, including US as the
innocent, our children included, while STEALING, not
going nowhere public Iraqi institutions, including
desperately needing humanitarian aid shipments, starving
the poorest of the poor, all to please and glorify the
pension thieves of our Grandparents, and the heroin
pushers to our school kids.
Traitors not only to the holy American Dream entrusted
as a commitment kept honorably, but also to their very
own devalued selves excommunicating as degenerates.
Tell me this isn't written as so American soldier?, or I
swear as God, the real men of this world will hunt
evil bushites down and destroy them as uniformed rabid.
A proud bushite soldier, is a dead bushite soldier, no
longer victimizing our innocent families as kin.
Destroy Our Mr. bush Jr. as Patriot, and Life will
praise you from here to forever as Liberator and true
defender of our dying God as America, suffering unjustly
under antiChrist dictate., Living as Life's favor you
will be loved by everyone as would be Savior, and will
earn my respect and gratitude, for a life lived doing
something right for Christ's sake.
War criminal to probe mass murder
/ / According to press reports, one of these briefs,
issued on August 6, 2001--a month before some 3,000
people were killed at the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon--warned the White House of plans by Al Qaeda to
mount terrorist attacks using hijacked airplanes.
Rather than issuing subpoenas demanding the full panel's
unrestricted access to these crucial documents, the
leadership of the panel agreed to a rigged procedure in
which only one commissioner and one staff member will be
allowed to review selected portions of the briefs and
write summaries of them, with the White House then
vetting the final material, removing whatever it sees
fit. \ \
For who's reason would the demon bush not want to be
found accountable? America's?, or a no-where to hide,
war mongering mass murderers? The simplicity of this,
can unfortunately throw some good people off... But for
what true reason could demon bush have??? Is, to truly
protect the vital national security interests of
America, to not follow how a criminal event against the
Greater could happen? Would the founding fathers of
confederation, or FDR, wisely hide from criminal leads
to arrest those who were irrationally sacrificing
Is tyrant dictator demon bush's plan of lawlessness, a
crime written to imprison with tyranny, you and yours
not truly spoken for?
The demon bush doesn't want Your America to see the true
consequences of his treachery, while at the same time,
Your expected to publicly except that some people will
as result, be arrested without evidence, then perhaps
incarcerated indefinitely some place where Your pesky
"human" classification no longer applies 'legally',
without ever getting a chance to call a lawyer ..maybe
tortured to death, while any actual crime investigations
on national security breaches will be halted before
leads form rational conclusions, with the new bush
revisions for our history's future, will set America
leaderlessly to give in to "bad guy", heroin peddling
pension thief recruiters as Your Master of this Great
Universe we share with King Johnny? I don't think so
American cop killing, embezzler bush makes no public
noise on where almost half of four billion a month in
Iraq is being further corrupted in his namesake, while
he then has furthered what money was accoladed proudly
as "Humanitarian Aid", be poured as stolen charity
provisions into the private pockets of commi cheney's
old haunt for keeping quiet on who's paying whom with
what still. Then globally proclaiming with 13303, he as
lawless demon antiChrist, will no longer be accountable
to any rules of law, Universal or otherwise mystical,
just to keep it all simpler than I contend by asking
EVERYONE as G's 'official' spokesperson: "why must we
murder Your family for the war criminal bush to profit
from by US not listening to ourselves hurting?"
Silent are you America?, to witness bush thieve from the
People in Your name as slush-fund? It is ourselves as
victim whom brunt the true cost of demon bush's phoney
leadership as 9/11 perpetrating war criminal profiteer,
and betrayer to our Human cause for Justice to earn
ourselves a Freedom for US all.
As truth does so insist for Atheists also, this has been
another big time broadcast of the standing God-King
calling out again attention to my victimized World
forsaken, to love as you would love living, and by so
being, protect our dying existence by believing in our
self evident human values to do everything and anything
we can, to stop the demon bushmob 'cabal' from war
criminating further against our better selves as equals.
Demon bush denies a voice for Justice, Jesus, or a love
to all as worthy of God's praise and glory.
America, I stand not alone, and at your side in defense
of our innocence I plead mercy to God for our suffering
World, please, help me by ridding ourselves of the heavy
burdening lawless demon antiChrist, who would have Jesus
murdered still, the despicably corrupted and wickedly
evil, Your unarrested and greatly detested Mr bush Jr.
Judgement in faith and commitment to all,
Your loyal King servant, and so-so friend,
Johnny Wizard
Johnny Wizard - the "Would you pay five dollars for
this?" Jokester, that fellow you know as a brother would
I figure, should throne in also, at least until we make
the news for American content. Help the Johnny bot get
some tush, by loving yourself up a little bit for luck.
Wanna smooch?
"The taxpayers understand why it makes sense for
countries that risked lives to participate in the
contracts in Iraq. It is very simple," Demon bush told
the faithful.
Hmmm.. bush risks all our lives by murdering the
innocent irrationally, so then should we, just give him
all our money too for being so brave and patriotic? And
G, wasn't there talk about naming toxic radioactive
rotten rummy, america's sexiest now that that is
Share the Loot?
/ / No, "America" gets nothing when Halliburton gets
billions and billions. What we have here is a
government-corporate cartel looting the rest of us for
its own benefit.
Do we really want to see more loot going to the gang
that starts war to destroy so they can make money to
rebuild? \ \
Schroeder seeks to revoke Iraq shutout
/ / At his side, Schroeder said the reconstruction of
Iraq was "everybody's business" and it made little sense
to discuss who could take part and who not. \ \
Corporate media lies, distortions, spin and omissions all serve Bush
/ / What is more important in a nation that claims to operate
on democratic principles than a citizen's right to vote and to
have that vote counted as cast? Absent that right, all our
other rights as a free people are moot. \ \
Delivered Into Hell by US War on Terror
by Maher Arar
/ / asked repeatedly for a lawyer but was told that I didn't
have the right to one because I was not an American citizen.
There were no phone calls home either. \ \
The Axis of Incoherence
/ / Razor-wire fences, checkpoints, nighttime raids and
roundups, bombing, and the demolition of houses and
other buildings have never persuaded Palestinians that
Israeli soldiers are in the West Bank to help them. \ \
USATODAY.com - Cluster bombs kill in Iraq, even after shooting ends
/ / During the war in Iraq, U.S. ground forces dipped into
stockpiles of more than 740 million cluster bomblets, all
with a history of high dud rates. \ \
From "Total Eclipse"
/ / ...Mr. bush's criminal world policy, is to unjustly be
represented by ourselves as the bush thieves, with
practically no skill but for killing indiscriminately
ourselves as weak, pathetic, cowardly nazi bastards
stupidly protecting evil bush to continue, as our false
deity apposed to God's will. Justice.\ \
From "Time to tell"
/ / Again,
"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning." \ \
(From Google 'groups', us.military.army)
/ / ``KBR is charging Iraq US$180,000 (RM684,000) for each school they
renovate. They then give the project to Iraqi sub-contractors and pay
them just US$20,000 (RM76,000) to do the job. \ \
Iraqi Food Security in Hands of Occupying Powers
/ / A source inside the CPA says that the CPA trade team responsible
for formulating Iraq's ration policy has little or no experience in
ration systems, food issues or even international trade. In one part
of the team, the most senior personnel have backgrounds in unrelated
issues, like counterfeiting in China and privatization on the former
Soviet Union. \ \
Corporate news censorship on our top priority world
issues, such as the bush demon wars, are our rights to
be heard over the evil wicked lies excused, as not
relevant, or of YOUR dying concern. Such as Paul
Cellucci, bush's ambassador to Canada, stating to
reporters refusing to listen as yourself being present,
it is now in bush's concern to have innocent people
tortured, or murdered, to thwart freedom and Justice for
Humanity, and Paul Cellucci as spokesman, hears nothing
wrong with that for everyone in America as included. He
states as much because he tells US further, that by the
bushites criminally threatening to victimize Humanity
through further mismanagement of our funs while stealing
our protections, denies the antiChrist bush from being
hunted down by the still alive as innocent complaining.
Through fear of the American cop killer bush, we, as
Humanity in the big TV picture, would not get a brighter
idea from beyond the grave by holding hands with the
jolly Grim Reaper boldly proclaiming, "Hey!, Why don't
we just all smarten up, and kill the unarrested bush
demon instead of our innocent brothers and sisters
friend?"? No?
"All I can say is that the INS had good and sufficient
reason for what they did, based on the current threat,"
Mr. Cellucci said.
But... he just can't say it to anyone though, either in
a court of law if pressed to confess about the crime
scene, that's all..
Let US see... Cellucci knows that Arar was a Canadian
citizen, who PATRIATED to Canada some 16 years ago,
accomplishing to earn a Masters degree, and become a
respected business achiever in the field of
telecommunications. An individual member of our human
race, found without sufficient evidence to arrest, let
alone torture, or murder by proxy under the Baathist
banner in secrecy.
Arar has been found by Ashcroft, as according to
Cellucci's stammering mumbles, that he was marked down
as a dissident by the Baathist regime, therefor, the
bushites, in SUPPORT of totalitarianism everywhere like
with Uzbekistan or the Bathist Mukhabarat, (the Saddam
secret security force recently hired up by bushite
bremer with American dollars, while that fascist nazi
terrorist then fired 28.000 Iraqi school teachers) would
send you instead f the "bad guys" handcuffed, to be
illegally tortured somewhere in Syria, or Likud Israel,
perhaps to death as an American slave tax upon our
entire world. For who?, bush, rumsfeld, or corporate
news america can't say how many innocent victims they
must sacrifice as ourselves through censorship to create
a bushite world of further enslavement and tyranny
against freedom's values, or God as awed and respected.
US proconsul cancels municipal election in Iraq
(bremer is a Baathist)
All, the bushites decided to go on, in their defense of
harming your alleged innocent family funded by Aamerican
tax dollars, was to suggest someone hiding in a Police
detachment whispered that would be the, just, right
thing to do for all Canadians., to irrationally glorify
demon bush as our false deity too, succumbing US all to
the cult like trance willingly sacrificing yourself to
the 'bushdum' affliction. Let me tell you something,
delusional nazi bushite fascist commi vermin, Canadians,
like all other semi-developed nations, are not so stupid
in general terms as America is measured, when polled on
our personal preference for Justice, Freedom, and
Liberty truly leading our ways to the glorious Promised
Land for curious Atheists to freely ponder un-accosted
for questioning. Words mean shit, if cop killer bush'll
bare our fight with terrorism by giving up on our
evidence to form rational conclusions, then demanding
the corporate news america better not make any stink
over the facts, or he'll corral US all out of the way in
a special protest corridor for misfits. Our anticop,
nazi poster boy teen soldier recruiter, Mr. bush Jr.,
is truly wicked evil, as I am the actual seriously
poverty struck Son of God fellow, left corporately
censored, or forsaken by the entire main stream body
politic... frankly, I'm not even really sure anymore.
I can not help you spiritually, nor can a "God" of any
understanding either, if you stead fast refuse to help
yourself from denigration, or the radio-active toxic,
heavy metal plutonium bomb rotten rumsfeld has dropped
in our residential communities, or like as thousands of
cluster bomb land mines for NO KNOWN GOOD REASON,
attacking everyone, as could be... your barely survived
neighbor's dilemma, wondering about a devote bushite
soldier's loyalty to war profiteering by destroying your
house and family, all because someone might have said
something somewhere about someone else, taken the wrong
way though, but who would clarify to substantiate?, or
instead investigate for indictment?, not immensely
profitable corporate news america on the murder of
thousands of New Yorkers, that is for sure., manifested
into the horrible likes of a buford blount, who openly
tells US all of America, he gets off on murdering
innocent people for his pleasure to watch yet another,
American Soldier fall dead without any real leadership?
What can bush or rumsfeld do now in Iraq, outside of
criminally stealing our assets, that they couldn't do
before a single innocent Iraqi person was murdered by
heinous traitor buford blount? Look I am serious about
this: read... What can bush or rumsfeld do now in
Iraq, outside of criminally stealing our assets, that
they couldn't do before a single innocent Iraqi person
was murdered by heinous traitor buford blount?
I dream perchance one day I will mock up for President,
with a slogan campaigning something like, "vote for Just
Johnny, and he'll then for sure likely make our news
circuit, eventually", or maybe a more esoteric approach,
"make the bushmob pay for what we lost away, in that
time, being, as their wrong doing wasn't our
foolishness, but criminal contempt from a tyrant demon
world war monger trying to escape from our vengeance",
for, I, by God, shall refuse to follow in as corporate
dictate for criminal design for as long as I live to be
I am not buying to forget those of US bush recklessly
mass murdered, nor selling mistaken servitude towards
that demon bush liar, as an enemy of God and my family.
I HATE bush as much as any real man should.
From "One More Thing"
/ / ...or Anthrax made to look Muslimized, is not
failure to connect the dots ever, or insufficient
funding then is not less payment for our law enforcement
now to nab the prime suspects. As Mueller, or mueller
has not publicly commented of, but to say, he hasn't
seen or heard anything of this police work, leaving the
FBI unrepresented publicly as a threat by himself as a
terrorist supporter, and devout member of the bushmob
cartel. \ \
If the CIA stills stands behind it pre-war conclusions,
we would EASILY find, bush and rumsfeld in criminal
contempt as traitors, with cheney and co., as the mealy
mouthed nazi collaborators, needing to be de-bushified
by returning all that stolen money to the American tax
payer to win some leeway from the jury's final verdict
at sentencing. The CIA for only one example,
investigated at least THREE times, officially, the false
Niger uranium claims, and found no disagreement on the
case as it closed yet again, filed under, never truly
happened. The British WMD trucks were for hydrogen
production, yet, bush went on again, after the facts
were publicly established, about how he wasn't keeping
informed, and relied instead on his make believe world
of fantasy to bargain the cheap lives of prop soldiers,
too weak and stupid to form a cogent sentence on any
relevant matter whatsoever.
Freedom stands indivisible as the protections of law
suit all political parties vying for true
representation. As a bushite cowardly nazi fascist,
your trained to believe you can have no positive effect
in THIS universe by trying to better ANYTHING in your
falling world, and instead, should do like a prosperous
corporate bushite does, steal from any falsely accused
neighbor as terrorist. Ah ha, but see the trickery?
That's when the demon bushmob comes in between the
devotees, and steals America's life savings like it's a
natural pork by-product. (Like anti-Semitic ariel
sharon to the "Jews" who "choose" to go along without
care to harm a good neighbor, as in G's favor. Again,
bigot ariel sharon is not Jewish as a practicing Jew,
when he steals life from God whom he knows not of
present reality as Universal. Vacant ariel sharon
thinks the smartass Messiah isn't all or nothing to
speak about in real terms in other words.
Judaism 101: Love and Brotherhood
/ / Hillel replied, "What is hateful to yourself, do not
do to your fellow man. That is the whole Torah; the
rest is just commentary. Go and study it."...
... Jewish law includes within it a blueprint for a
just and ethical society, where no one takes from
another or harms another or takes advantage of another,
but everyone gives to one another and helps one another
and protects one another. Again, these are not merely
high ideals; the means for fulfilling these ideals are
spelled out in the 613 commandments.\ \)
[Corporate american news: "but it's okay that bush
victimizes the innocent to steal our money willingly if
we just say, nobody is really caring about the human
toll as payments received through criminal dictate."]
That's when the demon bushmob comes in between the
devotees, and steals America's life savings like it's a
natural pork by-product. Again, bush has made no
mention publicly, of where nearly half, (1.5 of 4
billion) the Iraq war expenses are being funneled per
month, while American soldiers die for nothing honorable
as his criminals for fraudsters commi Halliburton,
pension heisters Worldcom, and Dutch-Shell, stealing
"Saddam's money", that would have otherwise, been spent
as Humanitarian Aid, or "Saddam's property", that kept
telephone rates, electricity, gasoline and museum pieces
in the hands of the Iraqi government as "The People"
present yet still.
Put the Blame on Cheney for U.S. Mess in Iraq
/ / What is particularly disturbing is how the
administration misused intelligence information to make
its case for war and failed to plan competently for the
postwar period. \ \
What seems even more disturbing, to me, and PBS'
FRONTLINE, is that there was a "State" plan, the ORHA
plan to prevent looting and carnage, but it was
sabotaged by rumsfeld and franks, so the bushmob could
try to make some sense of needlessly bombing the country
for our labored dollars, while robbing the central bank
and museum by mopping up the mess with the bodies of
American Patriots still dying as dumfuks.
Demon bush needs to be arrested, or shot dead as traitor
to all for 9/11 immediately.
OUR NEWS must demand Canadian access to speak against
these HUGE as criminal allegations now being made by the
evil parasitic bush administration against the Force, to
not do so, is to infringe on the rights of all Humanity,
to fall further wasted to terrorist bush's war crime
activity, while learning nothing it seems, from Lucas'
Star Wars, or from your own misgivings and doubts on
helping me speak these words of righteousness to the
high Heaven as God's sake, for, our magical World is
dying as the never known and neglected, and, our
corporate news agencies refuse to be shocked at your, or
my outrage. Stand out and speak up, for these stakes of
Humanity's Universal Freedom include your own truly my
friend. Photocopy, fax, email, telephone, pen, or
scratch on a rock your right to be heard on this, dying
unjustly at your own hand in peril thing, under the
tyrant bush demon antiChrist, disguised naked to know
one. Look, I am a fair minded god of Gods, and
occasionally spooky sometimes also as our makeshift
always here as Creation, blabber of the bleeped blurbs
blundered, but like that good Kung-fu show, Your not the
one you should be terrified of. Sacrificing your
freedoms granted by existence within Humanity without
thinking for bush to pontificate cardinally for more
murder and carnage, is just plain stupid, wrong, and
immoral, as illegitimate bush has, does, and continues
to will in your name sacrilegiously.
I can only do so much, to help you help yourself. For
YOU to quest for something greater in this life, a life
shared by all through ever lasting wonder, will surely
earmark the beginnings of mankind's final triumphant
stand against the brutal, barbaric tyranny of war, and
wouldn't it just be grand, if you could say, yes, you
were there, and you too stood up for yourself on what
was just right for everyone included, like God would if
we tried together for something greater? Reach for the
stars, and there is no telling how far you'll be going
to make this dream become a reality.
I just thought I'd might make you more aware, that's
all. Hugs and kisses from the great King of Kings,
Johnny Wizard
P.S. I need help from You there buddy. You, reading
this currently.. yes, you. Look, if you could help me
get by for a few days, by contributing to the cause, I
sure would be appreciative. Or donating a couple
dollars my way wouldn't really leave you high and dry,
without a home to go to, would it?
Take care.
U.S. Recruiting Hussein's Spies
Washington Post
Bush Makes Protesters 'Disappear'
Lawyer quits terror cases after death threat
/ / "...I'm on the verge of tears because it means we
now live in Colombia. It means that the rule of law is
meaningless. It means that lawyers cannot represent
anyone even in what you profess to be a democracy here
in Canada," he said. "It comments on where we've
arrived as a society." \ \
Or, going to as the bushmobbed.
Analysis: Iraqi CPA fires 28,000
/ / But in today's Iraq, in spite of steadily escalating
attacks on U.S. forces, the desire of the IGC to
enforce political correctness produced "incoherence,
chaos and disorganization," one Pentagon official said.
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld even moved to get
rid of 16 of 20 State Department people because they
were seen to be "Arabists" -- overly sympathetic to
Iraqis, U.S. government officials said. \ \
Remember: rotten rumsfeld didn't want anyone to point
out that the people he was planning to rob from and mass
murder, were largely innocent, like gneral masses under
8ush in amerika r 4.
Demon bush "the future of the Iraqi people should not be
mortgaged to the enormous burden of debt incurred to
enrich Saddam Hussein's regime."
The Iraqi People should not be further mortgaged under
the enormous criminal bush burden as mass murdering war
monger. Demon bush has no right to sabotage Iraq's
Public Health care system, or oil industry without
reason but to thieve from.
New York City - Byrd's Fable Fits Perfectly
Do You Have the Knowledge to Escape?
/ / The timing of the attack obviously coincided with
the height of the protests against Bush's visit to
London. Why would George Bush's arch enemies provide a
distraction that would reduce media coverage of the
protests against him significantly and allow him to
grandstand with Tony Blair in a wallowing of fake
sympathy? \ \
From Johnny's "One More Thing"
/ / There is a guide book for leadership in the
American Marines entitled, "Guidebook for MARINES", and
inside, it contains 14 principles to strive for as an
American Soldier...
Integrity, Knowledge, Courage, decisiveness,
Dependability, Initiative, Tact, Justice, Enthusiasm,
Bearing, Endurance, Unselfishness, Loyalty, and
"1. Integrity. The stakes of combat are too high to
gamble leadership on a dishonest man. Would you accept
a report from a patrol leader who had been known to lie?
Of course you wouldn't. All your statements, official
or unofficial, are considered by your men to be plain,
unadorned fact. Make sure they are. When you give your
word, keep it. There are people depending on you to
come through with the goods."
Now, I could go on further about what kind of lifeless
degenerate a lawless cowardly mute soldier in bush's
nazi death squads would have to be, to serve under bush
as slave and traitor to home and family, as against God,
the Flag, and all that we represent as equals through
Justice, but I won't. \ \
/ / We had one hundred percent access, to change
anything we wished, by public persuasion at a publicized
international level, promised to be broadcasted
nationally in Iraq by Saddam also. What can be changed
now in Iraq, that couldn't have been under the stable
Saddam regime communicating? Outside of the criminal
thefts of Iraqi assets? Could bush have demanded that
innocent prisoners not be tortured, or at the least, be
granted their day in a public court to face some sort of
accusation? Does the forced bush mandate articulate
somewhere in secret that evidence will no longer be a
prerequisite to determine what is evil to all humanity?,
now that he tyrants as demon antichrist? Strangely
funny yes, and life is like a dream almost, but think
again: \ \
No representative world body politic, would decide to
purposefully, criminally victimize US as the Innocent
for war monger, American cop killer bush as our official
Democratic decision maker.
I hope you as anyone else, can agree to find easy
agreement with anyone on our own interest as immediate
need, to have the heinous UNJUST traitor to our
Humanity, the mass murdering Mr. bush Jr., immediately
halted for victimizing Humanity criminally as documented
Mr. bush Jr. SIGNED his own name with Condolezza to
the "top secret" Presidential Directive 9/11 Plan. A
plan to invade Afghanistan without using evidence for an
allegation to a crime they would pin on Laden as
innocent of. A documented plan, IN AMERICA'S NAME, to
not apprehend the actual 9/11 perpetrators by following
the ample criminal leads offered through America's FBI
or CIA. Again, all completely planned SECRETLY several
days before the WTC incidents. Planned with bush,
rumsfeld, and atheist General Ahmad, the funder of
9/11's fall guy, Atta. The very last thing Ahmad, bush
and rumsfeld wanted, was to actually arrest Laden, for
it would have foiled their documented in writing,
criminal war crimes against my America to steal the big
bucks with our funerals. Mueller, franks and Tenant,
would likely be directly involved, like Condolezza is
for sure, and need to be questioned, then immediately
arrested for treason to face public trial in our court
room of popular opinion. Destroy Our unarrested Mr.
bush Jr. my friend, and this Universe of ours will be
forever grateful.
God is Just,
Johnny Wizard
Have you heard mention of Joseph Wilson?
From "Just Johnny"
/ / Listen friend, we all witness the refusal of our
corporate news giants, to allow ourselves, open free
discussions with the facts on our true losses. You too,
as many others, can also try contacting CNN, CBC, the
Chorus Radio Network, or Clear Channel about the
bushmob's Ahmad, the CIA's insider information, the
tommy franks death squads against Afghanistan families,
the U.N.'s March 7th conclusion, the privatization of
Iraq's assets into the clutches of companies like Dutch
Shell, but yet, they continue to censor Our voices,
while dictating we have no interest, concern, or
knowledge of such important subjects, while leaving our
brothers and sisters to be robbed and left for murdered
as cowards by the criminal bushites hiding behind the
once great American flag. \ \
From "Wait a Moment"
/ / Why is CNN not defending Our Mr. bush regarding the
torture of US innocent and alive without Human Rights in
Guantanamo Bay either? Micheal Mobbs. Is the bush
demon threatening You by his non-committal on Our issue
as ancient Civilization included? Arron Brown? Why can
not CNN be also of our artists, wise guys, best sellers,
or elected officials? When has CNN ever tackled Social
Security on behalf of the Democrats, or privatized
corporate swindles by Republicans who argue their
ineptness is on the level? What are Our priority issues
to resolve, if we have the stage for speaking as the
global community? Justice for all, would be in whose
favor?, when understood by anyone as unbiased? We are
of the order to the cosmos, and, as so, a good way can
have an even better way when we plan for results to win
with ourselves. Justice is freedom, and needs not
murder in bush's name to resolve conflicts peacefully as
dialoging in person. Iraq People can testify to their
Humanity, but CNN isn't listening for questions, or
asking for solutions for fear they may be wrong about
everything we are together, imbeciles to let bush
unjustly take US further to be willing victims going
silently to our graves. (And you think I'm spooky?) \ \
From "Total Eclipse"
/ /Nobody would want to be deprived our freedoms to life,
by living to not deprive those same rights of Justice
from any other, God especially as equal potential for
all Justified to freely wonder of this life beginning as
forever always we do without saying even. It could seem
as so unbelievably magnificent being of a contemplation,
that we can not be contained by example to be completed.
(Hint: God is a thinker unparalleled in vision.)
I can't pretend insight as wisdom truly, but we can
learn from living to do something for yourself as anyone
like Jesus would do filling in as Joking in all
seriousness: "I wonder about this, going to show up
defending ourselves as whom again son?" ....
...Mr. bush's criminal world policy, is to unjustly be
represented by ourselves as the bush thieves, with
practically no skill but for killing indiscriminately
ourselves as weak, pathetic, cowardly nazi bastards
stupidly protecting evil bush to continue, as our false
deity apposed to God's will. Justice.\ \
From "Time to tell"
/ / Again,
"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning." \ \
What do you say?
"Why then does the Administration remain steadfast in
its opposition to an investigation into the biggest
terrorism attack upon our nation"?
Rep. Cynthia McKinney
We see corporate America refusing to report on their
criminal behaviors against all American interests. We
hear now how the mysterious cheney is sure that
terrorists unknown to the Mueller's FBI who speaks with
the CIA's Tenet everyday, will be likely terrorizing
more American civilians, like the same way in New York
City, but maybe worst "without a doubt" with him in
charge understanding squat. Is that pipsqueak cheney
maybe threatening US then I'm asking every clear
thinking American soldier, and NRA member to pay
attention to the facts made public already by Mueller
and the DEA? Mueller now back tracking on his comments
of bush and rumsfeld, by publicly saying only a week or
two ago, there indeed was no evidence whatsoever to
implicate Afghanistan for 9/11, now says suicide
bombers, like sharon committed to the Jews in Israel is
highly plausible, now that cowardly America is publicly
open about committing injustice against US as innocent,
while everyday OUR world witnesses bush and rumsfeld the
terrorists, continue to escape their rightful arrest or
execution for 9/11, to commit further injustice against
US all. We can all understand the general ignorance in
America due to CNN's continuous propaganda, with America
having the worst managed health care and school system
of the developed world, but cheney is suppose to know
bush and rumsfeld is known as likely responsible, while
he states further terrorist actions against Americans
are probable. Hmmm.
Then, as we all should be made aware by CNN, the
American tax payer funded evil nazi Israeli mossad got
caught attempting to blow up the Mexican Congress, and
blame it on the Unionists, of which, a top ariel sharon
envoy, flew to Mexico City specially to plead for the
terrorists release, so to commit terrorist crimes
Just how stupid are Americans expected to except
themselves as? killbushnow.com. Again, only several
days ago, NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported the bushmob
planned a war to kill innocent people to steal American
lives and money for Enron, with no intent to arrest Bin
Laden, a plan at bush's Whitehouse desk two days prior
to 9/11. Arrest or kill bush and rumsfeld now! Then,
no available evidence linking Bin Laden only bush and
rumsfeld, followed by their rushing from judgement,
showing no interest in apprehending the true culprits
for 9/11, on behalf of the American people being
terrorized. In fact, seeking to have the criminal
investigations stopped. Mr. bush does not want to end
terrorism, but to instigate it against ourselves as
illiterate cowardly American soldiers are led, by
forgoing our rules of law as civilization, while
trashing the Constitution, and spitting on the flag.
Look, American soldier..
You now should know, bush and rumsfeld murdered
Americans in New York City, and as consequence, have no
interest in acknowledging as pursued the criminal
investigations. CNN holds no responsibility, as we
witness repeatedly, to American soldiers, but to harbor
those who pirate our rights to openly steal real lives.
If bush makes no mention of himself stealing 50 billion
dollars, murdering American police officers, sabotaging
the weapons inspections process, funding israeli
atrocities against the God loving, and warring our world
as the anti-Christ by running death squads against the
innocent, well, CNN, the american success, sure ain't
gonna be speaking out for your stolen freedoms poor
dying comrades. For what benefit in market share would
there be to work for your living, dirt bagged? CNN is
so colorfully excited about selling the glossy bush war
to kill the poor stupid people, but for what american
fascist weak binded bushmobbed soldier without
principles? Again, how stupidly dunce does a poor
cowardly american soldier have to be to not believe?
Nobody but a cult corporatized illiterate fascist nazi
vermin parasite, just like Jew hater ariel sharon would
support the murder of American soldiers for a criminal
conflict that doesn't serve to protect. But if it, as
bush nazi evil does with little struggle over the masses
complaining, and america marches off to criminally war
the third world as the bad guys, our World, indeed this
Universe will then know the absolute true cowardice of
american soldiers, as premised upon the weakness of
america's army to not uphold America's own rule of Law
for freedom as themselves included. It only takes One
Soldier to turn this tide to destroy bush Jr. and
rotten rumsfeld, and that Soldier is where in America
partner? Who American soldier, do you think bush as
traitor does steal from as the duped General public as
corporately represented to be painfully unawares? Do
american soldiers have to convince themselves their
families are not worth fighting for, and instead, lay
their lives down in sacrifice to the bush demon who
would also steal from their graves as the lifeless to
speak out for themselves ever? Ever? Did you know
American Soldier, the Pentagon, after receiving
complaints from surviving soldier families, (some of
like the over a thousand documented American troops
slaughtered in Afghanistan) that taps wasn't being
played because of so little real talent present in
american military affairs, and that now, when a cowardly
American nazi soldier dies for the bushmob, the mock
national guard will hold a horn to his lips and act out
the part to your grieving as stolen from family, while
secretly pressing a hidden button, that will play a
cheaper recording? But shhhh...
The fact that you don't see this post, or others nearly
like it at american military internet sites, exemplifies
their fear and weakness to stand as a force worth
reconing with. (Look, we destroy bush and rumsfeld,
stop funding the drug trade and sharon, and begin the
public trials, all in three simple steps.) No, to be an
american soldier in bush's america today, you have to
hide from your cowardice like the 9/11 evidence, and be
something corporate news america is not. Involved.
Just go ahead and die for nothing american soldier, but
for to be unaccounted as hidden without value, while the
bushmob robs from your grand parents as unprotected.
Tis' true it does further seem, american soldiers, on
general terms, are super dumb ass nazi scums, who hold
little of no conviction to protect the America I
remember. Why? Because the unelected war criminal,
American traitor, mass murderer, cop killer bush is
still spewing his blind hatred for the progress of our
civilizations, instilled through law as a function to
gain justice for people, People who are suffering and
dying for bush's contempt of our American dream.
Destroy traitor bush and rumsfeld for escaping to
recommit murder today, and be actually caring for your
world tomorrow, or not, and deem yourself unworthy by
your own admission to play fair as the eternal standing
proud, strong, and forever free.
Free to be living justly for yourself
truly as caring to know this as everything.
Now, how about the Koran?
Johnny Wizard
Christ I'm Actually Rising!
Destroy the traitors to our humanity, the unelected
lawless dictator Mr. bush, and rotten rumsfeld the
sadistic savage now American Patriot Soldiers. Stand up
for your country, and live for your family. The
corporate TV news professionals show you, as an American
Soldier a concern for your life as unworthy of
discussion, actively censoring the political reality on
bush's america, while encouraging soldiers to commit
crimes against our being, by keeping us all uninformed
as the sacrificial sheeple. The bushmob have actively
worked to not arrest themselves for 9/11, and in so
doing, are purposefully ignoring the public evidence
that is freely available. Mr. Tenant and Mueller would
have you believe the officers of America, who have
completed the criminal investigations outlining the cop
killer bush, are unworthy as American Patriots serving
the cause for freedom and liberty to not be publicly
acknowledged, while blaming Laden for every terrorist
crime that happens before an police investigation even
begins! See? Evil deceived. What do you think? Is
not a list of all supporters of the bushmob in Congress,
who voted to dismantle the Constitution, and wage a
criminal war, as without just cause to murder Soldier
families for stolen Human values, a good list to be
broadcast? Or shall we sit in doubt while these
talentless demon monsters murder millions of US as
innocent cowards? Who isn't a freedom fighting al-Qaida
member according to the evil tommy franks dum fuk's
conclusion? How stupid can an American Soldier be, to
be asked by rumsfeld and CNN, to destroy their own
principles, and to sacrifice their lives for such
cowardice in whoreship to the evil dictates of the
anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.? And, to the still
groggy, without the payoffs of corporate america's holy
Larry King even!, or the anti-semitic fascist Saturday
Night Live troop to boot your stupid carcass to the
front line as entertainment? BA HA HA HA (like SNL's
new, it's all so hillarious audience, paid for likely
because the degrading intolerant bigoted news crew, have
so little real talent performing to the robbed and dying
to be devalued and murdered by their inaction to even
joke about it. Why? No money in contributing to the
poor stupid people without TV contracts, or TVs,
electicity, or running water now that the clouds are
being privatized.) $155,000 is the base pay of bush's
now anti-American criminal congressmen, and that's
before corporate bribes, oops, I mean corporate BRIBES
to urge YOUR "willed" sacrifice in corporate america's
"democracy", now that bush's america is convinced
evidence is no longer a requirement to convince US, who
is truly an evil doer, or who actually wins elections on
behalf of the People. You ask yourself, again, who are
you dying for American Patriot Soldier? Know that this
paper, like all the rest, will reach the CNN and Coast
to Coast network staff under one name or another, and
yet, they'll continue to turn against the interests of
American soldiers by not addressing our present top
priority concerns regarding the facts on your schedule
for departure. Only broadcasting the popular, bush
contempt for all American lives as too much trouble, as
unworthy the free time to openly discuss things before
"they" die, all those nasty evil powerless People. I
dare you American, to be a Soldier and email this to
your brothers and sisters, to convince them with tough
Love, how you wouldn't want to see them die unjustly for
Mr. bush Jr., Art Bell, or even me as the Wizard. Or
spew instead, how you would as a traitor to yourself,
your family, your country, and God too, sacrifice your
worthless self as unfactored, but for to be a pitiful
coward, falling to die by your own sword on stupid evil
bush's corporate command over your rights to be
represented fairly. Be your own Saviour!
Big G is cool, or not. You decide Holy.
The truly most as the living god King of all as Creator,
your servant and trying to be friend, a wizard and Thor,
the Secret Flower and Odin, Allah, Omega, Adam, Alpha,
Krishna, Shiva, Mithra, Mahdi, Anu and Yahweh. And even
a blade of grass, a snake and a elephant, a lion, rat,
monkey, giraffe, spider, shark, wolf, and bat, Lucifer
Morningstar, Jesus Christ, Oberon, an all mighty nobody
kinda even all ready.
P.S. Don't miss the awesome magic Johnny Wizard papers,
"Let Love Rule", or "Strange is Strange", slowly now
disappearing from your nearest search engine dealer!
Get your free copy now, before they're all gone to the
slave owners who truly have know power anyway...
From "Johnny is Marching Home"
/ /
Glory be to God in the highest order, and if I should
die tomorrow, I'll know I fought to the best of my love
for living in a world where accidents do happen. If my
life should grow unable to win our wager, and I lose all
my fortune to the anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr., my
wanting for a better world will have never diminished.
I'll know that I accepted to do what I could to the best
of my giving. I can only hope these words, were enough
thought as worthy of sharing to others, who believe in
themselves to read this far in agreement with me.. I
make a pretty damn good King eh?
Without risk, we would have nothing to be thankful for.
Do not be afraid of living for freedom my friends, for
most FBI officers support freedom for America, and so
too do soldiers. Those who don't are generally weak,
stupid, incompetent, and very very slow without Love in
their hearts, or the will to be brave. Mr. bush and
rumsfeld don't want to arrest the true culprits by
following the available criminal leads for 9/11, and it
doesn't take much figuring to understand why. We are
all angered by Mr. bush Jr., and the contempt he and
rumsfeld has shown for all those fallen murdered in
America and Afghanistan.
And, just recently in Indonesia, a claim that al-Qaeda
would attack a civilian target like the bushmob does
advocate as practiced, and Laden repeatedly condemns, is
again, with not even a thread of evidence offered on CBC
to conclude such a statement that was made officially,
shows a contempt for the rules of Justice to be
practiced rightly by the ruler, and likely, staging the
criminal investigation to go nowhere. \ \
Get bush INSTEAD
You know what is right, though you still may be blind,
it's never too late to change your mind,
we're all in agreement, in truth we rise,
evil is just the deceived disguised
So your living in Tikrit, and some antiChrist disciple
drops several bombs in your neighborhood, that
purposefully murders your good brother among others.
Then, when asked why, the godless bushite brethren
proclaim, they wanted to teach US a forgotten lesson
that ANY real man would destroy an attacking bushite
soldier to protect their innocent family. They are true
enemies to themselves, just begging YOU, as Humanity to
truly love Iraq. They proudly PUBLICLY proclaim their
intentions to target blindly the innocent in Iraq to
murder everyone, while wearing the official bushite
uniform as targets, being antiChrist disciples.
Senator Trent Lott (Republican, Mississippi), "If we
have to, we just mow the whole place down, see what
happens. You're dealing with insane suicide bombers who
are killing our people and we need to be very aggressive
in taking them out."
Arrest Trent Lott for inciting war crimes, or shoot him
good as dead where he wobbles as an enemy of America,
God and Humanity.
If viral invader Trent Lott murdered your family by
military order committed by a cowardly mindless bushite
soldier, would not ANYONE, from ANYWHERE, as a REAL MAN
or WOMAN, destroy the evil nazi parasite first, if you
had the choice and the will to stand up for yourself, I
mean, to be godly as humane? In protection of the
innocent? As believers in God? Or Human biology?
These IDENTIFIABLE nazi war criminals volunteer to serve
and die for the American cop killer bush, and could
almost easily go home, or fight truly for freedom by
taking out bremer, instead of murdering US Iraqis to
steal HUMANITARIAN AID destined to help the poor and
near starving, to criminally pay commi billionaires
Halliburton, who will double charge to import oil on
military convoys containing military transportation
units. (Does anyone there even officially wear a, not
bullet proof Halliburton cap to continue robbing
Humanity blind as profitably expendable being measured
worthless without meanings? I doubt it. The hundreds
of millions they have already taken is STOLEN from
American Soldier grand parents included.) These bushite
soldiers are dying parasites victimizing Humanity, too
weak, stupid, and cowardly to protect American
principles, such as they are, leaderlessly robbing
themselves of equal representation, just asking You or
God to take some action to defend ourselves.
Again, CNN and CBC corporate management are truly
killing US as Our enemies, by intentionally refusing to
air our top priority evidentiary findings made public by
our police agencies. I've personally contacted almost
all top executives of both agencies who say nothing in
your defense, nor in the FBI, but continue with
censorship against all police officers, and the will of
our Nations. The demon bush, with rumsfeld and General
Ahmad committed the crimes of 9/11, all planned before
hand as fully documented.
ABCNEWS.com : Claim: U.S. Spurned Peace Talks
Now, after learning prior to the war, the Saddam regime
offered the oil reserves to be plundered for Halliburton
and Dutch-Shell, along with nazi GIs promised they could
have the run of the place to steal other things, if they
would only not also criminally bomb the innocent with
thousands of toxic bombs that destroyed vital public
infrastructure and the innocent lives of tens of
thousands, the bushmob left saying no, not good enough.
For the bushmob secretly couldn't rob the Iraqi Central
Bank in the PLANNED looting instituted by war criminal
traitor franks, (tommy franks had to destroy the
American ORHA plan to succeed with his treasonous
treachery in robbing the central bank, and that is why
DYING leaderless soldiers did nothing to protect the
museums or nuclear facilities either while encouraging
looting and carnage.) along with stealing the lives and
savings of armed American citizens under that
arrangement. Get bush now Patriot.
Re: supporting known liars
/ / "Should Saddam Hussein choose confrontation, the
American people can know that every measure has been
taken to avoid war." \ \
What could Saddam have done that he didn't? Demon
antiChrist bush wagers Christ, as the Son of Man should
be defenselessly plundered for war criminal purposes, I
say again, fuck you, GET BUSH NOW American Patriot
Soldier and be loved by all as God would.
Our Mr. bush Jr. - "War has no certainty, except the
certainty of sacrifice."
As I wrote then, what actually does bush want besides to
rob and murder Iraqis as Christian, included along with
all God interests devalued as inhuman? What can the war
starting profiteer demon bush do now that so many good
people have been murdered, that he couldn't do before
the nazi SS monster buford blount, sacrificed a single
child as an enemy to US all? WHAT?
What was it about Universal health care, education, and
banking (where NO interest was charged on good
outstanding loans), that bush publicly has a contention
with in MY America's name pirated? What was it about
funding the likes of Uzbekistan's terrorist government,
or as the Likud? Or torturing the innocent to death
like at Guantanamo? Denying an accused an opportunity
to face their accuser in a public court of Law to
protect Freedom and Justice, while demanding that
criminal leads will not be followed to arrest the prime
9/11 suspects, is what bush is all about in honesty, a
cop killer.
Now, corporate americans criticize frantic efforts made
to avoid mass murder with war crimes such as thousands
of tons of toxic waste, because it is said, the Saddam
regime tried to use every channel possible, but not good
enough for rotten rumsfeld's CNN, BBC, and CBC though,
hiding the US from perpetrating the mass murder of
thousands of New Yorkers as many corporately established
Washington rejected sweeping Iraqi concessions on eve of war
/ / After military action had begun, Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld claimed that Washington had exhausted
every other means. "The American people can take
comfort in knowing that their country has done
everything humanly possible to avoid war and to secure
Iraq's peaceful disarmament," \ \
Fuk, what a traitor. Saddam wasn't found in breach of
1441, but bush and rumsfeld were, with their criminal
unilateral war actions against the innocent. Knowing
Annan would likely refuse to speak for the UN as
officially represented. We had unrestricted access to
go anywhere throughout Iraq without delay as the Justice
League. But see? When contacting CNN and CBC,
management included, why was it at the time, that THEY
continue to this day refusing to inform our populaces,
or broadcast any calls regarding the unbiased neutral
facts impartially on behalf of everyone? They say
nothing but continue to hope you'll suffer from your
screams for Justice censored. We as the concerned and
victimized, are routinely denied corporate media access,
and portrayed as outsiders to the system highjacked.
CBC, and CNN censors are the enemies of Freedom and
Justice, for they as bushites, would refuse to air the
FBI claims regarding demon bush's business partner
funding the 911 mastermind, or that demon bush, and
rotten rumsfeld with tommy franks, under the helmet of
the 10th Mountain Division, were running death squads to
harm children in Afghanistan for Heroin pushers, while
murdering the American flag waving Freedom Fighters, the
Taliban, who ran girl schools, and stood up for women's
rights not to be bought or sold by the bushmob partners.
The truth hurts the God betraying demon antiChrist.
How so that two or three parasitic bushite nazi war
crime advocates, at corporate news control, can
sacrifice our interests in fighting for freedom? How is
it that they have determined We, as the World, must not
be allowed to publicly discuss the demon bush
declaration 13303, where the antiChrist states, he
personally is above all the laws as our shared Universe
of Universes? It's almost funny if bush wasn't actually
dropping radioactive, heavy metal toxic cluster bombs on
American Patriot troops to die by landmine later on.
When, the Internet clearly demonstrates, especially
Google's Usenet, that we as the Humans, do have rights,
and overwhelmingly hate the antiChrist bush for
betraying God and America as everything we are together.
It's called tyranny, when you have a criminal government
waging the rights of the populace for plunder. Seen
before, sure, but not until way back in 1073 there
abouts, is where in our History we even come close to a
God betraying demon in the likes of Our Mr. bush Jr.,
the actual, for real super evil antiChrist. I as the
god of Gods hate bush, and so do, as will untold
millions of others for the next 100 of so Generations,
who will under bush suffer and die from plutonium
BUSH NOW for using depleted uranium against American
Forces, a weapon of mass destruction killing Patriots.
(That's if they even exist at all within the nazi
regimed military as the dumbest of the dumfuks.)
I will to now leave my writing to stand as is. If
America can't stand for the rights of one single human
being, they can't stand as the enemies to themselves,
and will fall for the benefit of US all. A good bushite
soldier, is a dead soldier stopped from murdering Our
innocent families for heroin pushers and pension
thieves, bushites, who criminally prop up the God enemy
demon antiChrist, Our Mr. bush Jr., cowards, who bomb
the defenseless, US, as painted bystanders by
corporate news sources unworthy of our living dream to
Yours truly,
Johnny Wizard
P.S. Look for Johnny Wizard freely discussed world-wide
through Google 'groups' us.military.army, and
alt.military.police, to witness for yourself, our true
In wake of helicopter attack - Washington prepares for mass killing in
/ / Byrd pointed out that the conference committee that
hammered out difference between the House and Senate
bills had systematically REMOVED all amendments that
imposed any serious accountability on the spending of
nearly $20 billion on Iraqi reconstruction contracts,
leaving the administration a free hand to dole out vast
sums to its corporate backers. / /
US Treasuries up as layoff data sows payroll doubt
/ / If you just look at the numbers, Challenger, Gray
and Christmas, an outplacement firm, said that there
were 171,874 layoffs in October. The Bush
administration, under the cover of the Labor Department,
said 126,000 new jobs were added (mostly in the
low-paying service sector industry) in October. On
BuzzFlash's planet that means there were 50,000 MORE
Americans without jobs. \ \
White House Puts Limits on Queries from Democrats
/ / "It's saying we're not going to allow the opposition
party to ask questions about the way we use tax money,"
said R. Scott Lilly, Democratic staff director for the
House committee. "As far as I know, this is without
modern precedent." \ \
i HATE bush
Evil bushite soldiers are the enemies of America,
Humanity, and God. After asking demon bushite soldiers
if Worldcom, (who robbed their own grand parents) is
worth dying for by eating depleted uranium containing
plutonium, or stealing Iraqi humanitarian aid to double
pay Halliburton, do they then scream to bill bush and
rumsfeld for 9/11 as true Patriots? No, too weak and
stupid as antiChrist disciples to protect true American
principles. Instead, as enemies to the 6 billion plus
of US, drop cluster bombs laced with toxic waste on
themselves to kill their own partners serving at their
side in crime, while fighting to protect heroin pushers,
Dutch-Shell, and death squad runners, who as irrational
antiChrist nazi vermin, support the murder of our
innocent families as enemies of everyone. Such as at
Guantanamo, 9/11, or the 10th Mountain Division out of
Fort Drum murdering Islamic children and teachers.
Remember: 1. We had 100% access through Iraq prior to
murdering one child, 2. Unarrested buford blount freely
admits to murdering THOUSANDS of Iraqi People for
nothing, and, 3. bush's business partner, General
Ahmad, funded 9/11's Atta according to the American FBI,
and also worked on the invade Afghanistan without
following the evidence plan with Condoleeza. Of which
left the official bushmob strategy to NOT apprehend bin
Laden, put together prior to 9/11, and confessed to
Johnny through MSNBC, as fully implemented. SEE?, the 7
or so highjackers that are alive, don't have any
terrorist ties! The bushmob didn't want any to have the
evil plan decieve the American People. This was why
when the Taliban offered Laden at the presentation of
ANY evidence, bush's america refused in ignorance for
God as their own demeaned American values continue to be
sacrificed. What can't you figure?
I hate bush, that American cop killer, more than
anything else in the Universe.
So, I call on all godly men and women of this forsaken
world to come down to take out the unarrested demon bush
and rumsfeld today, and be loved by all as worth
something. Or not, and as enemies of America, end
yourselves in contempt for life and love.
From Johnny Wizard's "Believe"
/ / In other
words, the bush administration has confessed completely
to US, the People, to have absolutely no political
interest in following the primary crime scene evidence
surrounding the murder of thousands of American
citizens. Golly G, I wonder why that might be. \ \
You Choose
From Johnny Wizard's "Believe"
/ / In other
words, the bush administration has confessed completely
to US, the People, to have absolutely no political
interest in following the primary crime scene evidence
surrounding the murder of thousands of American
citizens. Golly G, I wonder why that might be. \ \
You Choose
Glenn (Christian Mystic)
2004-01-16 00:35:43 UTC
"What real man doesn't hate bush God asks?"
<***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...

....While the world
watched CNN broadcasting, American nazi teen soldiers
celebrating joyously in contempt for God while singing,
right after the unreported dropping of thousands of
pounds of bombs on everyone in Afghanistan, body parts
everywhere, while knowing directly as individuals, every
single, there was no evidence offered that anyone there
was responsible for any crimes whatsoever, including the
Afghanistan women who worked for the newspaper, but for
to be victims of fanatic nazi american barbarity,
disguised as human, like bush almost gets away with as
pure evil deceived, now completely impossible to
believe. Oh, by the way, I am now taking new
memberships for al-Qaida.
Not surprised

Glenn (Christian Mystic)
2004-01-16 01:16:49 UTC
"Loving For Life" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...

Post by Loving For Life
Iraq reconstruction's bottom-line
/ / So there's money; it's just not going around. And
here perhaps lies the solution to the mystery of how the
world's superpower and the world's biggest corporations
can't even begin to put Iraq together again after almost
nine months: The reconstruction is less about
reconstruction than about making the most money
possible. \ \
We are CAPITALISTS its about both humanity and money.
Post by Loving For Life
Instead of allowing US to communicate the truth for
peace and understanding, happiness and prosperity,
Justice and Freedom, the bushites at corporate news
control demand you should not believe in what you
witness, read, or understand as the established actual,
but instead, without reason for, to be victimized to die
suffering through corporate censorship.
What !!!??? Your anti-USA CRAP is being treated like Anti-USA CRAP ???

