Kansan reviews "The Passion of the Christ"
(too old to reply)
2004-03-02 16:11:26 UTC
Subject: Query for Kans ...
Date: 3/1/2004 11:06 PM Central Standard Time
Sugar, what are the Links b/w Miss Maia Morgenstern who played Mary in THE
PASSION & Jackie Kennedy?! MM's appearance & stoic dignity/grace in Mel's
flick were *SO* reminiscent of Jackie's during JFK's Funeral that THIS gal
couldn't help but think he consciously used it as an Inspiration.
Passionate hugs,
(-)> *peep* (-)> *peep* (-)> *muckmouth*
Janice, thank you very much for this question. I was not going to
comment on Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" in public, but your
query allows me to make certain very important points.

This past Saturday morning I was at our Church, St. Basil the Great, here
in Houston for a function with my two daughters, Caterina and Irenie. My
friend Kyriakos was there, too, with his two daughters, Margarita and Pavlina.
Our wives, Dina and Danae, were not there.

As we were leaving, Kyriakos said, "How about later today? Do you want
to go to the movies? I want to see 'The Passion'". I had wanted to see the
movie, too, but not right away; however, Kyriakos's suggestion made me decide
to go that today.

I bought tickets for the four of us adults through the Internet, to avoid
waiting in the long queues. The four girls had decided to watch another movie,
"Confessions of a teenage drama queen".

My family and I drove to the movies, but there was no sign of Kyriakos
and Danae and their girls. After waiting for some time, I gave their tickets
to my daughters (their movie was starting 20 minutes later) and went in with
Dina. After five minutes or so, Dina walked out and went to watch "Confessions
..." with the girls. Kyriakos and Danae never showed up and I watched "The
Passion ..." all by myself.

At the end of the movie I came out and found out that Danae had vetoed
"The Passion ..." and Kyriakos obeyed her abjectly, Danae being a Great Goddess
in her own right. The two of them had come to drop off their daughters and
gone back home.

On the way back Dina was telling me that I should me more like Kyriakos.
I said that it had been his idea to watch "The Passion" that day. She said
Danae had nixed the idea and Kyriakos obeyed. I, too, should be much more
obedient to Dina (instead of flying off to far-away Bergisch Gladbach, Germany,
to impregnate Her Imperial Majesty, Our Lady Heidi Klum, etc., etc., etc.).

Be that as it may, "The Passion" is a very powerful movie and I was
crying at the end. The whole point of the movie is that crucifixion is a very
painful mode of execution and that was well-known to Jesus ahead of time.
Crucifixions were very common and everyone living at that time must have
witnessed several and known at first hand the excruciating pain involved.

Crucifixions were so common that on the day that Jesus was crucified, two
robbers were crucified with Him. The executioners' schedule was a heavy one.

Jesus knew about the pain involved and still went along. That is the
whole point of the movie. Being both human and God, His human nature wavered
in the Garden of Gethsemane and asked His Father to see if it were possible to
avoid "this cup". Then, Jesus accepted the Divine Plan and said, "let Thy Will
be done".

Pontius Pilate asked Jesus explicitly, "Don't you know that I have the
authority to crucify you or release you?" Jesus had the choice to suffer
unbelievably, or walk away a free, happy, and joking man, the way Barabbas does
in the movie.

Jesus chose the pain of the crucifixion to fulfill the Divine Plan. As
God, He knew that He was going to be resurrected on Sunday morning, but on that
Friday His human nature had to suffer for hours and hours.

Janice, your question concerns Maia Morgenstern, the actress who plays
the Virgin Mary. She is Jewish, quite appropriately, just like the Virgin
Mary. Mary was a descendant of the Prophet King David, a member of the Tribe
of Judah. That is the original meaning of the word "Jewish", i.e., "a member
of the Tribe of Judah".

The name of Maia Morgenstern is very symbolic: "Morgenstern" means
"Morning Star" in German, because Jesus calls Himself the "Morning Star" in the
Book of Revelation:

"I, Jesus, have sent mine Angel to testify unto you these things in the
Churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning
star." (Revelation 22:16)

Jesus is the root of King David, the ancestor of King David.

Jesus is the offspring of King David, the descendant of King David, also.

He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

The first name of Maia Morgenstern means "May woman" in Greek and, also,

"Maia", "May midwife".

Why? Because my daughter with Heidi is about to be born in May.

I had come to these conclusions before looking up the birthday of Maia
Morgenstern. Well, she was born on May 1, 1962, in Budapest, Hungary.

Maia, the "May midwife", born on May Day, the anniversary of the
foundation of the Illuminati in 1776.

Why Budapest? Archangel Heidi is the Holy Roman Empress, the Dual Monarch,
Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary: Kaiserin und Koenigin, KuK.

On August 24, 2003, Fernando Alonso, driving for Renault, became the
youngest driver to ever win a Formula 1 Grand Prix, triumphing at the Hungarian
Grand Prix in Budapest, after receiving the blessing of the Dual Monarch,

My daughter with Heidi will be the Imperial Crown Princess of the Holy
Roman Empire, the same way that my older daughter with Dina, Caterina, is the
symbolic Imperial Crown Princess of Holy Russia.

The placement of Maia Morgenstern in the movie shows that Jesus is not
only the Messiah of the Jews, but also the hope of the Illuminati, as well:

"A light to lighten the Gentiles (the Goyim, and their secret leaders,
the Illuminati, the Enlightened Ones) and the glory of Thy people, Israel."

The above quotation comes from the Church hymn of St. Simeon, the Temple
Priest who received Baby Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem on the fortieth day
after His Birth. "And it was revealed to him (Simeon) by the Holy Spirit,that
he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ (the Messiah)."
(Luke 2:26)

"Then he took Him (Baby Jesus) up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

"Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy

"For mine eyes have seen Thy Salvation,

"Which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people;

"A Light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel."
(Luke 2:28-32)

This has been made into a very beautiful Hymn in the Orthodox Church and
it was sung this past Sunday evening at the Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers that I
attended at the Church of St. Joseph here in Houston.

St. Luke continues his narrative:

"Joseph and His Mother (the Virgin Mary) marvelled at those things that
were spoken of Him (Jesus).

"And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary, His Mother, 'Behold this
Child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign
which shall be spoken against;

"Yea, a sword shall pierce through Thy own soul also, that the thoughts
of many hearts may be revealed" (Luke 2:33-35)

St. Joseph, the fiance of the Virgin Mary, and Mary Herself marvelled at
what Simeon had to say about Jesus, that He was the Messiah. The same way,
Empress Heidi and her former "boyfriend", Flavio "St. Joseph" Briatore, may be
marvelling at what I prophesy about Heidi's daughter.

Simeon also predicted Mary's suffering, as well. A sword pierced Mary's
soul, as She witnessed the suffering of Her Son on that Good Friday at close

The wife of Pontius Pilate has an important role in the movie and the
Biblical story, too. She had seen a Prophetic dream about Jesus the night
before. I have received two such Prophetic dreams, as well, in the dawn of
September 26, 2003, and the dawn of November 5, 2003.

The name of Pilate's wife is Claudia, according to tradition:


This is an analogy to the name of Claudia Schiffer. Schiffer and Heidi
were both born in the vicinity of Cologne, Germany. The original, Roman name
of Cologne was "Colonia Claudia". Heidi's family name, Klum, is related to the
German word "Klumpfuss", meaning "club foot", which is related to the Latin
name "Claudius" or "Claudia", meaning "lame", or "club-footed".

Maia Morgenstern was born on May 1, 1962, the 186th anniversary of the
foundation of the Order of Illuminati in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany, on May
1, 1776.

The United States of America, a.k.a. New Atlantis, declared her
Independence a few weeks later, on July 4, 1776. July 4 was the 186th day of
the leap year 1776.

The Olympic Games were started in my homeland, Greece, in 776 BC.

US Presidential Elections are held every leap year.

The Olympic Games are held every leap year, too.

My daughter with the German Great Goddess Heidi is about to be born this
year, 2004, a leap year.

We both live in New Atlantis, preparing for the Presidential elections of
this leap year.

The Olympic Games are returning to my homeland Greece this August 2004,
during this leap year.
2004-03-03 14:01:40 UTC
Subject: Re: Kansan reviews "The Passion of the Christ"
Date: 3/2/2004 12:45 PM Central Standard Time
Subject: Kansan reviews "The Passion of the Christ"
Date: 3/2/2004 11:14 AM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: Query for Kans ...
Date: 3/1/2004 11:06 PM Central Standard Time
Sugar, what are the Links b/w Miss Maia Morgenstern who played Mary in THE
PASSION & Jackie Kennedy?! MM's appearance & stoic dignity/grace in Mel's
flick were *SO* reminiscent of Jackie's during JFK's Funeral that THIS gal
couldn't help but think he consciously used it as an Inspiration.
Passionate hugs,
(-)> *peep* (-)> *peep* (-)> *muckmouth*
Janice, thank you very much for this question. I was not going to
comment on Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" in public, but
query allows me to make certain very important points.
Are you glad you asked now? Kansan at times is a little wordy, but I
his attempts to enlighten us. He is indeed quite wise, but a little wordy.
Calvinwiggs, thank you for your comments.

"The Passion of the Christ" is a very important movie and a very
successful movie. The length of my review reflected the movie's importance.

I do not like to write long messages, but I need to make them appropriate
to their subject and have them be as self-explanatory and self-standing as they
can be for the benefit of new readers, who might not be familiar with the many
precepts of Klumology.

Meanwhile, Her Imperial Majesty, Our Lady Heidi Klum, is entering the
final weeks of her divinely conceived pregnancy and will limit her professional
engagements for the time being. For the latest news, please visit her official
Web site:

